Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2645: Wu Laoqi

Further away, a monk dressed in a green robe manipulated a set of flying needle-shaped treasures and was chasing with another black robe monk.


There are many similar battle groups. However, in addition to the above, the monks of Yun Yinzong can be evenly matched with each other. The rest are mostly in a disadvantageous position. It is not too much to say that they are hard to support. Maybe the next moment will be defeated.

"The surname is white, do you really want jade to burn? To tell you the truth, the two elders of your cloud sect are already fallen. You are struggling to support the overall situation here, but it is only a futile effort." Weak, the singer who looks like a singer, makes every effort to get the best, and it is difficult to get the upper hand. In the mouth, I can't help but start the strategy of attacking the heart.

This time, it played a role. I heard that the two masters and uncles were degraded. The white robes who had always been calm and sorrowful could not help but change their faces: "What do you say, the two uncles of Bai’s class are the strong men of the gods, How could it be easy to fall?"

"Hey, this deceit is deceiving you to do something. I ask you, are they both? They haven’t returned to Zongmen for more than three months. This time, I’m trying to hide you, but it’s not my Taixuanmen family, but also the spirit. Ghosts and Tianjing Valley, with the power of my three doors, killed two distracted men, and what counted." The monk who looked like a man laughed and expressed confidence, looking at his description, down It’s not like having a fake.

The white robe monk's face became more and more hazy, but he was silent, but he did not choose to yield: "You don't have to worry about it here. Bai grew up in Yunyin, and in any case, it will not be in the Zongmen crisis. At the moment, be the unscrupulous traitor..."


The outside of the staff was shocked and angry, and the lungs were almost blown up.

However, before he could talk, an unexpected laughter came to his ear: "Tang Shizhen, this kind of guy who doesn't know how to be good, kills it directly, why bother with him here!"

The voice has not fallen, and a powerful spiritual power has risen to the sky, and there is no sign in advance. However, the strange spiritual power is really strong to the extreme.

Just the spiritual pressure, almost half of the total rudder of Yun Yinzong.

The sound of 噗通噗通 was transmitted to the ear, and the low-ranking monks were almost suspenseful and silent. They turned over and fell down. They were the old monsters of the hole-level level. They were not good at all, and their faces were obviously red. Breathing becomes extremely extreme. Obviously, the impact of this spiritual pressure on them is also very important.

And to be able to do this, obviously no longer what is the hole!

I saw only a hundred feet farther in the sky. Inexplicably, there was a little fog, and then a black flame burst into the sky, even in this chaotic scene, it still seemed to be very eye-catching.

Less than a while. As soon as the flame caught, a big man wearing a black armor appeared in the air.

This big man is tall and tall, and his body is far stronger than the same-order monk. The armor he wears is as black as ink, but the surface is like the stars in the sky.

On the surface of the armor, there are some faint lines that appear.

This thing is not a thing, Lin Xuan's vision is very poisonous.

In addition to wearing armor, Dahan also carries a treasure in his hand. It is a double-edged tomahawk with a length of more than two feet. The entire axe is also black and black, but the cold light at the axe blade makes people feel cool, and at the top of this axe, the sharp is not inferior to the rifle.

In this way, the power of this treasure is a bit horrible, both sides are axe, can be cut. The top can be shot like a long gun, and the lethality is the ultimate.

Needless to say, at this moment, the terrible pressure of the entire rudder is distributed by the great man.

Yun Xianzong's cultivator. It was originally in the downwind, at this moment. One by one, the expression is to be scattered.

"It’s Wu old!"

"No mistakes, the spirit ghosts actually sent this terrible guy out."

"How to do!"

For a time, the horror spread in the Yun Yinzong monk, and after a few bites of effort, I don’t know who drank: "Remove!"

Suddenly, like the magic box of fear, the Yun Yinzong monk who had been frightened and frightened suddenly made a bird and beast.

Can not blame everyone for being weak, after all, the presence of the door, repaired to the highest, but the late Tang Xuan, how can it compete with this notorious Wu old strange?

Be aware that this old guy is one of the elders of the Ghosts, and one of the most brutal and killing of all elders.

However, his cultivation is indeed a small matter, not only the realm has reached the distraction period, but also a rare cultivator of the legal body.

The double revision of the law body sounds tempting, but the monk who chooses this road knows that the difficulty is hard to express in words. It is necessary to enhance the mana, and to temper the **, so that it can not be invulnerable. Family, just think about it, it makes people feel cold.

Of course, being able to embark on the road of cultivation of immortals is naturally a group of outstanding people. Among them, there are many mentally tough people with great perseverance, and the body is double-educated. Because of its advancement, the benefits of retreating and defending, it has also been repaired. The fairy world is popular for a while.

It is nowadays that the existence of the double-repair of the lower-ranking monks can still occupy a certain proportion. However, for this case, the Yuan Ying period is a watershed, the Yuan Ying and above, and the legal body double repair, it is almost a look. Not enough.

Without him, it would be difficult to cultivate a fairy, and you still want to distract yourself. The difficulty of promotion can be doubled!

However, it is less or less, and it does not mean that the body is double-educated. It is really extinct in the high-ranking monks. On the contrary, once the guy who chooses the double body of the body can enter the ranks of high-ranking monks, the strength is strong. Far from being in the same order can resist.

Even the leap-forward challenge is not so strange in their eyes. Heaven is fair, and it is difficult to qualify for the double-education of the legal body, and it also compensates them for their enviable strength.

The singularity of the evil spirits is undoubtedly one of the best, and with its cruel and killing character, it is no wonder that Yun Yinzong’s monks will flee.

This kind of choice cannot be said to be wrong. After all, whoever has a small life is only once. The problem is, even if they run, can they run again?

Originally, there were a large number of enemies. If everyone worked together, they could barely revolve for a moment. Now they are all fleeing. Perhaps they are lucky enough to run away one or two. However, other guys are only waiting to be broken.

This reason, Yun Yinzong monk may not be in the heart, but no one has the courage to face the Wu old monster, of course, there are also left, but most of them are entangled by the opponent, it is really not allowed, only white The robe monk and other people are the unavoidable intentions. It seems that they are prepared to excuse this little life and coexist with Yun Yinzong. (To be continued)


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