Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2680: Legendary monk

When I talked about this step, there was no good discussion. Lin Xuan and the two reached an agreement. The three factions will deal with Ling Guizong first.

What needs to be determined later is some details.

However, one thing, everyone's opinion is the same.

The soldiers are so fast that they can't breathe the spirits.

As the saying goes, the machine can't be lost, the loss is no longer coming, and the delay is unfavorable to the door.

After all, although the ghosts of the sects have no heads, they have become a pot of porridge, but there are also variables.

If the time has been inadvertently dragged on for a long time, the school's several masters of the immortal family have decided to win the game and re-elect the new sovereign, which will add new variables to the victory and defeat of this campaign.

Hard hit hard Lin Xuan, although it is also sure, but the loss must be much larger, which can be used to take advantage of the other party's contradictions, the fire in the chest, come convenient and fast?

At this point, the views of the three people are consistent.

Then it will be easier to do.

They did not delay for a while, passed on the idiomate, let the disciples stay in place to take care of their rest, and at the same time, they were also a kind of care for the veins, and Lin Xuan went to the road with the brothers and sisters, and rushed back to the main rudder.

All three are distracted by the immortal, the power of magic, perhaps different, but the speed of the dawn, are all different, this full force to hurry, with the wind and power to describe, it is no exaggeration.

However, after a few days of hard work, the three men crossed the mountains and waters and returned to Yun Yinzong.

Seeing the three elders of the elders returning safely, Yun Yinzong monks are all ecstatic, knowing that for a sect, the elders of the elders rarely ask Zongmen things, but only as a deterrent, only In the end of life and death, will only be shot.

However, this kind of duty does not prevent it from becoming the backbone of a sect. If the elders of the elders are degraded, the sects will be equivalent to losing the shelter they can rely on. The blow to them is absolutely devastating.

These days, Yun Yinzong can be said to be fearful, and the return of the safety of the three is naturally a scream.

The hearts of the disciples were finally put down.

Paying homage to the three people.

In the face of the enthusiasm of the disciples, Lin Xuan also did not want to abandon it. He had to wait for the temper to make a slight appease. After the disciples retreated, they called the five peaks and went to the main hall to discuss the details of the offensive spirits. It is.

The process in the middle is not mentioned for the time being.

It is said that there are 100,000 mountains in the west of Baifan County, which is tens of millions of miles away from the cloud ruins.

The sinister peaks are endless.

Surrounded by heavy suffocation all year round, this is the inaccessible Jedi.

Not to mention outsiders, even if the locals do not dare to go deep, the suffocation will be gone. Legend has it that the depths of the mountains are connected to the secluded land.

There are countless evil spirits.

There are even zombies that **** blood and eat people.

There are many rare herbs in the mountains, and ginseng is not uncommon, but anyone who dares to pick and pick it must have no time... Over time, 100,000 mountains have become forbidden places, people are all stopping, but everyone will know clearly. There is nothing in the relationship with the Yin Cao government. It is actually the general rudder of Bai Fanjun's super-big sect.

The so-called evil spirit zombies are nothing but a small magical array.

After all, the field of the immortal is also tolerant of mortal involvement.

In fact, let alone the ordinary mortal, even if the general monk came here, it is inevitable that the nine dead, the ghosts, the practice of ghosts, has always been known for its mysterious mystery.

Although Baifan County is not widely used in the dragons and dragons, the strength of Xiuxian is only moderate. However, the spirits are the number one super-large in the county, and naturally have the tyrannical qualification.

However, for a while, the powerful Zongmen will inevitably encounter twists and turns, and occasionally there are moments of difficulty. For example, nowadays, the elders of the ghosts gather together in a cold pool, and everyone’s faces are with anxious expressions. Even the fear is not too much.

The relationship between the lord and the lord is degraded, and the situation of the genius is not so good. It is not too much to say that the internal and external troubles are different. However, unlike Lin Xuan’s guess, the sect of the sect of the sect is not busy fighting for power. If the Zongmen is now falling apart, there will be no eggs under the nest.

This truth, those old monsters have a few hearts.

From this perspective, they are more rational and far-sighted than Lin Xuan’s speculation.

But this is not the most important thing.

The reason why several big families did not compete with each other is that although the Sovereign couples have fallen, the Zhong family still has the absolute advantage in terms of strength. Even if several other families are united, there is no resistance. If so, what else? Good fight.

Lin Xuan’s plan can be said to be completely miscalculated.

But this can't blame him. After all, time is rushed, and the information that can be detected is limited. In fact, don't say that time is not much. Even if it is very sufficient, the hidden power of Zhongjia is also the biggest secret of the ghosts. The outsiders are basically No way to know.

Lin Xuan’s plan is miscalculated. In this battle, there are variables. However, Lin Xuan’s strength is indeed a small one. The mine has been dying, and the elders who have survived the ghosts have been stunned. For them, in any case, Do not dare to be enemies with Lin Xuan, only to wait for the legendary strongman to go out.

At this moment, the cold pool is silent, and several people who are distracted and seem to dare not even come out.

The atmosphere seems to be suppressed to the extreme, waiting for a small half-day effort, and finally someone can't stand it.

An old man with silver hair said: "Zhong Lao has retired this time, it seems to have been forever!"

"Yes, it’s been a whole thousand and two thousand years.

Next to a soap robe monk excuses.

"After so many years, I don’t know how old the old man’s strength is. Is it possible to deal with Lin Xuan?”

When it comes to Lin Xuan, the silver-haired old man’s face has a lingering color, which is obviously scared.


The monks who were present were all in silence. The strength of Lin Xuan, they have witnessed it, they have never seen such a terrible distracting period, they are not afraid to put it right, but Zhong Lao is the late The father of the Sovereign, in terms of qualifications, looks at the door. I am afraid that it is the most genius in a million years. Although there is no advancement to become a cultivator, the strength is far from being comparable to that of a general distracted monk.

If he hadn’t already seen the name, he was not keen on fame, and he won the first person in the world’s robbery. If he wants to fight, he will be slaughtered for ten days. .

More than a thousand years ago, Zhong Lao was in the Xuanyin cold lake, closed the life and death, and closed it was tens of thousands of years. It is said that it is a terrible secret technique. What is specific, although they are not clear, With the qualifications of Zhong Lao, I have to rest for tens of thousands of years. How about the power? Ps: I just got off the plane today and I got home. I am tired. I have a chapter today and I will work hard tomorrow.

(to be continued


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