Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2678: Except for evil

As a distracting person, she is not good at using poison, but for the quality of the drug, she can still discern it at a glance, her eyes are swept over the longan-sized medicinal herbs, and her face is a bit surprised.

This smells, this color.

This medicinal drug has a lot of mystery, but it is far from the medicinal herbs that I have seen before.

Maybe it shouldn't be the thing that should be possessed during the distraction period. Where did Lin Shidi get it?

Of course, this question is only in the mind, if it is really like Lin Xuan, it seems that it is too ignorant, and the silver maiden girl has lived for tens of thousands of years, naturally it will not even have this eyesight.

Now that we have seen the preciousness of this medicinal herb, it is able to dispel the toxins in our body, and naturally it is more than a few expectations and grasps.

Struggling to get up, facing Lin Xuan Yingying: "So, my sister would thank the younger brother's treasure."

Lin Xuan is busy raising his hands and helping each other: "Sisters can't, and now they are poisonous in their bodies, don't do these vagrants with the younger brother."

Then Lin Xuan turned his head and said, like the young surname of the dragon, said: "Senior brother, the sister is going to take drugs to drive drugs. You and I should not bother her here. How about going out to protect the law, otherwise, in case there is a shackle, or something changes, from It’s awkward to disturb the sister."


The young surname of the dragon has no objection in nature. Although the heart is still embarrassing, but when the matter comes to this step, it is really hard to say anything. I have to pray for the medicinal herbs that Lin Xuan took out. It can really solve the poison for the sisters, and then the two sneak out. Out.

When they left the cave, they patrolled the guards in a place not far away. The original Yun Yinzong was in the midst of an eventful autumn. It is reasonable to think that the two elders of the elders are together. There are many issues to discuss and discuss, but the young surname of the dragon is not. Interested in talking about Zongmen things.

Lin Xuan met, naturally, it would not be self-deprecating. Look for a clean place to sit down, eyes closed, hands flat on both knees, meditate.


Two days passed by.

Originally for the distraction period, this time, in any case, can not be anything, said fleeting. Not too much. However, the young surname of the dragon is anxious to scratch his head.

Lin Xuan looked interesting, could not help but secretly suspect, is this dragon brother. In fact, I have long been deeply rooted in the sorrows of the silver scorpion girl, but her skin is thin and she is embarrassed to announce it.

of course. This is just speculation, and it may be that the friendship between the two is not the same. After all, it has been tens of thousands of years in the same door, and the feelings are deep and certainly not ordinary.

What is specific, Lin Xuan does not know, when this situation is not good, gossip about anything, had no choice but to meditation from himself, and the younger surnamed to go slowly.


The rumbling sound came to the ear, but it was the gate of the cave. It opened up, a beautiful girl, gently moved the lotus step, and walked out of the money.

The surname of the young surname of the dragon was first stayed, and then the expression of surprise was revealed.

Do not hesitate, grabbed it in a few steps.

"Sister, oh... is it alright?"

Said one side. While looking at each other's face, at this moment, this distracting old monster is really happy.

Although the method of Lin Xuan is sure, but the poison in the sister. The truth is too heavy. As the saying goes, care is chaotic. In just two days, for him, it was as if it was a torment, and it was hard to greet the results.

I saw that at this moment, the face of the silver maiden girl was much better than that of two days ago. The green gas that had shrouded her was gone, and the face was a little rosy, and the light was shining. Before the injury to the poisoning, the ** points were similar.

"Thank you, my brother, the injury of my sister, is no big deal."

The sound of the silver 瞳 girl's gentle voice was introduced into her ear.

Then Lin Lin walked over, this time it was not a profit, but a direct worship.

Lin Xuan was shocked and frustrated, and he reached out and helped: "Why is this sister, please come up quickly, so you can kill the younger brother."

However, the silver maiden girl did not stand up, but she really bowed her head: "The younger brother does not have to be suspicious, you can afford this gift."

Originally just to try to figure out, after taking this, this woman was deeply aware of the extent to which Lin Xuan gave her the precious drug, and easily and abnormally expelled the toxins in her body, so that she could not imagine it.

I have already recognized this medicinal medicine, but now it is even more certain. This medicinal herb is mostly a precious thing that the old monsters must covet.

Although I don't know where Lin Shidi came from, he was willing to give it to himself. You can't move the silver maiden girl.

It can be said that this has gone beyond the scope of life-saving grace.

However, Lin Xuan’s strength is that she has no return in her life. Therefore, she can only express her gratitude with only three heads.

Lin Xuan is a clever figure. After thinking about it, she has already understood why this woman is doing this. If she persists in these few rings, she will be uneasy and uncomfortable, so she has to accept it.

The practice is small and the mind is big. As a result, Lin Xuan can say that he has been grateful for the unanimous gratitude of Yun Yinzong. From a certain angle, the faction can be said to be subordinate to his power.

Lin Xuan is very satisfied with this result, but there are many other things to deal with.

Tianxuanmen, Lingguizong, Tianjinggu, and the three faction alliances have already lost in the battle of the veins, and they have an unusual exit. However, the grievances of the three factions do not mean that they will come to an end.

On the contrary, the hatred of both sides has reached a point where it is impossible to reconcile, the contradiction is irreconcilable, and the sentence of blood debt is used here. That is true.

Today, although Yun Zongzong’s losses are not small, the three factions have been beaten by their own morale. Although half of the elders have escaped, they even have the confidence to put them on their own. Right?

From this perspective, Yun Yinzong can be said to have taken the upper hand.

With Lin Xuan’s character, such a good opportunity will never be missed.

When the time comes, the drums are mad, and the threats of the three factions are completely lifted. He does not want to have any changes. The three factions can regroup and pose a threat to Yun Yinzong.

To be kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself, Lin Xuan is convinced that in addition to evil.

The heart is soft and is not responsible for Yun Yinzong. With Lin Xuan’s character, of course, he will not make such a mistake.

The poisonous injury of the Jubilee girl has been lifted, so he will complete his own reading of this matter and give the other two elders to try to figure out.

After listening to Lin Xuan’s narrative, the Jubilee Girl and the Long Surnamed Boy looked at each other and showed admiration and admiration on their faces.


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