Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2626: Nine-tailed fox

The second two hundred six hundred twenty six chapter nine tailed fox

In other words, in addition to Lin Xuan, others will not feel the shackles of time to stop.

This is also why Lin Xuan can save for Xiang Er.

Of course, to do this, it is difficult for the Snow Fox princess to have the determination and courage to die.

Time was too hasty, she did not have leisure to make other moves, Lin Xuan was knocked open, but he replaced him, facing fierce embarrassment.


Lin Xuan witnessed the sound of the cracked sound coming into the ear, the blood smashed through the pupil, and the blue ribs on the forehead were upside down, and the expression was stunned to the point where it could not be added.

At this moment he is like an injured beast.

Lin Xuan never dreamed that the naughty little snow fox would have the courage to save himself.

No... this is not just courage.

Lin Xuan, I saw the tears in the eyes of the girl, but her mouth was with a sweet smile.

Even in the face of death, Xiang Er is not afraid, how deep affection can bring such courage.

Lin Xuan’s heart was moved by the extreme. He didn’t want to, and did not want to save himself. He would rather face the terrible beast at the moment.

However, the vision is beautiful, but the reality is cruel and powerless.

At this moment, Lin Xuan can't change anything.

I can only watch the terrible embarrassment, and I am like a girl in front of me.

Does the fragrant fragrant fragrant scent?

Everything seems to have reached an irreversible situation.

However, at this time, the protrusions are changed.

In the place where Xiang Er was in front of him, the space suddenly twisted.

Then the whole space broke into a spot of countless rice grains. Lin Xuan was attracted by the incredible scene.

It is not a simple distortion, nor a simple collapse. It is split into countless light spots. The empty space is in her hands, like a thin piece of paper.

How strong is this to be able to do this.

Space law!

That's right, the most mysterious space rule, in her hands, seems to be a simple plaything, only to reach the point of random drive, in order to understate the destruction of space.

This thought was turned around in Lin Xuan’s mind.

He could hardly imagine what kind of power would come to his eyes.

Really immortal?

Really immortal?

This seems to be the only reasonable explanation he can think of.

But how is this possible?

Is the true emotion of Xianger moving to heaven?

Lin Xuan only felt a mixed theory in the brain.

Then I saw a beautiful figure in the cracked space.

Just a touch of back, Lin Xuan did not see her face.

However, even this backing is so beautiful, and the beauty of the beautiful country has become a cloud-like existence in front of this incredible back.

Time seemed to stop at that moment, but the cockroaches still slammed into it.


In the meantime, Lin Xuan seemed to hear a sigh, and the inside of the soft sausage turned a hundred turns, and the unspeakable charm was scattered from the inside.

Lin Xuan never thought about it, and once he sighed, he could be so beautiful. Just listen to the sound, and let the bones of the people, no... the three souls and seven scorpions seem to melt.

Then the woman extended her hand.

Like the white jade of the sheep... No, the white fat of the sheep fat is awkward, and her beauty has reached the point where the words of the world cannot be described.

It’s the best in the world to raise your hand, even if it’s a finger.

There was no extra movement, the woman just raised her hand, and then Lin Xuan saw that a layer of light curtain was scattered from her palm.

It was a white, innocent light curtain that was as sacred as a snowflake, crystal clear, but thin, as if it was torn with a finger.

The next moment, the smashing attack came up.


Do not doubt the power of that collision.

I have not thought about the "time stop" secret surgery, I will encounter many twists and turns, he is thinking, to Lin Xuan died, this collision, but exhausted all efforts, if it is a weak lower interface, may be He hit the ground.

However, the seemingly weak light curtain, but easily and unexpectedly blocked the blow, did not have any effort.

It’s like a collision, it seems to be jacking into the cotton.

Because it is relatively standing, and Lin Xuan can only see the back is different, he sees the figure of this mysterious woman from the front, his two eyes, suddenly smashed than the bronze bell, which is full of shock Color, the sound seems a bit dry: "Yes, how come you come here?"

He was shocked. Although he repeatedly smashed the interface rule twice, he took the two incarnations into the spiritual world in a hundred years. He also thought that it would attract the attention of other spiritual circles and even avatars here.

However, psychological preparation is one thing. If you meet another thing, if it is other great powers, he never dreamed that his own incarnation would lead to the Qingqiu lord.

Have you made a mistake!

The nine-tailed Tianhu, one of the three demon kings, will not be inferior to the scattered fairy. This kind of existence, even if his body meets, only the retreat, and then borrow a courage, do not dare to provoke Actually, I came here for the incarnation of the district.

His eyes are full of fear, but the ingredients are more confused. For a moment, I almost think that I am wrong, or my head is dizzy and dreaming.

how can that be possible?

Thousands of thoughts in my mind turned, still can not find an answer, to solve his problems.

However, at this time, the nine-tailed fox moved.

The original open palm slowly gripped, only the white index finger still stretched forward, gently, the movement is small, almost invisible.

However, such an inconspicuous movement, a white light emerged out of thin air, it still seems to have no eye-opening, but it seems to see the most terrible things in the world, such as avoiding the snakes to hide, but no Use, that light glow does not seem to be fast, but I don’t know why, even if I can’t hide, it falls on his body!


The earth-shattering screams came into the ears, and Guangxia wrapped the whole body of the scorpion, and then it became a fire. According to reason, the general flame was useless for the existence of the robbery period, even if Lin Xuan’s illusion was overwhelming. It is not necessarily able to kill the cockroaches, but the layer of faint inconspicuous flames, the power contained in it is so big that it is staggering.

The terrible beast has become a fireball in an instant.

The screams of screaming and screaming, and the horrible flames rushed into the air, but only a few feet away, they fell down and screamed in the flames.

After a few more efforts, even the screams came to an abrupt end, and the cockroaches had disappeared in the flames without a trace. If there was not a little ash falling in the same place, I am afraid that it would never have appeared.


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