Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2750: Wen Tiancheng and Zhenjimen

All of this, Lin Xuan did not know, after more than ten days of flying, he finally felt a little tired.

This is also inevitable.

It is true that Lin Xuan is a cultivator in the middle of distraction, but the mana is not endless. Anyone who is easy to live with him, flying at full speed for more than ten days, certainly can not stand it.

On this day, Lin Xuan’s light was slow, but it appeared in front of a huge city.

The city prospered to the extreme, and looked at it, but could not see the wall, how many miles there were.

However, Lin Xuan is not unusual. In the spiritual world, such a huge city, there are countless. After all, the prosperity and resources of the spiritual world are far from being accessible to the human world.

Lin Xuan released his knowledge and found that there are not only many cultivators in this city, but also the number of mortals. The sky is above, and the light can be seen everywhere. It is a very prosperous look.

Although at this moment, the feeling of inexplicable feelings in the heart is still lingering, but Lin Xuan did not intend to continue to escape.

After all, the timidity of this kind of thing, the probability of error is still quite large, and now it is not certain, there are really enemies behind, locked in yourself, has been running away, seems a bit stupid.

What's more, this time, the second-yuan baby is a coincidence, and the accident has reached a level, and the same as the main Yuan Ying reached the middle of distraction.

Although the strength of cultivation is different, there is still no way to compare with the ontology. However, among the same-order monks, it is still a leader. Besides, he carries a few powerful treasures with him, and he is well prepared, as long as he is not really The old monsters in the robbery period are eyeing, and it should be no big deal.

Even in the 鼐龙界, there are not many old geeks during the robbery period. How can they be inexplicable, how can they be targeted by that kind of existence?

There is nothing wrong with being careful, but if it is mediocre, it seems that there is no need.

Thoughts turned around in my mind, Lin Xuan took a deep breath. Press the feeling of restlessness in your heart.

Then he converges and flies like the city in front of him.

After all, the distraction period, where to put it, is somewhat too eye-catching, Yuan Ying is good, not strong or weak, most in line with Lin Xuan's low-key principle.

And he did not know, but this move made the sorrowful Tianyuan Hou. Almost violently thundering. Because of the beast that resembles a wild boar, he suddenly told him that he had lost Lin Xuan’s trace. Is this old monster so anxious?

Speaking of it, you can't blame the spirit beast, the smell it says. Of course, it doesn't mean that I really smelled Lin Xuan's breath with my nose.

It should be said to be a spiritual imprint.

The place where the monk stayed, more or less will leave a little spiritual fluctuation. The problem is that Lin Xuan is now astringent, and the spiritual wave that has been emitted from the body has weakened a lot. This spirit beast wants to follow him and want to trace him. The clues are naturally much harder.

Tian Yuanhou’s look is extremely dark, but he naturally cannot give up like this, after a hesitation. Actually, the secret technique is used to force the inductive power of the beast to be improved a lot.

In this way, even if the other party's spiritual wave is weakened, it should be able to detect it.

Although this is done, the effect is only temporary, and the aftermath is great. This beast will not only damage the life. Even the life expectancy will be shortened a little, so it can be said that it is not worth the candle.

But at this moment, wherever he has taken care of this many, the blood of the true spirit is determined to win. It is definitely worth paying a little price. Don't just let the spirit of this spirit be lost with Shouyuan. Even if it is degraded, he will never care about anything.

As long as you can find the blood of the true spirit, the reward is a hundred times.

Tianyuanhou certainly does not care, but the beast that looks like a wild boar is horrified, and his heart is remorseful. The heart is green. It’s really lifting a rock and licking his own feet. I knew that it was such a result that he would not be pleasing to please. Lord, the invitation to the work has noticed that there are other people who have come to the chaotic space.

However, it is too late to say anything now.

Being smart is a price to pay.

However, the sorcerer was really effective, and his sensory power suddenly increased a lot. Although Lin Xuan converges, he once again found his spiritual fluctuations.

"Was it flew in that direction, okay."

Affirmative reply, Tian Yuanhou's heart was overjoyed, a reminder of the beast car, broken the air and made a big noise, turned into a shocking rainbow like the left side of the lasing.

After half an hour.

"Wen Tiancheng!"

Looking at the giant city in front of him, Tian Yuanhou’s expression changed inconspicuously: “Are you sure that guy, really fled to this city?”

"Yes, the Lord, there is no sensory error in the subordinates. The other party is definitely in this city, but it is specific, but it is not very good to say that the area of ​​this city is too large, the number of monks inside is too majestic, the guy mixes in Among them, subordinates are not easy to distinguish clearly."

The face of the little beast flashed a fierce color, and it was the secret technique of the longevity of the exhibition. It was hateful in the heart. However, as the master’s Tianyuanhou, it did not dare to sin anyway, so he I am angered by another guy who steals the blood. If it weren't for him, would he fall into the current situation?

Although this anger is completely unreasonable, but he can manage this many, I hope that Tian Yuanhou will find out the guy to seduce the soul, only to solve his own hatred.

We must know that although it inherits some of the true spirits of the blood, it is a curse, not a blessing, because the body is too weak relative to the true blood, so the short life is still under the general human race.

Therefore, I was desperately trying to advance, and only in this way can we let Shouyuan extend some.

This time, I originally wanted to make a meritorious dedication. I know that if I steal the chicken, I will not eclipse the rice. The heart is naturally depressed.

The expression of his owner, Tian Yuanhou, is not so good.

Wen Tiancheng, here is not the place where ordinary cultivators live.

It is the auxiliary city pool of the "real pole" of the super-power of the dragon.

The area of ​​the dragons and the dragons is vast, but the Zongmen family, which can be called the superpower, is certainly not much. The true pole is one of the best.

The great power is hard to imagine by the general cultivators. Especially terrible is that the elders in the door are too old, and the celestial real person is a cultivator in the middle of the robbery.

The strength is stronger, and it is above itself.

That guy, actually fled into this city, is it a coincidence, or found his own recourse, so escaped here to seek asylum?

Tian Yuanhou did not know, so his face was gloomy to the extreme.

If it is the former one, it is better to say that if you wait here, the other party will either rest or do things. After you finish, you will naturally leave. When you get there, your time will naturally come.

However, if it is the latter type, the other party finds its own trace, and if you deliberately hide here, the trouble can be big.

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