Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2653: trap

~ Date: ~ October 21~


Chapter 2,653, trap

Lin Xuan’s heart could not help but raise an anger.

After all, this matter is ultimately rooted in, and it can be said that it is because of itself.

In front of this, the monks were forced to be embarrassed by the three factions, and the death and injury were even more severe. Lin Xuan’s heart was not angry.

However, his heart is very calm after all, and his anger is angry. On the surface, he can't see it at all. The sound is calm enough to be added.

The feelings of others are as if nothing has happened.


"The disciple is here."

Su Ru looked up, the tone was a bit horrified, and seemed to be scared by Lin Xuan's calm.

But soon he bowed his head and his expression was still respectful.

"Don't you dare to go back with me?"

"Go back?" Su Ru stayed.

"Yes, let's take another knives and fires, and save the same door. Ruer, is there any courage?" Lin Xuan's voice is still very dull, as if to say, a casual little thing.

"The disciple is willing, let alone the sea of ​​knives and mountains, even if it is an 18-story hell, as long as it can save the same door, even if it is a broken bone, Ruer will not hesitate." Su Ru smashed a head, the sound of smashing the sound ear.

“Is it really good?” Lin Xuan added a strange addition.

"Thinking." Su Ru did not hesitate.

"Well, let's take the road, let's go and rescue the same door."

Lin Xuan’s voice did not fall, and he was covered in green awnings. He wrapped up Su Ru, just like flying away in the distance. How quickly his dawn was, and soon disappeared into the distant horizon.


Tens of thousands of miles away, for Lin Xuan, it is just a moment.

"Master, it is there."

In fact, there is no need for Su Ru to guide the road. With Lin Xuan’s knowledge, I have already felt the atmosphere of fighting here. I saw a valley in front of me, the flash of light flashed, the various colors of light and sky, the sound of bursting and whistling in the ears, thousands The monk of the meter is screaming there.

The smaller number of people is Yun Yinzong Xiu Xian, about two or three hundred people, and the disciples of the three factions are many times more.

As a result, the disciples of Yun Yinzong naturally can't resist.

Almost every one, no matter how high or low, is faced with several sieges of the same order. From time to time, there are screams coming into the ears, and the situation is in jeopardy.

Lin Xuan’s brow wrinkled, and the gods swept through it, but they did not find Longlin two elders. It is correct to say that in this valley, the monks’ cultivation is not very high, most of them are mainly Yuan Ying. There are only a few of the clutches, and even a small number of condensate-time cultivators are desperately killed there.

Lin Xuan brows a pick.

Although it is only a few low-level disciples, but since the number has reached hundreds, it is impossible for them to disregard them.

Also, save these people first.

So Lin Xuan was hesitant, and turned in the direction and flew toward the valley.

Lin Xuan did not notice that Su Ru, who was on the side, saw him flying to the valley, and his eyes flashed a bit of struggling color.

But it was just a fleeting moment, and it was quickly replaced, as if nothing had happened.

Since it was decided to save people, and then hide the body shape, it became more than a move. Lin Xuan flew straight and flew away.


There is no extra movement, just the release of the spirit pressure, but the presence of the immortal, the strongest but the clutch, where to withstand, one or two, suddenly turned west.

The original lively fight, because of this accident, stopped abruptly.

However, unexpectedly, seeing Lin Xuan, the distracted level of the strong, Yun Yinzong monk did not burst out of cheers, the three-party alliance of the guy did not show panic.

This reaction is a bit strange.

Lin Xuan’s brows seemed to feel wrong, but before he could act, an unexpected scene took place.

On the side of Su Ru's eyes flashed a smear of color, suddenly bent to the micro-elastic, Li Mang flashed, a black silk thread rushed to Lin Xuan in the speed of lightning.


Then burst open, so a thin glimpse, turned into a large group of stinking black fog, Lin Xuan was too late to hide, suddenly wrapped in it.

The poison of the river!

Lin Xuan was like a nightmare voice coming into the ear.

"Yes, it is the poison of the Styx, one of the ten most sinister poisons in the Yin dynasty. Lin Daoyou really has a wide knowledge, and at a glance he recognizes the small gift that the lord prepared for you. Oh, what is the taste, just let it go now. Binding, in the name of the Taoist friend, we will not let you suffer too much."

The strange voice was introduced into the ear, dozens of feet away, the black mang flashed, and a man shrouded in a black robe emerged.

I can't see the face clearly, even the age can't be recognized, there will be such a strange dress and costume, the high-level monks of the non-spiritual ghosts.

In front of this guy, the identity is even more important, and it is the current lord of the ghost.

The poison of the Styx is also the treasure of the town's ancestors. In order to deal with Lin Xuan, this time, no effort is spared.

"Yes, yes, if the Taoist friends are willing to leave the cloud, they will be able to solve the ego of today, and all the treatments will definitely exceed the income of you in the cloud."

Another peaceful voice was introduced into the ear, and it was a kind-hearted old man who was talking about the fairy tales. It looked like a fairy god.

The words spoken are full of temptations.

The ghost of the sect of the sect was wrinkled. I didn’t expect the key moment. Tianyin’s real people actually got up and Lin Xuan came. This is not discussed with them beforehand. Do you want to take advantage of the fishermen?

The idea is good, but he won't let him do it.

The genius of the genie is thinking evilly, but on the surface, there is no immediate rebuttal. Let’s take a look at the situation and then make a decision. After all, the other party is a great elder of Taixuanmen, and he does not want to tear his face with the other side.

However, Lin Xuan did not answer his question. The painful voice was introduced into the ears of everyone, with an angry questioning color: "Why, why are you selling me?"

Needless to say, the object he asked was Su Ru, who used a sneak attack on Lin Xuan at the same time, using a symbol hidden in the sleeve at a very fast speed, teleported, and fled to a distance of more than a thousand feet.

Su Ru's face alternated red and white. Lin Xuan's gaze made her uneasy, but soon, she bit her bite: "There is nothing to say, now, I am betrayed the ancestors." ”

"Why, are they forced to swear?" Lin Xuan seems to calm down a bit, but the voice is still suffering from extremes. As one of the top ten poisons in the Three Realms, the poison of the Styx is not a joke.

"Forcing, I can't say it, I am really caught by the life of Tai Xuanzong, but I count you, but I volunteered myself."




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