Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2790: Terrible vortex

For a time, the electric light flashed in the sky, and the robbers were so good to deal with. This time, like a horse cell, the whole sky was shrouded by terrible Tianlei.

But those evils still have no intention of retreating, and they continue to rush in the robbery cloud, and the claws are biting, and they are fighting for it.

In the distance, the young surname of the dragon and the girl of the silver eagle look stunned. The energy contained in the thunder makes the scalp numb. As long as a small part is separated, they can be killed.

Lin Shidi was able to fight with him. The two men admire or admire. What is even more incredible is that Lin Xuan is not at all difficult, and seems to be more than capable.

The same is the distraction of the immortals, how is the gap between the two?

The old saying goes, people are better than people, mad, really right.

The two of them sighed there, and the fighting over the nine days continued.

The dragon's teeth and the robbery are weak and weak, and it seems that I really want to see a real chapter here.

Time and bit by bit, the short and half-baked tea effort, at this moment, seems to be long and extreme.


With an unwilling roar coming into the ear, the last evil was finally blown away.

Could it be said that in the end, the robbery cloud won?

No, the answer is not that simple.

I saw the sky above the colorful, but the thick, and magnificent robbery cloud has long since disappeared, or that it was torn apart, and the dragons of Lin Xuan’s teeth were broken. However, the end of the robbery cloud is not so good, it is not too much to say that the two loses, or that the same is more appropriate.

Days of robbing!

Lin Xuan is still suspended in the air, and in the distance, the young surname of the dragon and the girl of the silver enamel are more happy.

They have experienced it many times. I have also seen others go to the ferry. However, the first time I saw it like Lin Shidi’s embarrassment, it was simply regarded as nothing.

However, Lin Xuan is not arrogant, but indeed has such qualifications. Didn't see it, from his appearance to the shot, only one trick was used.

This day robbery. However, it took a whole night to accumulate, but it was solved by Lin Shidi. This is not what it is. Looking at the Three Realms, I am afraid that it is difficult to find such a person.

I hope that the next mana will be countered, and he will be able to pass it safely. Yun Yinzong has developed too fast. If Lin Shidi has a good idea. The situation of this door can be disastrous.

The Jubilee girl thought so much.

However, the thoughts have not been turned, and suddenly the sound of the wind is coming to the ears.

what. Is this wind too loud?

at first. The girl did not care, but very quickly. When she found out that she was not right, she raised her daggers a little, and saw the whole sky, and it began to rise. It was the wind, but the wind and the earth, the rapid flow, the wrong, not the flow, but the inhalation. A huge whirlpool.

This whirlpool, the silver 瞳 girl is not strange, it is there when the cloud is in the clouds.

However, there has been no movement, and then it was directly ignored by everyone.

However, the natural vision, how can it be completely useless, at the moment, it shows a difference.

However, the robbery cloud has been smashed away, and how can it be, at this time, it’s only awesome, it’s too late, is it late?

Not only the young surname of the dragon and the girl of the silver enamel feel curious, even Lin Xuan, the heart is also very surprised.

However, it is always right to start with a strong one. No matter what the whirlpool is, first remove it, there will always be a mistake.

In my mind, the thoughts turned, and Lin Xuan’s sleeves shook. With his movements, the nine palaces in front of him had to smash a sword, and a sword light appeared in front of them, and the brilliance was gorgeous.


Lin Xuan pointed to the point ahead.

In time, all the swords are like blasts, like the vortex that has doubled in an instant.

For a time, I broke the air and made a big noise. However, I was surprised that I did not encounter any obstacles. Soon, Jianguang did not enter the whirlpool.

So smooth, Lin Xuan did not rejoice, but wrinkled his brows together, how rich his experience of fighting, and feeling faint.

In fact, even the two onlookers in the distance, the expression is still tense.

Sure enough, so many swords did not enter, but did not pick up a little bit of waves, it is like mud cows into the sea......

Lin Xuan's face has become very difficult to see, this is really a test, obviously, the vortex above the head is far more difficult to deal with than the robbery cloud.

Damn, I thought that the robbery had passed, and I didn’t expect that there was a wave behind it. Is this the most powerful?

Lin Xuan’s heart is full of sorrow, but there is not much fear.

His own sword light has no effect, then the nine palaces must be the body of the sword, he has no mood, and the other side is here to kill, Lin Xuan began to prepare, the most powerful tricks.

At the same time, the sky above the head began to change.


It seems that the cloth is torn, but the sound is much bigger than the blue sky just after.

Then, the diameter of the vortex has once again expanded. This time, it is not just an increase, but a stretch of more than a thousand.

For a time, the entire sky was blocked, and the head was raised, only to see the dark vortex.

What is even more frightening is that those who robbed the clouds, just after being beaten by the teeth of Bailong, at this moment, all the shards of the fragments were sucked in, and the nearby heaven and earth vitality was also sucked into the whirlpool.

Lin Xuan was so stunned that this sound, even he could not wait to take it easy, the real test began.

At this point, Lin Xuan’s hands danced, and the law of the same one was swept out of his sleeves. When the time was gone, all the swordsmen trembled under the silver mansions, and they instantly changed into hundreds. Generally, there is no sword light, a little hovering and flying, the silver sword is almost covered with the side of the body, like a wave of sea tide, layered, the sound is called a different.


Then Lin Xuan screamed and shouted. The original action of opening the big bang was closed, and the two sides were closed together. The swords and the swords were the same, and all of them were like a long whale. A dazzlingly great sword appeared in sight.

There are hundreds of feet in the long legs, the surface of the silver awning flickering, suddenly and faintly, there are countless esoteric anomalous runes around the perimeter, faintly forming a different size of the array, more amazingly, the halo did not change once, The arrays that emerged are different.

Great swordsmanship!

To be fair, this is not a high-spirited supernatural power. Even a low-level cultivator can display the same spells. However, it is also a great sword, and it can be cultivated to Lin Xuan's pure footsteps.

It is as if the flower fairy and the golden 玥 蟾 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

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