Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2668: Ancient books and treasure mirrors


The next moment, as if the rain hit the banana, the snoring is loud, and the blood of the big fist is bursting on the surface of the shield. Just like putting the stone into the small lake, the ripples of the circle undulate, and the shield also sways. The magic light on the surface is quickly dimmed, and it is obvious that there will be some unsatisfactory appearance. ""

The power of these red-red snake scales is far more than ordinary people imagine. The power of each piece is like a top-level magic weapon, but it is not unusual. This mystery is originally the stunt of the banshee. .

It is easy to use, because each scale needs to consume a lot of time and energy, which is a life-saving stunt that she defeated.

Nowadays, with hate, the power is better than ever.

It is also the power of this ancient book is not the same, Lin Xuan's incarnation of the snow shadow true magic is also mysterious to the extreme, otherwise for a fellow monk and his easy place, ten have been sieved.


The shield finally broke open.

However, time has also been delayed. Lin Xuan does not need any teleportation techniques, and can easily avoid this attack.

As for the other side, the poisonous mist of the long-eared demon, and the flying-pin treasure hidden in it, were also stopped by the shields changed by the ancients.

Although the green fog is highly toxic, the penetration force of the flying needle is also good, but compared with the banshee's snake scale, it is still a lot weaker, and has not been able to pierce the shield. The ancient book is a treasure of the offensive and defensive, the second demon Attacks, easy exceptions are resolved.

Lin Xuan has turned a blind eye to the danger, and now it is the turn of the second demon to face his fierce and unusual attack.


Like a loud thunder, the loud noise came into the ear, and the fireball of the size of the washbasin seemed to have a downpour, and the skull-like face looked like her.

At the same time facing two strong enemies, Lin Xuan's strength compared with the body, after all, to be weaker, so his attack is also the primary and secondary.

Lin Xuan is going to take the snake demon to make a decision, so the target of the fireball bombing is all this woman, not only that. The swords and swords that have been changed by the runes are also rushing like a brain.

The demon was beaten without any help, and he could barely cope.

The sound of snoring was introduced into the ear, and the red-red python was rushed to the right and left, and the poisonous fog and fire were continuously sprayed from the mouth. The big bells of the bells were cold.

At first glance, it seems quite brave.

However, it is only a matter of exhaustion, and the body of more than ten feet is covered with scars.

As for the demon of the long ear.工具更更更更。

He is only entangled in the Warcraft that has been changed by Rune.

That's right. It is entangled.

Lin Xuan's purpose is very obvious.

Each break!

Now, as long as he does not come to hinder himself, he is satisfied.

This reason, this demon is also in mind.

Desperate left and right to hide. Wanting to kill a **** way, now he has no intention to save his companions, or can't take care of it.

As the saying goes. The husband and wife are the same forest birds, and they are flying in the same way. The double monk is still the same, not to mention that they are only married to their brothers and sisters.

Whether she will fall here, as long as she can escape safely, everything will be fine.

However, the idea is correct. It is difficult to really want to kill a **** road.

The number of Warcraft that have been changed by runes is not only numerous, but the power of each one is all very different. What is even more frightening is that they just look at monsters like the devil world. In fact, they are not creatures. Naturally, they will not be afraid of fear.

It was only like this, he could barely cope, but don't forget. There are also tens of thousands of blood fire ants around.

It was hard to find a gap, but the worms rushed over, and the blasting sounds were heard in the ears. They actually blocked him by self-explosion.

Both the devil and the Warcraft are not afraid of death. In the face of such an attack, the long-eared bet. It is also a bad policy.

However, its situation is still good, just can not escape for a while, on the other side, the unfortunate snake demon has been forced to the Jedi.

The sword that had been changed from the original fireball and the ancient text has made her tired, and Lin Xuan’s devil who was summoned by the six-character curse also locked her firmly.

Nether ghosts and other sinister magical powers are constantly coming out. This demon is beaten by the flowers, if it is not thick and thick, maybe it has already been a life.

However, such a situation is bound to persist for a long time.

Do you really want to fall here?

The snake demon is thinking sadly.

It’s all about self-sufficiency, knowing what to do with this comet?

However, it is too late to regret now, and it is useless to ask for mercy. Human beings or demon people are always worth paying for their actions.

In the desperate look of the snake demon, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and the spirits were shining, and the same treasure was sacrificed.

At this moment, the sky is already late, and under the dark sky, an ancient mirror comes into view.

Exudes a lustrous shine.

Tongtian Lingbao!

No, this time, or should be called Tongtian Magic.

齑雷古镜 was originally a treasure obtained from the treasure house of the Emerald Palace. It was originally powerful. In order to meet the needs of avatar use, or to better cooperate with its practice, Lin Xuan spent a lot of material treasures. And re-cultivate it again, in terms of power alone, the promotion may be limited.

However, the properties have changed a lot.

Can better cooperate with the real magic method, so now this 齑雷古镜 says that Tongtian Lingbao has some unsuitable, and it is said that Tongtian Magicbao is more suitable for its current situation.

But whether it is Lingbao or Devil.

The attributes are different, but there is only one purpose.

Kill the enemy!

At this moment, Lin Xuan raised this treasure and raised his hand to make a few magical spirits.


As if the brocade was torn, the mirror of the ancient mirror suddenly lit up, and then the electric awning was shot, and the electric cymbal of a claw was emerging from the mirror.

The beginning is still small, but the wind will rise, and soon there will be more than ten feet long. What is even more terrifying is that this dragon's tail has been swayed and disappeared from the place.


The snake singer is stunned, and the eyes are full of fear. However, at this time, I want to hide. It is obviously too late. Xiaolong came to her a few feet in front of her, and the claws were closed. The giant python was firmly grasped, and then the tail was closed. Also entangled.


The electric light is shining, and the dazzling arc illuminates the entire sky.

For a time, it seems to have returned to the day.

As the saying goes, from a point to see the whole picture, from the brightness of this arc, you can easily imagine how powerful it is.

A scorching smell permeated, and the snake demon fell. Correctly speaking, the whole was cooked and cooked. This is the power of Lei Gu’s mirror. It is even higher than Lin Xuan’s expectation, and it is easy to help him kill. A strong enemy.

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