Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2641: Snow Shadow Magic

Although compared with other ancient demon ancestors, the Snowflake ancestors did not have much fame, and it was only the beginning of the robbery, but in any case, the one who can reach this realm will be weak.

Snow Shadow Magic Magic also has its own extraordinary, far from the ordinary ancient magic method can be comparable.

At least Lin Xuan has no better choices now. After reviewing the exercises he has brought from the ancient demon world, this snow shadow magic is undoubtedly the most mysterious.

So after a little thought, Lin Xuan decided to use it as the second element of the baby, but also the main incarnation of this body.

To be fair, although it is probably browsing, Lin Xuan can also conclude that the power of this snow shadow magic power is far from being comparable to the ink moon.

But what is the relationship, the good things under the sun, which ~ ~ - update the starting ~ ~ make sense, let yourself alone, all accounted for.

As the main practice of the body, Mo Yuetian Wushu naturally wants to pursue powerful power. As for the practice of snow and shadow magic, then you don’t have to think about it. After all, this snow shadow is really for the second yuan. In other words, it is a minor practice, Lin Xuan is not necessary, and then get a set of difficult and sturdy exercises to torture yourself!

Moreover, the power of Snow Shadow is weak, and it is relatively speaking. After all, the Moon and the Witch are the mainstays of the God of the Witch and the power of the gods, and the power of the three majors. .

At this moment, Lin Xuan sits on his knees. It is just a general survey. Now that he has decided to practice this technique, he needs to be carefully enlightened.

He lowered his head, and the right hand gripped the jade, then sank into the gods.

This method of practice is written in the devil's text, and the mouth is very extreme. It can be said to be a word, implied.

Lin Xuan spent a full three months to understand this practice half, and there have been some changes in his original views.

It is true that this method can't be compared with Mo Yue Tian Wu, but the power is still quite good. The key is that, as the main practice of the ancestor level, it is the same as its own master saga. There can be no problem from the agility period, from cultivation until the robbery period.

This makes Lin Xuan very satisfied. He has no interest, cultivates to the middle, and then revise the second yuan baby exercises, so that once and for all, the most time and effort.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a smile, lowered his head and continued to understand the later exercises.

At the same time, another stone room, Lin Xuan's body is crossed on the knees, hands flat on the knees, just after he took a remedy that can improve the cultivation, now is refining the drug, this is the avatar The benefits of the main Yuan Ying and the second Yuan infants do not interfere with each other, can save time, naturally it is not a little bit.

It took half a year to turn around.

Lin Xuan raised his head and he was fully enlightened about the true magic of Snow Shadow. Of course, there are still many subtleties that seem to understand and understand, and it is difficult to integrate.

This is inevitable. This part needs to gradually realize the running-in in the process of cultivation. It is impossible to make all the problems clear, just like watching it once.

As long as you know everything, the rest of the problem can naturally be slowly found in the process of cultivation.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan put down the jade, and then reached out, shot at the waist, a flash of light, a box emerged in sight.

The box is not long, but it is made of some unknown valuable wood. Lin Xuan bends the micro-elastic, the lid of the "啪" opens, the magic fog rises, and a piece of ink black jade is several inches in size. Come into view.

Although this object is black as ink, it is beautiful to the extreme.

However, if it is regarded as an ordinary gem, it is a big mistake.

This is another treasure.

Lin Xuan took it in his hands, 'played for a moment, suddenly turned into a shocking rainbow' like the black jade flew over, the incredible scene happened, the jade was only a few inches long, Lin Xuan easily flew in and out, in front of It was a blur, and then it was another piece of heaven and earth.

A cave house.

The practice room, the living room, the medicine garden, the refining hall, and even the spirit animal room are not lacking. This is a complete Dongfu, and the magic inside is even more intense, not to mention the spirit world, even if it is put In the ancient devil world, the magic pulse that can provide the same concentration of magic is also rare.

As for the source of the magic gas, there is a small garden on the side of Dongfu. There are thousands of stones of different sizes scattered in the soil of the garden. No... What is the stone, the magic eye? Jade.

The so-called jade of the magic eye is relative to the jade of the eye, but the latter produces the aura, and the former produces the magic.

Since Lin Xuan’s second-yuan baby intends to cultivate the true magic method, of course, he needs ample source of magic power, and this is necessary to provide the things he needs, and Lin Xuan does not have to find another magic pulse.

As for the medicinal herbs, Lin Xuan also collected a lot of land when he was in the ancient demon world. What's more, this incarnation is the body of medicine, and there is no problem of spiritual roots. However, the qualification of cultivation is his. The body is difficult to shoot.

Good qualifications mean that at the time of cultivation, there is less reliance on panacea.

Time passes by.

In the following days, Lin Xuan was inseparable regardless of his body or his incarnation. He meditated daily and learned the law, and he was completely involved in penance.

The two elders of Yun Yinzong also know Lin Xuan’s temper, and leisure will not bother him. Anyway, Lin Xuan, even if he asks the world, as long as he is still a monk, with his fame, the development of Yun Yinzong can also be big. Get help...

Winter is coming to spring, and late summer is coming.

The flowers opened and thanked, thanked and opened again. However, the door of Lin Xuan Dong’s house was always closed. For a hundred years, the entire valley, but no one had ever come, and there were thick layers of fallen leaves inside and outside. Dust, as if here, has become an ancient tomb.

This is an ordinary morning, the sun passes through the gaps between the leaves and leaves, and the warmth falls into the valley.

The bird's tweet was introduced into the ear, and the worm was looking for the early morning food between the branches and leaves. Everything seemed quiet and peaceful.

However, soon, the tranquility of this morning was broken, and the distant sky was dazzling, and there was a thrilling rainbow flying here.

After the shocking rainbow, a group of black light, a black gas, is chasing after it, while chasing, but also released a lightning fireball and treasures, want to intercept the road.

Because the distance is still far away, the face of the monk in Jinghong can't be seen clearly, but she is desperately left and right, and the dawn is not intended to stop. Seeing its destination is the valley where Lin Xuan is located. Ps: First, today will be three more, ask for a ticket, thank you. (To be continued)


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