Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2757: Fire of origin

The vortex slammed into the faint, faintly ruined the traces of the void, the surface is covered with an arc of light gold, and at first glance, the mysterious to the extreme.

The squeaking sound was once again introduced into the ear. Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and there was a faint feeling in his heart. In the air, the old monster of the robes of the high crown of the robes, the face actually showed a little effort.

But his hands are still waving rapidly, and the mysterious and simple curse sounds flowing out of his mouth. Looking at the other side's appearance, he is preparing for an inexplicable mystery.

Just now, in this case, what secrets can be effective?

Do you search the soul of the monks and mortals of the whole Wentian City together?

Lin Xuan’s mind turned and he immediately laughed.

I am afraid that the other party really wants to think about it. However, this kind of thing, let alone the cultivator who has been robbed, even if it is true immortality, I am afraid I will only think about it.

Just kidding, although Wen Tiancheng can't say that it is a super giant city, but there are hundreds of miles in the stretch, and the population is no less than ten million. At the same time, so many people are used to display the soul of the soul, and there is no result. I am afraid that I will be countered by the power of God. Lost.

Therefore, Lin Xuan is not worried about it, but what is the purpose of the other party doing this?

In addition to doubts or doubts, watching it becomes the only choice.

In the sky, Tian Yuanhou's voice became more and more dazzling, and it seemed as if an ancient **** was suspended in the air. As his voice moved, the golden vortex was getting bigger and bigger.

It is not a kind of slowly changing, but it is extended to the surrounding with a jaw-dropping speed. Soon, it covers half of the sky.

It looks amazing, but there is no intention that it will stop.

This amazing change. Let the monk underneath open his mouth. What is he doing?

No one knows, but the restlessness is quickly at the speed of the plague, in the hearts of the monks in the city. Opened up...

Someone has to sit still, and at this moment, the expression of Tianyuanhou. It is more and more painful.

The forehead was covered with the sweat of the beans, and a drop of the drops visible to the naked eye, "嘭", a soft bang into the ear, but his hair also broke free from the shackles of the high crown, fluttering with the wind.

This old monster is also a cultivator who has lived for millions of years, but his hair is still black and beautiful. At this moment, however, he was all golden, and the hair that stood up. It was also dyed with a dazzling color of gold. It seems that it is really eye-catching.

If so, who can use the technique of internal vision for Tian Yuanhou. It will be found that in his Dantian gas sea, Yuan Ying, who is the most common, is sitting cross-legged, and his body is wrapped in golden arrogance. Obviously, in order to display the movement of the Big Five, he has ignited the fire of the source.

The fire of the source is a kind of anti-theft power that the monks only have during the catastrophe. In a nutshell, there are some similarities with the original body of the true spirit. In normal times, it will never be used anyway. of.

Only when the situation is unreasonable, for example, when the life is threatened, the fire of the source will be ignited. It is similar to drinking and quenching thirst, but it can make the mana and repairing in a short time, and it will rise sharply.

However, the consequences are also very small, but the damage consumes a lot of life, and it takes a long time to retreat. In addition, it falls directly to the realm, and it is turned into a distracting level.

Moreover, this kind of realm has fallen, and it is difficult to re-cultivate it. If you want to re-enter the robbery period, the bottleneck will be more than several times that of the year.

If it is only the consumption of life, it will be.

It is not necessarily unacceptable to have a long life in the robbery period and to retreat for a long time.

However, there is a danger of falling in the realm, and it is difficult to cultivate it. This one will make any one of the great powers discouraged, and the moment of life and vitality will never ignite the fire of the source.

Tianyuanhou is the same.

But now he has no way to provoke the consequences of the behemoth of the real pole. He can withstand it, and it can be delayed for a long time. God knows what will happen.

And the blood of the true spirit, he is determined to win, this middle tolerance does not score a mistake.

Fortunately, he has calculated that if you only use a big five-line move, the life will be consumed, but it will not let its realm fall.

So he dared to do this, and the loss was more cost-effective than the one he got.

I ignited the fire of the source, his original momentum has increased by a small amount, and the expression of his face has eased a lot. The golden vortex has expanded at a more terrible speed...

Space law!

Many monks witnessed this scene, and this word appeared in their minds.

Although most people are not sure about anything, they are now seeing the void being torn apart.

"What do you want to do?"

"This... this pagoda should be a treasure."

