Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2730: Hundreds of flowers

But see the woman's jade hand in the air in the air lifted up.

Five fingers and slightly curved, ingested a large group of white gas out of thin air, a flash, actually condensed the beautiful and delicate flower basket.

The flowers bloom and the aroma comes.

Then the sound of the Dangdang came to the ear, flying hundreds of crystal flying swords from the flower basket.

As thin as a flap, there is no difference between what you just saw.

Sword spirit is empty!

Lin Xuan almost cried out.

This coveted magical power, now the body is hard to learn, and the two body information can be shared, therefore, Lin Xuan how can not recognize the truth.

The swordsmanship of this woman’s display is obviously far from the eternal blame, and it is even more mysterious.

The flower basket, the sword spirit, and a name appeared in Lin Xuan's mind.

He finally guessed the identity of the woman.

Sure enough, it is a famous figure in the spiritual world.

Hundred Flowers Fairy!

Although this female Lin Xuan has not seen it, but her name is already very good.

That is going to be traced back to the human world. The love of the cold and real people, the new moon princess is to worship this woman as a teacher.

Of course, it is not that her magical powers have outweighed the scent of the fairy tales, but because of this woman's practice, "a hundred flowers and fragrant scent" is more suitable for women.

However, as one of the three major immortals, Guanghan Zhenren is so great that he is willing to love women and worship Baihua Fairy as a teacher. From another aspect, he also proves the strength of this powerful.

What's more, there is also a record of this woman in the ink of the moon, and the goddess of the gods and witches have once played against it. That session has reached a point where it is dark. Although the flower fairy has been defeated, the **** of the witches is especially admired for her strength.

This is no wonder.

It turned out that the Baihua Fairy was here.

Not to mention the fact that a district is really awkward, even if it is facing the real dragon Tianfeng, this woman is also the force of a battle.

No wonder her is so big.

No wonder she is able to display her swordsmanship.

The original root is here.

There is no suspense in this battle. Jin Zhenzhen will be defeated.

At the same time, Lin Xuan also secretly sighed the wonders of the world. Not long ago, he also recited the legendary flower fairy because of the sword spirit. I didn't expect to be in a blink of an eye, I met the real person here.

Now that I know the identity of this woman, the suspicion in front of me is also a good explanation. No wonder she has not been retorted. Since there are swordsmanship and sorrow, which can be called the anti-day level secret technique, how can the Baihua Xianjian be easily destroyed?

Kim Min Jong is just empty and happy.

And it is now in a huge crisis.

With this female jade hand, countless mysterious runes are scattered from the wrist. Then the Baihua Xianjian went to the middle.

Jingguang made a big effort, and a huge sword with a length of more than 100 feet appeared in front of his eyes.

Great swordsmanship?

No, it’s not just that all the swords are combined into one, but it’s not a big relationship, but some mysterious magical powers are included in it.

Lin Xuan can have some feelings. But what is specific, but it is difficult to distinguish.

But then, his face changed dramatically.

The power of a terrible law is released from your sword.


The Baihua fairy is full of phoenix eyes, and the jade hand is so dignified that it is facing forward.

During the time, the whole sky seemed to be lit, and it seemed to be boiled water. It quickly boiled up abnormally.

The space collapsed.

No... not only collapse, but the force of the law, squeezed into powder.

The face of the flower fairy. There is also a bit of difficulty in faintness. Obviously, the secret technique in front of you is not so easy to display.

However, she was really intolerant. Since she discovered that Taiyi Xiancao was squandered by this abominable scorpion, she has been chasing the real space from the Guanghan world, and then she dropped it to this unknown interface with Dashen. It has taken too much time before and after.

However, this golden 玥 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 蟾 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽 虽It is not difficult to hurt it with ordinary gods, but it is not so simple to really kill or defeat it.

This is the same, when is it a game.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy has no intention of continuing to entangle with it, so it does not hesitate to consume the real yuan and display this magical power with great power.

Kim Jong is really awkward, this time, it really feels the danger of life.

However, it is just a fairy grass. This abominable woman really wants to kill herself.

Kim Jong-soo was so furious that when he was at this moment, he could not think more about it, and he yelled into the ear.

I saw that it was lowering the head, but the back was high and arched. The sound of "嗖嗖" was so loud that the blood-red spurs on the back were like smashing arrows and slammed into the sky.

There are also nearly a hundred, bloody, and then go to the middle at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye.

A **** red bone spear emerged.

The same is a long hundred feet, huge and incomparable, exudes the breath of Sen Han, and on the surface of the bone spear, there are countless red gold runes emerging.

These red gold runes Lin Xuanxuan have never seen it, and it seems that there is also a law of heaven and earth, and there is a faint force to leak out.

Bone spear, great sword!

Any of the same powers is enough to open up the world, but at this moment it is used by two powerful powers.


When the two fight.

The huge sound waves spread out, and the wreckage in front of Lin Xuan was also smashed, and it was directly shocked into powder. It was the magic of the body that Lin Xuan released, and it had no effect. It was easily penetrated by the sound waves like dust. And too.


A stream of blood spouted.

Lin Xuan was eclipsed, and both hands and one slap, the slap-sized konjac emerged, it was the treasure of the eternal treasure.

This object was erased by Lin Xuan with the wash of the gods, and the sacrifice was changed again. Although it was not working well, the ordinary drive was still no problem.

Although it is inevitable to expose the figure, it is inevitable to expose the body shape. However, according to Lin Xuan’s attempt to find out the existence of Jin Zhenzhen and the flower fairy.

However, they turned a blind eye, or they simply didn't care.

Without him, compared with the two fights, they are not worth mentioning. It is like two giants fighting, of course, they don’t care if there is a bystander.

However, Lin Xuan is not angry, because he is more secure.

The fighting method on the top of the head has already had a result. The bone spear seems to be fierce. However, it was hit by Jingjian, and it was broken.

The power of the laws it contains is not weak. However, in contact with the other party, it has no effect at all, or it is suppressed, and there is no blessing of the power of the law. It is no wonder that this bone spear will not fight.

But how come?

The same is the law of heaven and earth, even if the flower fairy is to be stronger, but Jin Zhenzhen is the body of the true spirit after all, the law of application, Lin Xuan does not think, will be weak, the result is actually such a vulnerable.

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