Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2805: Gong Sun Yuer

The thrilling rainbow was very rapid. The moment before was still in the sky, only a few flashes of glare, and it was already in sight. The aura was converging, and the figure of a young woman appeared.

At first glance, but at the age of ten, although it is not a beautiful beauty, but the appearance is also cute and lovable.

Ying Ying Yi Fu, bowed to Lin Xuan: "Gong Sun Yuer see Shi Shu."

"Gongsun Yuer?"

Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed, this woman is actually a cultivator in the early days of Dong Xuan. Even though Yun Yinzong is now the 12th largest monster in the world of dragons, the existence of this realm is definitely a core level. .

However, this woman has never seen it before. Is this the ancestor that only joined in these thousands of years?

Lin Xuan’s mind turned around, but he didn’t think much about it. How to manage this woman’s way, since it’s here, it’s always impossible to fake.

"Hey come to me, but what's the matter?" Lin Xuan took a sip of Lingcha, faintly said.

"Shi Shuhui's eyes are like a torch, and Yuer is appointed by the elders of Taishang. He is responsible for supervising the repair of the original Dongfu of the uncle, and now it has been completed. Please ask the uncle to change his mind."

"Lin's cave house means... Baihua Valley?"

Lin Xuan stayed, and then his face showed a very happy expression.

Baihua Valley has a quiet environment and a strong aura. He lived very satisfied. Unfortunately, the last time he was robbed, he was completely destroyed. He was razed to the ground, but fortunately, the spirit is intact, so he only needs to repair it. , you can still reopen the Dongfu in situ.

I remember that I had just returned to the rudder. This matter, my brother and sister have already told the disciples below to do it.

It seems that it is the responsibility of this grandson. Has it been repaired?

"Yu Jiao, that Lin will leave, if there is anything wrong with cultivating, you can come to Baihuagu to ask me at any time." Lin Xuan returned to his head and smiled.

"Yes. Thank you, Master."

Lin Yujiao left the seat, but also directed at Lin Xuan Yingying, although she is in a special situation, and the teacher and uncle is good, but drink and drink. It doesn't matter if you play chess. This is a young and noble person, but you can't waste it.

"You don't have to be polite."

Lin Xuan turned and smiled, and became a young man, and soon disappeared into the distant sky.

The woman who claimed to be Gongsun Yuer naturally did not dare to neglect, and the same pink flash of light. Followed behind.

Baihua Valley is far from here, saying that it is not far away, saying that it is not close, about ten thousand miles, for mortals. Although it is out of reach, but in the eyes of their level of monks, it is not worth mentioning.

Although the two did not go all out, they could have deliberate delays, so about half an hour or so, the destination was already in sight.

"This is Baihua Valley..."

Lin Xuan swept his eyes. The face was faintly revealing a bit of surprise.

"Yes, can Uncle Shi still feel satisfied?" Gong Sun Yuer said warmly.

Looking around, I saw the green mountains undulating. The clear lake is breathtaking, and further forward, it is a sea of ​​bamboo, winding path, bamboo forest, mountainside. Some pavilions are faintly visible, but they are all designed to get this simplicity. Exquisite and compact.

Turning over a hill, there is a rumbling sound of water coming into the ear. Looking at it, it is a white chain-like waterfall. From the top of the mountain, it flows down and smashes all kinds of strange-shaped stones along the way. Finally, it fell into a deep pool.

The pool was not deep, but it stretched out a stream, like a jungle.

At the edge of the stream, there are many exotic flowers and plants. From time to time, you can also see mountain pigs, deer and other small animals, come to drink and play.

In the forest, there is a peaceful and quiet atmosphere, and birdsongs are heard from time to time.

"Uncle Shi, what do you think?"

Gong Sun Yuer said with a smile.

"Not bad."

Lin Xuan did not praise the words, and the expression on his face was very satisfactory.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid it's hard to imagine that this is a thousand miles away. It was still ruins two or three months ago. Now, just a few months later, it has become a land of green mountains and green waters.

This is incredible in the eyes of mortals. However, the cultivators cannot use the thoughts of ordinary people to try to figure out that nothing is impossible.

While pursuing the longevity, the cultivators also have the great magical powers that have moved to the sea. Since it is possible to squander the clouds and turn the ruins of ruins into the land of green mountains and green waters, there is nothing remarkable.

Of course, it is not easy to be comfortable.

These mountain peaks are the cultivators of Yun Yinzong. They never know how far they are, and they are transported by the Great God.

There is no need to mention the hard work. As for the lakes and waterfalls, it is easy to excavate. However, in advance, please design the craftsman with only one purpose, so that Lin Shishu can live with satisfaction.

At this time, see Lin Xuan nodded Xu, Gong Sun Yuer secretly, but also relieved, this green hills and green water display, how to plant a grass and a tree, she has spent countless thoughts.

There is nothing to work hard, and I am afraid that Lin Shishu has any dissatisfaction.

I have to know that when she received this task, she was suffering.

Gongsun Yuer is not a disciple of Yun Yinzong, but is joined by a family attached to Yunyinzong. Like her qualifications, even if it is not good, it is definitely not worthy of attention.

However, this woman is indeed amazing.

Not only is the qualifications good, the repairs are progressing rapidly, and the tasks that the Zongmen commanded were completed properly, and even made a lot of credit.

Therefore, although it was not from a small age, it has now become a core disciple. It can even be said that it is the confidant of the silver maiden girl. Otherwise, this time, it will not get such an important task.

Yes, this task is really important.

On the surface, it is only a cave house in the repair area, but Lin Xuan does not need to mention the status of Yun Yinzong. Anything related to him, there is no small matter, Yun Yinzong attaches great importance to it.

I can make myself responsible, and I have shown that I have become the confidant of the elders. This woman dares not to do her duty. In the past few months, she has worked hard, but finally she has not worked hard.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept, and the expression was very satisfactory.

The environment is not only beautiful, but also natural, and there is no trace of artificial decoration at all, which is especially rare.

Not only that, but even the aura is thicker.

Lin Xuan’s gaze has been discovered. He has discovered where his new Dongfu is located. Around the Dongfu, he also deliberately planted several high-quality trees of the eye.

No wonder the aura is stronger than before.

Next, Lin Xuan was led to the cave house.

Needless to say, even the green hills and green water outside, it took so much time, this cave house, but Lin Xuan live and live, it must be carefully crafted.

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