"It's still expanding, he shouldn't want to swallow this Tiancheng!"

There are also several cultivators at the level of distraction in the city. The eyes are very weak. Under the speculations, they actually expected the other party's purpose.

Of course, is it still not sure what it is now.

However, if he let him go, the situation of everyone will not be perfect, but it is clear to everyone.

"Can't sit still like this." A black-faced monk said with a dignified expression.

"But how can we do it again? The other party is a cultivator, but not a few people in our district, you can resist it." The voice of a middle-aged woman sighed into her ear.

"Hey, don't try to know how?" This time it was the old man wearing a soap robe.

"Try, brother, you are crazy, just the guys who use the transmission matrix, how do you end up, don't you see it?" The middle-aged woman's head shook like a rattle: "The power of the brothers' cultivation is powerful. Not weak, but for the little sister bluntly, in the face of this level of old monsters, there is still no power to fight back."

"That can't sit still, or our end will definitely die." The old man in the soap robe raised his head, but his voice was chilly to the extreme.

"Brother, how do you say this?"

The middle-aged woman is a bit strange, and here is a real power of the real door, the other side can not be a little scruples.

The other monks around him also raised their ears high. After all, this crisis was related to each of them.

"Just Ye’s guess is not wrong. The other party’s sacrifice of the sacred treasure is to put the whole Wentian City into it. This is called the movement of the Great Five Elements. It’s a coincidence for the brothers. I once saw it in a classic.” Going over the sky, he said.

"I put the whole city in, I didn't get it wrong. Ye Shidi is just a joke. When it's not true, what's the other side doing? What is the purpose?"

"The purpose, the other party did not say long ago, looking for a treasure, I guess, this old monster for a moment, can not be sure where in the city, time does not allow him to slowly delay here, so only to display this big The movement of the five elements moves us back to Dongfu and slowly searches. Do you think that if he really finds the treasure, will he still let us go, it must be a soul-smelling refining, so that it can kill people." The old man's face is ugly to the extreme, and definitely an abnormal sound is heard into the ear.

The expressions of other people are similar. The face of the middle-aged woman’s face is white, and the strength is up to their level. Naturally, everyone is very insightful. This analysis is sensible. If it is as the old man said, the other party finds the treasure. It will definitely kill the ground.

Can't let them go on like this.

"But we can take a few shots and just find death."

The middle-aged woman is very anxious.

"It doesn't matter. The operation of the big five elements is not completed in a moment. There is a process in the middle. Wait a second time. It won't take long. I don't need to say that the same city in the city can recognize this old. The sinister intentions of the thief, when we have millions of cultivators, we may not be able to fight with him."

The voice of the old man of soap robe was introduced to the ear. If he could, he did not want to face the immortal during the robbery period. However, there is no choice now, and he is forced to the Jedi by the other side.

"The millions of immortals..."

The surrounding monks listened, and the spirit of the other party was strong. The strength of the other party was different, but they were more than many people. The power of collecting millions of monks may not be able to fight this old monster.

"I am afraid that there will be too many people, and everyone may not be able to unite with one heart." The black-faced man said with some concern.

"Can't work together, what does it matter? After a while, everyone can't sit still. This situation is definitely chaotic. The old man has never thought of fighting this old monster. When we can fish in the water, we can find a way to leave this place." Some sly sounds came into my ears.

"Oh, my brother is so good, this time we can escape from birth, it depends on you."

The middle-aged woman said with great joy.

Several other people were relieved and complimented.

Time flies like a gap.

As the old man said, as time goes by, the purpose of Tianyuanhou is clearly and clearly presented to everyone's eyes. As the golden vortex begins to release suction, this is no doubt.

At this time, if you sit back and wait, you will wait for the soul to return to the land.

Among the cultivators, there are many who are greedy and fearful of death, but once they are forced into desperation, they will burst into endless courage.

If you are waiting for you to die, you will have a chance to survive. In this case, there is still some hesitation.


"You friends, everyone, let's go and bomb the old monster!"

In the city, I don’t know which kind of cultivator, who has the courage to swear, and then swears a lot. Then there are so many tens of thousands of cultivators, who have sacrificed their treasures, flying swords, flying swords, and short spears. , and so on, like shooting in the sky.

The number is amazing, but the power of the user is really a jagged, and in the magic weapon of the embarrassment, there are still some foundations, even the spirits used by the monks.

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