Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2662: Thousand ghosts

Throughout the process, the rabbits began to fall, but before and after the painful effort, the three distracted periods existed and fell again.

As a result, the elders of the three factions were in vain.

As the saying goes, it’s better to see a hundred words. Is this Lin Xiaozi really a distraction?


In fact, it is a robbery period!

Although at this moment, they are still many people, and there are arrays of methods as a cover, but still feel that the body is cool.

Originally as a group of elders, there was a period of distraction. Everyone was accustomed to the life of arrogance, and everyone was very self-sufficient.

After all, the robbery, ignorance, distraction, as long as it is not too weak to repair, and spent several days of robbery, live for more than 100,000 years is still no problem.

Shou Yuan said that it is too long to be long enough for them to be happy.

All the elders are used to being high. After the advanced distraction, they are called the versatile cultivators. Wherever they go, they feel respect and admiration. How long have they not felt like this?

Damn, I know why I have to provoke this comet for the area of ​​Xianshi?

However, it is too late to say anything now.

They have no retreat.

At this time, I ran away, and there was only one result, which was broken by each.

Although the elders are embarrassed, they are all old guys who have lived for tens of thousands of years. This kind of superficial truth does not need to be said, and everyone knows it.

So I can’t escape because of fear. Now everyone is a shackle on the rope. No one can run, or Lin Xuan will be killed here, or they will wait for the soul to fly.

Now their fate is linked together, and although they are afraid of extremes, they are also enemies.

However, after experiencing the collapse of several of the same ranks, no one dared to go out and single-handedly with Lin Xuan. Now they rely on the power of the law. I hope that the spirit of the spirit of the ghosts will be worthy of the name. The kid is killing here.

Fortunately, although there are a number of distracted cultivators, the remaining elders of the three factions. There are still nearly 20 people, and it is more than enough to manipulate the five elements of the spirits.

These people are afraid of it, desperately injecting mana like the array in their hands...

At the same time, Lin Xuan was suspended in midair and motionless. The eyes of the two eyes circulated, and the gods of the heavens and phoenixes were displayed to the extreme.

Xiu Xian Bai Yi. It has a long history. The technique of the array method is even more profound and profound.

Although Lin Xuan has some research and understanding of the law, I can't say that I don't understand anything. But the mystery of this forbidden squad is far more than he knows.

If you want to break through the path of the law, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream. However, with the help of Tianfeng, Lin Xuan is not difficult to see its weakness.

It took about a dozen times before and after.

Lin Xuan brows a pick, a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Lin Xuan raised his right hand, and a few mysterious and abnormal cockroaches rushed out like a front.

With his movements, the Jiugong had to smash the sword to the middle, and the great light was made, and a giant sword with a length of more than ten feet emerged.

The surface is fascinating, and countless esoteric runes are looming on the blade.

Great swordsmanship!

Lin Xuan uses the magical powers to come out.

Although not a great secret. However, with the sword of the Nine Palaces, the power is naturally different.


Lin Xuan screamed, and the right hand that had been raised high was suddenly slammed down.

With its movements, the Jiugong had to smash the sword like a mountain, and it was in the air, then slowly fell down.

Although the speed is not fast. However, the power is astounding.

The original calm space, suddenly like the sea, quickly boiled up.

The air, originally a non-quality and intangible thing, can now be seen with the naked eye because of the violent fluctuations.

Layers. Like a wave, separate to the sides.

Lin Xuan relies on the gods of the wind. I found the weakness of this battle. Although I didn't expect this, I could break this battle, but at least I could make my situation slightly better.

The valley of the district also wants to trap yourself, too naive!


The point where the sword fell, there was nothing in the air, but this squat went down, but there was a result. The loud rumbling sound came into the ear, and all the scenes in front of it became distorted.

The sun like a fireball disappeared from the top of the head, and the desert was also turned into nothingness.

Just as the mirror was broken, the illusion in front of him was broken by Lin Xuan’s sword.

However, the crisis is not over!

Lin Xuan’s strength is of course different, but if there is only such a mysterious point from the ancient shackles that passed down from ancient times, it would be too funny.

The scenery just returned to the valley, and suddenly there was a ghost crying and awkward voice coming into the ear, and then the whole sky was gloomy.

No, it’s too shallow to say that the sullenness is too shallow.

The correct thing is that the surrounding scenery has suddenly become gloomy, as if it came to the Netherland.

Is it illusion?

Lin Xuan’s eyes are slightly embarrassed. Shouldn’t it be broken by the sword that he just had, is it just hurting the epidermis?

The three faction alliances are inherited from the antiquity, and the array of methods that have been taken out is quite mysterious. It seems that you can't find the array of eyes to break this line.

Lin Xuan thought so, surrounded by sudden yin and wind, a black air appeared in the air, and then the black gas spread to the surrounding, the contours gradually clear, a variety of ghosts appear in sight.

Some green fangs, some long hair fluttering, and some have short stature, but the expression of the face is very fierce...

Looking at it, it was densely packed into the sky, and it was more than 10,000 in a few years.

These are not ordinary ghosts and ghosts, and each one is not weaker than the Yuan Ying period.

Is it the legendary sorcerer's soul-splitting technique?

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature.

I haven't thought about how to deal with it. Those ghosts have screamed in unison, and the sound waves visible to the naked eye are like hurricanes, and they sway like themselves.

At first glance, there are some similarities with the sound wave function, but the ghosts are all right, the power is the same, is the general sound wave skill comparable?

And like this spell, the general defense magic has no effect at all, and the scream of the sound wave can penetrate the protection.

Lin Xuan’s face was dignified for the first time.

A big drink, his hands squatting, dancing in the void.

With the action, there is no sign, and a group of Jinmang burst out from the back of Lin Xuan.

It’s dazzling and looks gorgeous and gorgeous!

However, this is just the beginning.

The dazzling golden mang is getting brighter and brighter, and soon changed a law.

Nine heads and eighteen arms, looks dazzling.

The sound of the bang in the mouth was introduced into the ear. This mysterious method began to grow at a rapid rate. Soon, it became a giant scorpion with a height of more than 100 feet.

The whole body radiates golden light, noble and bright.


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