Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2637: Easy to win

Although the silver wire is slender, it is more than ten feet long. The number is more than ten times more than the sword mang, just rolling over, like a silver cloud, like a front cut.

"The sword is silk!"

The young master of Wu Da took out a few words from his teeth, while on the other side, the two elders of Yun Yinzong, who were on the sidelines, were also stunned. Before the moment, they were still worried that Lin Xuantuo was underestimating the enemy. The means were shocked.

"The sword is silk, sister, I am not mistaken, it is actually a sword."

Although the young surname of the dragon is the lowest of the four, the good one is also the cultivator of the distraction. However, at this moment, it does not care about the screaming of the face.

It is no wonder that he is so, to know that the sword is the silk itself. Although it is not a great secret technique, but it does not use the body to display it with Jianguang, but it is a bit shocking. This is not to say that Lin Xuan does not rely on treasures, light. Is the power of these swords that are displayed, not inferior to the magic of the same-order monks?

Is this possible?

The two sisters of the Jubilee are amazed, and more are happy, while the young master of Wu Da is angry and fearful.

Of course, there are more unwilling ingredients. How can someone be more talented than himself?

He is not a sword repairer, but he asks himself that even if he studies the technique of the sword from the beginning, it is impossible to display the sword as a silk.

This is not to say that I am far from Lin Xuan.


Wu Da’s young master is unwilling to admit that this Lin Xiaozi’s secret technique is outrageous, but who knows, is it a paper tiger, just a superficial glaze?

Thinking so in my heart, he continued to manipulate the needles like this, while injecting more mana...

Despite deep feelings, there are some faint fears, but he still has to take the plunge. The character of the young master of Wu Da is a person who does not see the coffin and does not cry.

next moment. The sound of the jingle was introduced into the ear, and the flying needle and the sword silk collided in the air.

The result was evenly matched, and the young master of Wu Da had a big eye. He did not hesitate to use the blood to stimulate the power of the needle. Actually, he could only fight with the other side, and he made a mistake!

However, the surprise didn't end. Lin Xuan flipped his right hand and pointed it out. With his movements. The swords are no longer cut forward, but begin to wrap the surrounding flying needles.

Round and round, it is like the silk thread spit out from the spring silkworm. Wrap a flying needle into a cocoon.

The magic weapon was trapped, and the young master of Wu Da was in contact with the heart of this treasure. Has been cut off by Lin Xuan.

He couldn't help but look like a earthy color. It is so different from Jianguangwei. If it is a real treasure, what can I resist?

For the first time in my heart, I felt a sense of powerlessness. Although he was not willing to admit defeat, his heart knew that his strength with the other party was far worse. If you are unkind, the two sides are not an order of magnitude!

And this thought has not been turned. The cold hair behind it was inexplicably upside down. I saw a flash of light, and Lin Xuan disappeared in place.

Then his body was like a paper paste, and it was easily broken. A gentle palm rested on his shoulder, and Lin Xuan’s hearty laughter rang in the ear: “Wu Daoyou, how do you stop this?”

"Lin Daoyou is very good at it.

Silenced a few bites of effort, the young master of Uda recognized the burden.

Lin Xuan will shrunk back, and his heart is slightly strange. The other party can honestly admit defeat, and let him change his perception of the young master. At least the ordinary dude, this is not the case anyway.

Lin Xuan smiled and shrunk back.

The young master of the U.S. did not admit defeat. However, things have come to this step. In any case, it is not good-looking on his face. Naturally, he will not continue to stay. He will leave his words. The silver-haired girl and the surnamed teenager will keep a few words and let him go.

The matter has come to an end, the silver maiden girl and the young surname of the dragon are relieved. The result can be said to be much more wonderful than they expected. At first, the two were really worried that Lin Xuan would not know how to deal with it. The young master of Wu Da, or seriously injured, the violent ancestors of the fire spirit, in any case, will not be willing to give up.

In that case, the unlucky one is not Lin Xuan, and the door will be angered and face a great disaster.

Fortunately, the fear is superfluous, and the final result is extremely satisfactory.

Thinking of this, the silver-haired girl’s mouth showed a smile, and she wanted to speak. Lin Xuan’s sleeves shook, and a ray of light wrapped a thing, slowly flying like her.

The woman was slightly amazed, but still did not hesitate to reach out and take it.

"this is……"

In the hand, it was a dark animal skin. The woman only looked at it and recognized what it was.

It was just the duel, the young master of the **** lost to Lin Xuan's color head, don't look at this animal skin, the above represents, but a whole vein.

And it is the best spar vein that is rare in the spiritual world.

"Lin Shidi, you are..."

The jubilee girl was surprised and happy, and she faintly guessed Lin Xuan’s intention.

"Sister should know that Lin is a bitter. This mine is not a small one, but Lin has not experienced anything, so he was handed over to Zongmen to help me. As for the veins, I and Zongmen Take half of each."

"It’s not appropriate to take half of each."

Lin Xuan’s voice just fell, and the head of the silver-haired girl was shaking like a rattle.

"Oh, what should I divide into the meaning of the sister?"

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"This vein is won by the younger brother. Zongmen is only taking care of the staff. The income can be half of that of the younger brother. It is a good result. It is good for two or eight."

"Two or eight is divided, it is not appropriate." Lin Xuan is not awkward personality, not to mention his family is not the same, Yun Yinzong and his own is not thin, Lin Xuan feels that the other party is too disadvantaged: "Sister does not have to shirk, half to half Lin has felt very good."

The silver maiden girl is not allowed. The young surname of the dragon also helps to persuade. In this way, the two sides bargained for a moment, and finally gave each step, the income of the best mineral veins, Lin Xuan took 70%, and Yun Yinzong took 30%.

In fact, no one can treasure too much treasure. For a sect, the spar is a must. However, the two elders of Yun Yinzong are very clear, even if compared with a rare best vein, Lin Xuan It is also too important, so they would rather have less spar, but also the supernatural master of this magical power.

The middle considerations are not mentioned for the time being. Anyway, the final result is all happy. Then, with the crowd of two, Lin Xuan returned to the general rudder of Yun Yinzong.

Ps: Today's state is really bad, sorry, work hard tomorrow.


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