Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2969: Shura Qibao's Bracelet

In the nightmare desert, the gods can't be put out, but then how can you use the gods to manipulate the things.

Don't forget, Lin Xuan is now a distracting savvy savvy, and it's not too difficult to attach it to the scorpion.

So Lin Xuan sat cross-legged, holding his breath and sighing in the mouth, and soon, a slap in the face of tea, Lin Xuan raised his right hand, stretched his index finger, gently placed it in the middle of his forehead, and then slowly Removed, as he moved, the silk of a faint glaze was pulled out of his forehead.

It’s not so long, it’s different from the sword, it’s different from the mana. It seems that the faintness is a bit strange.

Lin Xuan also showed a trace of pain in his face. The taste of tearing the Yuanshen was not so good. Fortunately, his knowledge was much stronger than that of ordinary monks. The discomfort on his face flashed past and then resumed as usual.


He kept the action just now, and his right hand slammed forward, and the soul was as spiritual as it was, and it was not in the shackles.

Then the blind eyes lit up.

Although the face is still dull, the whole person is a little more angry than just.


Lin Xuan took a deep breath and spit out a bit of turbidity in her chest.

The skill of sending the soul to the Yuan is too rushed, but fortunately it’s finally done.

Then I twisted my head and moved my hands and feet. After all, the soul was just attached, naturally I need to familiarize myself with this new body.

This process does not need to be described, and soon, the soul can be manipulated freely, like walking on the altar.

There are also two kinds of treasures, one sword and one sword, which exudes the power and luster that the innate Lingbao has. However, Lin Xuan already knows that this is the change of the magic moon, and he certainly will not touch it.

Just where is the real baby hidden?

Lin Xuan’s eyes drifted, and there was nothing in the altar. There was only one inconspicuous stone pillar standing alone on the side.

The stone pillar is very ordinary and has no fascination.

However, Lin Xuan’s gaze fell on it, and he did not hesitate to step forward.

However, at this time, the protrusions are changed.

"嗖嗖" two sounds into the ear, there is no sign of a half-point beforehand, that one knife and one sword turned into two cold mans, with a speed of lightning, and cut to the smashing.

The speed is very fast, even if Lin Xuan's body, there is no full grasp to escape, then not to mention, no suspense was hit.

However, he has not been cut into several paragraphs.

Flying swords and swords, it seems that the momentum is not the same, but in fact it is changed from the poison of the moon.

Sure enough, when they touched the cockroach, they put the ice and snow into the stove and quickly disintegrated and melted away.

Instead, two groups of black fog, did not enter the body of the body.

The poison of the moon is the side of the three worlds. If someone is at the same place, even the old monsters at the level of the robbery must not be able to eat.

Even if you don't fall, you can't damage your mana.

However, the difference is that it is a dead object without life, and it is very violent and violent. What can it do?

Therefore, the King of Ashura arranged a slap in the face, but it seemed to be a breeze, and it was not salty.

Then he came to the side of the stone pillar.

This column is long, and it looks like a few people can hold it together. However, apart from this, it is not surprising. With Lin Xuan’s eyesight, I can’t see what this material is.

He stopped his steps.

Lin Xuan was hesitant, manipulating it and punching it up.


The loud noise was heard into the ears, but only the dust was everywhere. The strength of this scorpion is equivalent to the Yuan Ying period. This punch is going on, at least there are hundreds of thousands of jins of force. The pillar is stable like a mountain, and the tremor is not trembled.

However, Lin Xuan is not surprised at all. He was only a temptation. If he could try it out at once, it would be strange.

In the following period, Lin Xuan made several attempts to control the stone column. He pushed it again and shook it, but he did not see half of it. To say that he was not discouraged, it must be deceptive.

However, Lin Xuan experienced a rough and frustrated, knowing that good things are going to be more polished, and it is not easy to come here. It is impossible to give up after a little twist.

The way is that people think of it, so Lin Xuan manipulated and continued to play with the stone pillar.

Hard work pays off, after delaying the collision and holding the stone column and rotating a few laps, then push hard again, bang into the ear and finally put it down.

As the saying goes, the harder will not, the meeting is not difficult.

Finally, Lin Xuan's process of cracking the puzzle seems to be very simple, but the stone pillar material is special, and even can be said to be a bit outrageous. The general cultivator, it is almost impossible to turn it. Fortunately, Lin Xuan took it out. That would have been a big deal. Otherwise, if you can do this, it’s really not that good.

As the stone pillar fell to the ground, a large hole appeared in sight.

Deeply bottomless, there is a cold wind blowing, and a bluestone step does not know where to extend.

If Lin Xuan wants to go in, he will certainly be a bit hesitant, but now the distraction is only a slap in the face, then there is a need to scruple, and the step is gone.

Out of Lin Xuan’s expectation, this passage is very short, and only a few dozen feet deep underground, the front will light up.

Then Lin Xuan stepped up and stepped in, and a small stone room came into view.

There is nothing in it, a table and a chair.

There is a disc on the table, and a jade box lies flat inside.

Although Lin Xuan’s body is outside, but through the shackles attached to the soul, all this is also like a kiss.

He did not hesitate to let the pick up the jade box.

Then “bark” opened and a bracelet came into view.

Exquisite and compact, the style is good, obviously the woman wears, but it is only the case.

Lin Xuan did not see how extraordinary this thing was.

Don't say anything about congenital spirits, this bracelet is not even a magic weapon.

I took it in my hand and turned it over and over, but I couldn’t see the clue.

But there are a few words on the jade box that come into view.

He quickly picked it up, but saw the back of the lid, writing a few flies, Shura Qibao!

"Sura seven treasures!"

Lin Xuan repeated it again, muttering to himself, or not.

But there are two points that are definitely.

First, this is indeed a treasure left by a small gift. The second point of self-speaking is that the Qingyan Zun is exhausted and hard, and the plot is indeed this bracelet.

Unfortunately, I don’t know the origin of it at all, but Lin Xuan is not in a hurry. If this is the case, I can always listen to it.

He manipulated the whole stone room to search for the change, to make sure that no other treasures were missed, and then let it come up with the bracelet. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site) to subscribe, reward, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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