Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2673: Amazing news

Although Yunxuanzong is not a super-big school, it is also passed down from the ancient times. If it is ruined in his own hands, under Jiuquan, what is her face to see the ancestors? -<>-网.[This article is from the Literature Museum.]

The silver maiden girl feels in her heart, but she does not dare to have any slack, concentrate on detoxification, and hope to restore some strength before the enemy arrives.

It’s the way to repair her, how can she be obsessed with obscurity, even if she is destined to go to the sinister house, she must leave a bitter memory to the other party before this.

Yun Yinzong certainly can't beat the three factions, but he will never let it go.

Whoever wants to swallow this fact must be prepared to pay a painful price.

In the distance, the screaming and killing sound gradually declined, and finally it was completely calmed down.

"Did the disciples who have been outside, have all died for the martial art?"

The silver maiden girl has a pain in her heart.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and was stunned.

She doesn't need to be weak, the outside disciples have done their duty, and then, it is the deacon of the elders in their doors.

The rest of the people also raised their heads.

The expression on my face is firm to the extreme.

Yes, the immortal is very cherished for his own life.

However, the enemy has been forced to such a level, there is no way out, then what are you worried about?

Life and death have been set aside, then there is no fear to say, fight.

The only remaining high-level cultivators of Yun Yinzong’s fruit are the eyes of the dead.

However, at this moment, the silver-haired girl is picking up her eyebrows as if she felt something.

After a few sighs of interest, a stunned rainbow came into view, and the light converges, revealing a middle-aged man with a sallow sallow, wearing a long gown and a **** stain on his clothes, apparently experiencing a very difficult battle.

The man's feet were on the ground, and he immediately bowed to the few people in the hole.

"Zhang Luo, it is you. Are you still alive?"

The young surname of the dragon recognized the cultivator in front of him. It was the disciple of his second apprentice. It was counted by the seniors. It was his own disciple.

"The ancestors have seen two masters and have seen several uncles."

The Luo group ceremonies, then slammed the head of the silver maiden girl and the dragon surname, and the expression on the face was respectful.

However, the latter's eyes were slightly picked up, and the handsome facial features were a little angry; "Zhang Luo. You are not in front of the enemy. How come here, is it to see the enemy is big, actually timid and fearful? ?"

It is no wonder that the young surname of the dragon is angry. He is also one of the elders of the cloud, and if he is to pass on his disciples, he will make a stupid escape. What is his face to control the disciples.

Listening to the teacher’s uncle, the middle-aged man’s expression was awkward, and then he laughed. “Yuzu, your old man misunderstood. Although the disciple is not talented, but the enemy also knows to fight for the first place, how dare to escape the face of your old man. ”

Listening to the other side, the younger surname of the dragon is a little slower, but the doubts in the heart have not been lifted. The expression is still cold; "Then you are not killing the enemy in front, what is the intention to come here?"

"The beginning of the ancestors, the three factions retired."

The middle-aged man's face is full of excitement. He came here and was originally the place to report.

"what did you say?"

The jubilee girl, Horan, raised her head and screamed in front of her brother, and several other old monsters. They all showed the color of attention. They just heard it clearly, but they didn’t dare to believe in their ears.

Retired, have you made a mistake.

This news is too far off from any angle.

we can even say. It’s ridiculous to the point where it can’t be added.

"Zhuzu, dear teacher. You have not misunderstood, the disciple is saying that the monks of the three factions have already fled."

The voice of the middle-aged people increased their tone and passed it to their ears. This time, everyone present was sure to hear clearly, and there was no difference.

But still that sentence, how is this possible?

For a time, the old people stunned and lived a little bit of tea.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

The jubilee girl returned to her head and used her knowledge to find out that she was puzzled by this matter. She then brainstormed and asked for advice from her younger brother.

"Not a conspiracy!"

The young surname of the dragon is silent for a moment.

"Oh, does the younger brother dare to be so sure?"

This woman is somewhat surprised.

"Yes, the sister-in-law thinks, the current situation of the door, it is no exaggeration to say that it is forced to a desperate situation. It is simply the end of the oil, there is no place for manoeuvre. In this case, the other party can extinguish us by the wind." Except, what is the use of more conspiracy to play?"


The silver 瞳 girl nodded, this analysis is correct, she also thinks so, but she does not dare to be so sure as the younger brother, at this moment, listening to his analysis, the two sides have proved that the more they have grasped.

"Just why the other party suddenly evacuated?"

This woman has a haircut, and this question is lingering in her heart.

"This reason, the younger brother has no advancement of the prophets, but the details are not well understood, but according to my guess, the three factions may have encountered a different accident, perhaps..."


The eager voice of the jubilee girl was introduced into the ear; "The younger brother does not have to worry about it. Anyway, he just guesses and tries to figure out what you have, even though it is all right."

"I am afraid that I have a relationship with Lin Shidi."

The voice of the surnamed Long surname was passed into the ear.

"Lin Shishu?"

"This is impossible!"


The voice did not fall, but it was an exclamation.

A few Dong Xuan period monks who had never been plugged in couldn’t help but open their mouths.

"Do you think it is impossible?"

The eyes of the young surname of the dragon swept away.

"Uncle Kai."

It’s an old man who is talking about the bones of the fairy tales; “It’s not that the disciples doubt your own, but this is too unbelievable. It’s true that Lin’s repairs are extraordinary, and he has repeatedly saved the door from the fire, even the sky. The old blame was also degraded by him, and the magical power was strong. I couldn’t wait for the disciples to look back."

"However, Lin Shishu is stronger, there is always a limit. His old man is not a big man in the robbery period. According to his disciples, the three factions have at least twenty-six distracted people here. It’s not Xingyue City. The duel must abide by one-on-one. Even if Lin Shishu comes here, the other party will definitely not talk about the rules. When they embrace it, Lin Shishu resists. As the saying goes, there are not many good rivals, and it is always difficult to fight. Enemy four hands..."

"Yes, Master Liao’s words are very reasonable. Lin Shishu’s supernatural powers will make it impossible for one person to pick up the three factions."

Other Dong Xuan period monks nodded and nodded, and they all believed in the old man’s statement.

The silver maiden girl listened, and could not help but hesitate. After all, such a statement is very reasonable. If one person is strong, how can he single out more than 20 cultivators of the same order? This kind of thing has never been heard.

Ps: At the beginning of the month, the rain rain asks for the monthly ticket, thank you for your friends.


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