Tempered Immortal

Vol 5 Chapter 2621: Meteor fire

.. wheezing gasp into the ears, Lin Xuan's appearance at this moment, wolf to the extreme, no, or can not be described with wolf howling. ---------.----

Since the beginning of the road to cultivation, Lin Xuan has experienced countless blood and rain, but such a serious injury has never been experienced. .

The body was covered with large and small wounds, and there was a bowl-sized hole in the lower abdomen. Although there was no blood flowing out, such injuries were still shocking.

For a distracted period of cultivation, the body has long been scrapped. However, Lin Xuan is different. His physical strength is comparable to that of the same-order Yao, even though he is full of pain in his eyes. Such an injury will not let his flesh fall and fall.

However, the combat effectiveness is definitely a big discount. In this case, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is to find death.

In this case, Lin Xuan is clear, why not know what it is, don't look at its horrible appearance, but wisdom is not inferior to the human race.

The corner of the mouth is faint, but it seems to reveal a bit of sneer: "Lin Xiaozi, regret it, actually again and again, and then offend the majesty of this demon, rest assured, I will not let you fall down, This magical deity will make you unable to survive, and you must die."

"Is it?"

Lin Xuan’s face is still without fear.

The period of robbery is much more terrible than I thought. With just one blow, I will hit myself to a half-dead level, but the distance is falling... still early!

Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and only the flash of light flashed, and a slap-sized symbol appeared.

Later, Lin Xuan did not use it to attack the enemy, but a "squeaky" sound, posted on his body.

A group of emerald green spirits wrapped it, and in the spirits, Lin Xuan's wounds recovered quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Get back to life!

Legend has it that this thing can live dead, meat and bones, such a legend, obviously there is no small exaggeration, but although it can not do the legendary step. It’s just a matter of restoring the immediate injury, but there is no problem at all.

And the efficiency is extremely terrible, almost a moment of effort, Lin Xuan's injury, it is completely good.

The whole process, 梼杌 冷 冷 冷 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 梼杌 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It’s over soon, I didn’t expect you to have such a charm. But... it only makes you more painful.”

The voice did not fall, and he lifted one of his front paws and slammed it down. However, this time, the space did not collapse and twisted. Instead, countless black claws appeared in sight.

The snoring made a big noise, and the sly rushed toward Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature, and it is not fun to be hit by these claws.

However, his own basaltic martial arts have lost spirituality. They don’t spend time re-cultivating and can’t use it. Fortunately, his body is no different, and there is no shortage of spare treasures.

Lin Xuan sleeves gown. I saw the flash of the spirit, and three treasures had swept out of the sleeves.

A shield, a bowl, and a block-shaped treasure.

These are all obtained from Lin Xuan’s treasure house. Although the defensive power is not as good as the basaltic martial arts, it must not be underestimated.

It is the top ancient treasure, otherwise. It will not be treasured and collected into the treasure house.

Lin Xuan’s movements were very quick, and the treasures were sacrificed in one hand, and the magical anomaly was shot by his fingertips.

The thorn, the first thing that changed was the shield-shaped treasure. I saw a flash of light, and its volume quickly became bigger. Block Lin Xuan's body shape.

Then the exquisite and small jade bowl also flew up.

The drip is spinning. From the bottom of the jade bowl, there are countless rice-sized runes, and then a layer of light curtains is extended to cover the space nearby.

The change of the last piece of the shape of the treasure is even more important, the volume has become more than a hundred times in an instant, such as a thick wall, in front of Lin Xuan, as if to block any kind of attack.

However, that is just a feeling.

The next moment, the dark claws were stunned, and the three layers of solid defenses seemed to be muddy and sticky in front of him, and they were quickly broken through without suspense.

The jade bowl is also very good, the shield is worth it, or the last block-shaped treasure, it has lost its luster, and the damage is almost difficult to repair.

And all of this is done almost in an instant.

Then, the attack hit the body of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan’s mouth showed a smile.

The three treasures seem to have no use, but how many of them have blocked the claws, and the masters have been arguing for nothing. This time, for him, is enough to change the situation.

Lin Xuan did not use the nine-day microstep, but his idling speed was also a small one. At this time, it was enough for him to escape the cover of the claws.

Then Lin Xuan reached out and shot at the waist, and another treasure appeared in front of his eyes.

It is a small foot of a large Ding, the shape is simple, the surface of the pattern has a mysterious breath, and it is not a thing at first glance!

Xuan Tian Ling Bao!

The grade of Ling Yi Ding is above the most advanced level of Lingbao.

After the promotion, Lin Xuan spent a lot of time mastering, and now he can use it freely.

With this object, you can instantly generate powerful spells of ancient power.

The original means, it is very difficult to deal with the embarrassment of the eyes, whether it is the teeth of Bailong, or the spirit of the sword will not have much effect, Lin Xuan can only hope that this new Xuantian Lingbao, can Bring yourself a surprise.

Although in his body, there is another unforgettable treasure hidden in Dantian, Lin Xuan even has a five-point grasp that he can overcome the embarrassment of the eyes, but Lin Xuan does not dare to use.

Five dragons!

The mystery of this thing is only one level lower than the difficult color of the Xinghai. Using him, God knows what the consequences will be. Even if he can overcome the embarrassment, I am afraid it will lead to a more powerful existence.

The husband is guilty of guilty, and Lin Xuan will not use this means.

Can Xuantian Lingbao compete with the other side?

Lin Xuan is not clear.

But at least try it.

In his mouth, there is a mysterious and unusual spell spit out, but the simplicity is short, and at the same time, both hands are waving, and there is a mysterious trajectory in the void.

With the movement of Lin Xuan, the whole sky has changed.

Originally black as ink, there are countless highlights at this moment.

It’s beautiful like a meteor, because it’s too much, it’s like a rain.

This spell also got his name.

Meteor fire!

One of the secret spells of the ancient fire attribute.

Legends can destroy the earth and destroy the earth. Countless beautiful meteors traverse a mysterious trajectory in the void, and slammed into the scorpion. At this moment, the huge body of the other side has become the best target.

Ps: I have a cold in the shower today, and my head hurts! To be continued..


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