Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2670: Zhen Gu Shuo Jin

~.<>-~The original scene seems to be deadlocked, I want

But is it really a tie?

Obviously such a judgment is not accurate.

The demon of the long-eared bib seems to be fierce, but what he did was nothing but a beast.

Lin Xuan is different, delaying the opponent's main force, but using the evil spirits summoned by the six-character curse, although manipulating it against the enemy, it also consumes part of the gods and mana of the surgeon, but Lin Xuan is obviously okay. With more effort, he is just waiting for the moment.

At this moment, his role is like a poisonous snake, just waiting for the other party to reveal flaws, and then you can go up and bite.

This metaphor may not be suitable, but the general meaning is that it is correct.

Lin Xuan waited calmly.

Although with his strength, I really want to get rid of my opponent, the method is definitely more than this one.

But you can save energy, why not?

What Lin Xuan chose was the one that saved the most time and mana.

In a little bit of time, the demon and the evil spirits are still playing very lively. As time goes by, the long-eared bizarre demon is getting more and more advantages.

After a while, he finally found a neutral, a knife, and cut down the evil spirit's head. The demon face showed a smug color, and his mouth smirked with a sly smile.

However, at this moment, there was a strange fluctuation in the air on the side of the body.

"not good!"

Although the demonized body has been ignited, the demon can't calmly think about it. However, the instinct still feels a huge danger. The back of the hair is upside down, and the side of the body wants to hide, but it is too late, only to feel a hot eye. The black man has pierced his head, and the blood rushed out...

That Limang only has a thick thumb, but both speed and strength are remarkable, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary five-line spells.

Ink drill!

Although this supernatural power is the secret technique attached to the Mohween sorcerer, it is not necessary to practice this martial art before it can be displayed, as long as the principle is clear. One law pass, Wanfatong, based on the real magic of Snow Shadow, can be displayed.

At the moment of the fall of the evil spirits, Lin Xuan also found the flaws, so he did not hesitate to display the Ling Ling drilling technique, which played the role of defeating the enemy. The body of the Yaozu is certainly more sturdy than the human monk. But the skull was pierced. This flesh must also be scrapped.

Lin Xuan will not give the other person a gasp, raise his right hand, and emit a magical gas from his fingertips. Sting, with his movements, a thunder ball is sprayed from the inside of the 齑雷古镜. It has grown ten times more instantly.

A flash, it spurred on the body of this demon.

The original skull has been penetrated. This time, the body is covered by the dazzling electric mans, and a burst of scorching taste is scattered. The devil's end is just like the snake's actuarial.

The corpse fell down!

Lin Xuan raised his hand and slammed it into the void.


This demon burst into a **** fog, a blue ball spurted out in flesh and blood.

However, Lin Xuan has five fingers. It was easy to take it to the hands, and all this step, Lin Xuan how to let his demon escaping.

Lin Xuan casually looked at this demon, and then it was included in the storage bag.


At the same time, the other side.

The head of Taixuanmen lowered his head and his face was full of incredible colors, and he glanced at his chest.

On his chest. Insert a light silver fairy sword.

No blood flowed out, but his face was full of despair.

A lost, thousands of hate, and then turned back is a hundred years old, I know today. At first, he would not go to the best of the cloud.

However, it is too late to say anything now, no matter whether it is secular or secular. There is no regret about the drug.


On the surface of the sword, a fire was suddenly burned, and the old man was wrapped up in the body, and even the body of the Yuan Ying was turned into ashes.

There is only one storage bag left alone floating there.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and the object suddenly flew into his palm.

This is the eighth distractor in the hands of Lin Xuan.

Then he released his knowledge, but there was no more harvest. The number of blood fire ants was not the same, but the existence of the distraction period was not all parallel imports. Under the magical powers, there were still nearly half of the guys who escaped from birth. .

On the surface, Lin Xun did not achieve the effect of a net.

However, after this battle, the three factions were greatly hurt. Even though the old monsters in the distraction period were not completely degraded, they were also scared by Lin Xuan, and there was no threat to the cloud.

Lin Xuan has achieved such a victory with the power of one person. Looking at the three realms, it is enough to be proud of it.

Lin Xuan did not go after chasing. After all, the singularity of the old monsters in the distraction period has its own mysterious points. Even if he is chasing after him, he can kill one or two people at most.

It doesn't make much sense to do that. In this case, Lin Xuan is too lazy to go through more trouble.

After a few more efforts, a stunned rainbow came into view, but it was the avatar in the body and flew back.

When the flash of light flashes, it merges with the body.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a satisfactory color, and then slightly recognized the direction, and flew out into the oblique thorn.


At the same time, it is deep in the veins of tens of thousands of miles.

The blasting sound of the rumble was transmitted to the ear, and the three factions of the Alliance were nearly 10,000 cultivators. They were besieging the last position of Yun Yinzong.

Unlike the three factions of Zhuang Qiang Ma Zhuang, there are only a thousand disciples left by Yun Yinzong. If there are not two elders who preside over the overall situation, I am afraid that they will soon be disintegrated. However, whether it is a young surname or a juvenile girl, the image at the moment It is also a wolf, and it is obviously a serious injury.

In this way, sooner or later, it will be the end of the game.

The eyes of the two are full of worries, but the disciples of the three factions are morally high.

On the top of a hill not far away, there are dozens of waitresses standing respectfully, and they are surrounded by men and women.

The man was twenty-seven years old, the jade robes, the face like a crown jade, a good turbidity son.

The woman on the side is a beautiful woman in a palace. She is a very tall man. Although her age is a little older, her temperament is good.

The other three elders went to besiege Lin Xuan, leaving them two, here to host the overall situation.

"The guys of Yun Yinzong, who really don't know how to live and die, have come to this step. They are still recalcitrant. Do they think that they have a chance to turn over?" The young man, holding a folding fan in his hand, was idle. However, the corner of the mouth is full of sarcasm. In his opinion, these guys are not too stupid.

The palace woman had a haircut and wanted to interface. However, at this moment, there was a flash of red light in the sky behind the two, and then a fire came from far and near.

Ps: Try to recommend tickets, thank you. To be continued



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