Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2882: Phoenix Nirvana and Azure Water Curtain

"not good!"

I saw that where the yin wind passed, the heavens and the earth were squeezed together by a powerful force, and the inch was broken.

The terrible momentum made Lin Xuan eclipsed, and it was really a real space rule, and it was quite high-end.

In the face of this terrible magical power, Lin Xuan is bold and has no hard intentions.

A glimpse of the sleeves has already taken away many treasures including the true spirits.

After that, his body flashed, and he himself had merged with the Tianfeng, which was changed by the Jiugong Shoujian sword. The sword and the sword were united together, and a bright fire red mankind rose out of the air and retreated at an amazing speed.

"The speed is good, but I want to run now, it is already late."

Thousands of magical madmen laughed into the ears and then saw him being swallowed up by the storm.

The immortal at the beginning of the robbery could not master such a high law, let alone his injury at this moment, and he was too heavy to add.

Just said that at the expense of life, it is not a false statement. He really hates Lin Xuan and he has been forced to the Jedi. Therefore, he has used this trick of losing both hands and wants to drag Lin Xuan to hell.

Inadvertently losing all the time, the other side will be desperately desperate to Lin Xuan not to say that there is no preparation, but in this way is still somewhat unexpected.

Originally, Lin Xuan was against the explosion of his Yuan Ying. He did not expect that the other party did not do this, but at the expense of life, he exhibited such a high-end space law.

The old devil is in the whirlpool of the storm, and has fallen one step at a time. I don’t know if this is considered a self-restraint. However, Lin Xuan’s crisis has not ended.

The space storm did not have the intention of stopping because of the illusion of the old magical spirits. Instead, it became more and more majestic and dispersed toward the surrounding.

That speed is difficult to express in words.

Lin Xuan looked back and his face became extremely cloudy. At this moment, he had judged that according to the speed of the storm, he might not be able to escape.

Damn, is it really necessary to be involved?

Be aware of the real space storm. However, even the old monsters of the robbery level can be eliminated.

In front of us, of course, we must be weaker. It is far from the spatial turbulence between the two interfaces. But in any case, it is also involved in the extremely high-end space law. It is really involved. God knows what it will be like.

Lin Xuan does not know, and there is no half interest. Give it a try.

Curiosity will kill a cat, and he will never make a joke about his own life.

Escape, it’s too late.

Then there is only full defense.

Lin Xuan’s character is also a dare to the extreme, a sleeve gown, a brilliant light, a treasure emerges.

It is a small and small Ding, with a simple shape and a mysterious atmosphere on the surface. At first glance, it is not everything!

Xuan Tian Ling Bao!

The grade of Ling Yi Ding is above the most advanced level of Lingbao.

Of course, Lin Xuan took out this treasure at the moment. It's not just a matter of fancy its quality, but because of the special magical power of Ling Ding Ding, it can instantly generate powerful ancient spells.

There are many kinds of ancient spells, including attack and defense from the big classification.

The attack is not mentioned for the time being. Lin Xuan is not used at the moment. After all, the enemy has fallen. At this time, he took out this baby, naturally he wants to defend.

Time is tight. Lin Xuan simply can't choose the choice. Fortunately, the ancient spells in Linglong Ding are already ready. When you use them, you can do it instantly.


Lin Xuan mouth spit out the mysterious anomaly spell, one point to the front.

With his movements. A layer of blue light diffuses out, and the light curtain is made up of pure water aura.

The light curtain seems to be very thin, but the defense is not the same. In the previous battle, Lin Xuan has already confirmed it.

However, at this moment, Lin Xuan did not think that relying on it, it would be able to support the attack of space storms. At best, it is only a resistance, and it can be delayed by slightly delaying the time.

Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xuan bites his tongue, and a blood is sprayed from his mouth. Although this life is a non-renewable thing, at this moment, Lin Xuan naturally will not save anything.

Small life is the most important thing.

As long as I can escape this crisis, what is the cost of using a few real life?

Lin Xuan’s actions can’t be quick, but the storm’s momentum is too strong.

I saw that the spurt of the mouth was turned into a blood mist, and it was just absorbed by Tianfeng. The storm had already hit the blue water curtain.


As if the cloth brocade was torn, the sorcerer's power of the singer's singer's sneak peek is all the same, regardless of the defensive attack.

This has been confirmed in the previous battle.

Originally, Lin Xuan’s estimate, how can this spell also support a few interest, who knows that the pre-judgment mistakes, the two just contact, the blue water curtain is bursting like a bubble.

how could be?

Lin Xuan was shocked.

This simulated space storm is much more terrible than imagined.

As a result, the plan to run away with the life of the real thing is also lost.

People are not as good as days.

Even Lin Xuan, it is inevitable to calculate mistakes, and this time, the consequences of mistakes are likely to be fatal.

Lin Xuan was upset, but now the situation is in crisis, there is no time for him to regret it.

When the plane is upright, the phoenix that the Jiugong must be slashed by the sword is slow, and since there is no use for escape, it is fully defense.

Lin Xuan's figure flashed, the whole person disappeared, and it was completely integrated into the body of the phoenix. This is not unusual. The phoenix in front of it was originally made by the Jiugong Shoujian sword.

This is Lin Xuan's life treasure, naturally cultivated to the point where the sword is united, of course, can be perfectly integrated with Jianguang.

I saw the huge phoenix with two wings, and the face was a rolling flame. The flame made a bright red, dazzling, and then gathered in the middle, turning into a huge fireball to wrap the phoenix in it.

Phoenix Nirvana!

The true spirit of the sword is not the ordinary transformation of the technique, with the blood of the true spirit as the introduction, the phoenix that is transformed is not something that has its own appearance, but the characteristics and ability of some kings of birds.

At this moment, Lin Xuan is fully defending.

Of course, there is no point in grasping it, and in short, listening to the fate of human beings.

This time, the time finally came, but it was also the phoenix Nirvana just showed up, the space storm killed.

At this time, the phoenix was swallowed up, and the body was more than a hundred feet long. At this moment, it was like a boat in the sea, which could be overturned at any time during the storm.

Pressure, Lin Xuan has not felt the fall of the crisis for a long time, but this time, it is really possible that the soul is scattered here.

He couldn't care about saving mana, and even the life of the real thing was madly injected into the treasure.

But still only insisted on a few interest, the cracking sound was introduced into the ear, the surface of the phoenix, covered with cracks, turned into pieces, Lin Xuan was wrapped in the storm, also lost consciousness.

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