Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2817: Penglai Xiandao and the foggy sea desert

Moreover, the two of them really have only one side. Although they are also speculative, if they are called brothers and sisters, it is too much to play.

Lin Xuan is a very talented person who does things. People may be just polite.

For Lin Xuan’s remarks, the three were dubious, but they did not go deeper.

Regardless of Lin Xuan’s denial or acknowledgment, he has a relationship with Xiaolong’s real person. This is certain, otherwise, the invitation will not be sent here, no matter what their specific friendship, this is true for Yun Yinzong. There is absolutely no harm but no harm.

It is enough to know this. As for the others, Lin Shidi would like to say that it is not necessary to be true.

Seeing that the brothers and sisters have no intention of asking questions, Lin Xuan is also relieved, otherwise I want to explain it, it is really troublesome.

"Right, 芊芊 fairy is that, have you heard of it?"

Lin Xuan also remembered a question about the Taoist who was prepared for the dragon.

It is possible to let the dragon and the prodigal son turn back. Needless to say, this is definitely a strange woman, and the repair is definitely not weak. Although it is hard to say, if you don’t guess wrong, the full ten should be the level of the robbery, just don’t know. Is it the character of this interface, otherwise, the name of this fairy should not be heard at all.

Still said that he has been retreating, too ignorant.

Therefore, Lin Xuan has this question, see if the brothers and sisters know something.

However, he was disappointed. The two people looked like a stunned color. Gong Sun Yuer did not even have to say that although this girl was smart and sly, it was only a hole in the period, and it was impossible to reach such a high-end thing.

Lin Xuan had no choice but to get a clue from the three. Then I discussed something. It is also a must for the territory.


Three days later, a stunned rainbow left Yun Yinzong and soon became a small spot on the horizon. Until the end disappeared.

The disciples of Yun Yinzong did not know that Lin Xuanlin’s elders had already left the city.

Fortunately, after thousands of years of development. Yun Yinzong has been full of wings, even if there is no Lin Xuan sitting in the rudder, do not have to worry about the small generation, come to the tiger.

Therefore, Lin Xuan walked very calmly. His purpose is not to be said. Naturally, he went to participate in the double ceremony of the dragon.

Although there is some surprise in my heart, it is only the edge of the devil world. Xiaolong real people will think of themselves when they get married, but they have received invitations. Lin Xuan naturally cannot be pushed away.

First, among the three realms, I am afraid there are still few. Dare not to sell the dragon face.

Second. The last time I was in the Devil world, if I didn’t meet the real person of Xiaolong. I am afraid that it will be a problem if I can save myself.

The other party said that it is not an exaggeration to have a life-saving grace. He rushed to this point, and his kindness should be returned.

Not to mention, the dragon is still very open, and I heard that I came to the Devil to participate in the trial of distraction, and I sent my own product.

Although he does not give this thing to his own magical powers, he can finally advance to the distraction period, but needless to say, it will definitely take more troubles and hardships.

鼐龙真人 has such kindness in himself, and his big wedding invitations are sent here. In fact, how can Lin Xuan not participate?

What's more, the dragon is married, and the guests invited are definitely more than one.

Other people, although they are not easy to say, but things are gathered together, people do grouping, can qualify for the 鼐龙真人 and 芊芊仙子礼礼, if not wrong, I am afraid that the majority of the existence of the robbery level.

Such a holy book, I am afraid that it will be rare to see it in a million years. Lin Xuan goes not only to return to End, but also to have such a good opportunity. He does not want to miss it.

On the first day of February, it is still more than half a year away. It sounds very abundant. However, the area of ​​the Dragon and Dragon is vast and it is not easy to get there on time. At least on this road, you can’t do too much delay. Ground.

To say where the dragon lived, Lin Xuan did not know before, in fact, don't talk about him, in the eyes of this monk, the dragon is the person who sees the dragon without seeing the end, there are few people knowing His Dongfu, fortunately on the invitation, is accompanied by a map, so of course, don't worry about getting lost.

Penglai Xiandao, this is the destination of Lin Xuan's trip.

When he heard it, there was no speech.

This name is cheesy, and I don’t know if it’s the name of the place, or after I’m in the house, I changed my name.

Lin Xuan’s heart was awkward, but he was also curious about the legend of the cave house where the legendary power was living. I don’t know what it would be like.

This time it is a long experience.

So the next time, Lin Xuan is almost on the road, his twilight speed does not need to mention, but with the richness of his body, can use the transmission, it is not awkward.

Needless to say, along the way, Lin Xuan has almost no trouble, even if he occasionally touches the eyes of the immortal who wants to pay attention to him, all of them are similar to the sheep.

One word, fallen!

People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes, Lin Xuan will not hold strong bullying, but if anyone takes the initiative to provoke himself, he will never be polite.

People are deceived by people, and Ma Shan is being ridiculed. Lin Xuan is not going to be unconcerned, and there is a bit of a woman.

In this way, after a few months, today is the New Year's Day, the new year, the new beginning, only two months away from the double ceremony of the dragon and the fairy.

The winter has not yet passed, but the atmosphere of the New Year can be felt everywhere.

The world is like this, and the cultivation of the world is also true.

At this time, Lin Xuan came to a place where the immortals were called Yuhai City. The reason for taking this name is because of the fog in the vicinity.

However, this is not the reason for the demon, but the weather here, that is the case.

This five-month journey is full flight and transmission. Lin Xuan himself does not know how many miles he has gone. In short, it is hundreds of millions.

Nowadays, it’s far from the clouds and the sacred mountains.

At this time, Lin Xuan came to this small city, which is to inquire about the location of the foggy sea desert.

According to the invitation, Penglai Xiandao is in the middle of the misty sea.

It sounds very outrageous. According to common sense, the island should be in the sea. However, the dragon is a person who does not follow the common sense.

Lin Xuan believes that invitations will never be wrong, but the location of the foggy sea desert is somewhat erratic, and the invitations are slightly blurred.

Therefore, Lin Xuan needs to go to Wuhai City to inquire about one or two.

These people, certainly do not know Penglai Xiandao, but for the situation of the foggy sea desert, certainly more or less, will know some.

At this point, Lin Xuan’s light converges and flies to the city in front of him.

PS: The first is even more.

This chapter is a regular update, and it was not easy to write it yesterday night.

Today, I am going to my father’s family to celebrate New Year’s Day. I believe that everyone understands and must.

Come back this evening, I will write a more.

Although there are only two more today, the rain rain asks itself and tries its best.

In the new year, all of your friends are in good health and good luck, please give good luck to the rain, and the monthly tickets will be down.

In the evening chapter, I came back to write, now double the monthly ticket, request everyone, support

Seeking a monthly ticket is very much needed.

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