Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2904: Hard-headed choice

The other people listened, and they looked at each other for a moment, and then they reopened by the big man who had a loud voice: "The analysis of the five sisters is indeed a bit of truth, but it is only an inference, in case the real situation is not the case, We ventured to meet the enemy, isn't it the same as sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth?"

"Yes, the big brother said it is reasonable, this matter really needs to be considered." The voice of the old woman was also introduced into the ear, with a few retreats and fears.

The other people did not speak, the expression was hidden in the yin, and they could not see clearly, but silence itself was an attitude. Obviously they did not agree with the woman’s proposal. No one would be willing to go up to meet the enemy.

They are not too distracted, and it takes a lot of courage to challenge the robbery.

Not to mention that the enemy's mana is running low. It is only the analysis of the five sisters who are seriously injured. Even if it is true, the old monsters of that level should not be insulted. The magical powers are inconceivable, and they are just waiting for work. Is there a chance to win?

I am afraid not necessarily!

At least a few others are not very optimistic.

If you are not careful, it is the ending of the soul.

"Several brothers let Xiaomei take the idea, but I really said, you are timid and fearful. How do you want to get rid of the fairy ring magic weapon, so do you retreat?" The woman seemed to be angry and voiced. They all brought a bit of sarcasm: "Now I may be able to keep my life for a while, but where the Lord is there, do you have a good grasp of it? How do you like the soul? Do you really want to try some brothers?"


A few people are screaming, they are really timid and fearful, but they think of the terrible means on the Lord, and they are all cold. Now, if they leave, the ending will be even more tragic.

"Can you only die?" The old voice came to the ear with a bit of sadness.

"Send to death, the second sister thought more, the younger sister has said, now this situation. Let go of a fight, not half chances are not, as the saying goes, rich and dangerous insurance, now this situation, still want to have a comprehensive policy, the original I can only live in the dead, the truth in the middle. Is it necessary for the younger sister to say that there is not much time now, I want to do this, and I hope that everyone can make a choice early, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it."

The female voice just fell, suddenly a loud bang came into the ear, I saw a thousand feet in front of the distance, suddenly burst into the sky and a huge beam of light.

Can't say that it is grounded all day long. But it is also eye-catching.

The light column is not only magnificent, but also the five-coloured glass, the aura of various colors is changing.

There is also a whisper in the faint. Every time the aura turns, the surface is faint and the micro-facies are revealed. What is even more strange is that each time the aura flashes, the runes of these constituents are completely different.

The treasures that have not yet been seen are so different.

Several ghosts are watching.

Although they have long guessed that the baby that the Lord never forgets is definitely not the same, but never wants to be like this.

"So the momentum, so majestic, is it... Is it the innate spiritual treasure?" A ghostly ghost snorted. The tone of voice is full of shocking colors.

They are also the existence of distraction level, and how could they not hear about the prestige of the innate Lingbao.

"Nonsense, the congenital spiritual treasure is a treasure that has been handed down from the real fairy world. Is it that I can refine the existence of the lower bound?" Another person refuted in a less certain tone.

It is really a different sign that the treasures of the moment are about to be born, so that he is not sure that his own inference will be correct.

"Well, is that the sleepy fairy ring is a congenital spiritual treasure, and all the host names are needed, we don't have to do anything else..."

Just at the moment. The big man who headed, the voice was low: "Our duty is to protect this treasure. Everyone will follow the instructions of the five sisters. The three brothers will continue to guard here. As for us, we will go to the enemy. stop……"

"Big brother!"

" Needless to say, I have decided, if anyone is going back, don't blame for being a brother."

The big man made such a choice, naturally it was carefully considered.

It is dangerous to say that it is dangerous to say that it is not wrong, but no matter how, there is always a chance.

If it is a good luck, as the five sisters speculate, there is still a chance to die for survival.

If you leave, you will save your life for a while, but then the wrath of the master's thunder, but in any case, they have no way to bear.

There is no exaggeration in this statement. The means of the Lord, they are very clear, they can never escape, and the punishment of the soul of the soul must be survival, not to die.

Therefore, weigh the pros and cons, it is better to go to meet the enemy according to the idea of ​​the five sisters, and perhaps still find a chance.

Seeing that Big Brother also agreed with the proposal of the Five Sisters, although the other two were embarrassed, there was no room for rebuttal.

After all, the means of the Lord, they have counted in their hearts, and they are escaping from the wind. They simply drink and quench their thirst, and the ending will only be more tragic.

"Well, since there is no objection, everyone will act according to the rules. The three brothers are here, and others will follow me."

The voice of the Dahan has not fallen, and the wind has disappeared.

This person is also a decisive figure, and he has no choice but to hesitate.

And the five sisters naturally do not hesitate, but also turn into a yin wind.

The other two groups of yin suddenly flicked and sighed. In the end, the figure inside sighed and followed.


All of this, Lin Xuan did not know, at this moment, he is rushing.

It is hard to predict whether there are any strong enemies in Tianzhu Mountain, but it is always true that the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. Therefore, although the dawn of Lin Xuan is rapid, the knowledge of the gods has always been released, and no one has ever let go.

Suddenly, Lin Xuan’s light was slow and stopped.

With the strong knowledge of Lin Xuan, the tens of thousands of miles can be included. He feels that the four groups are yin and are rapidly approaching here.

From the fluctuation of mana, the four guys should be the strongmen in the late stage of the distraction. The strength is not weak, but for Lin Xuan, it is nothing.

However, he still stopped. Be careful not to be mistaken. These four people, Lin Xuan does not care, but is it the enemy, or is it just a bait?

Although I used the Wannian Ling milk to supplement the mana, but the loss of vitality, but not a short time to recover, Lin Xuan is also afraid to meet the ghosts of the level of the strong, so naturally be cautious.

Lin Xuan has no hidden trails, because that doesn't make sense. He believes that the other party must have found himself. At this time, the invisible technique is used, but it is a joke.

Ps: Ask for a ticket!

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