Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2597: Shortcut to the middle of the distraction

The 2,595th chapter is a shortcut to the middle of the distraction

That powerful gathering coincided with the maturity of the peach, which, in the eyes of other monks, may be a treasure that can be met and not sought. Church

However, this gathering is the most prestigious existence of the spiritual world. The demon king, the scattered fairy, the worst strength, is also the versatile cultivator of the peak of the late robbery.

The effect of peaches is not of much use to them.

Therefore, Jiuwei Tianhu did not think about it, who would sneak into his own Taoyuan.

I know, but someone really ran.

The cold baby's baby daughter, the new moon princess.

At that time, the new moon was still young.

His father is a celestial being, and his status is respected. When the new moon is young, he is favored by the stars. Because of his father’s love, he is arrogant and unspeakable.

Anyway, her father is already the best in the spiritual world. What is the big disaster, so the little princess, but the day is not afraid, not afraid of it.

The father took him to visit the country of Qingqiu, but she mischievously broke into the 蟠 Taoyuan of the nine-tailed Tianhu.

The peach is a heaven and earth spirit, and its mature fragrance is wonderful. The new moon can't resist the temptation. She is a big mischievous habit, no matter who is the treasure, it is the biggest one. I reached for the pick. The latest chapter of the church

However, this is how to take it.

This is the treasure of the wood in the five elements. It must also be made of pure wood-based materials, and the magic weapon can be extracted. Otherwise, the peach is contaminated with the aura of non-wood properties, and the impurities between heaven and earth will follow. Indulge in this aura into the peach.

As a result, the effect of the fruit will change, and the aura impurities will entangle each other. What happens after taking the peach, it will be difficult to predict.

It is possible that light is the effect of pure spiritual power inside, so that it is no different from the peach that is extracted with pure wood magic.

It is of great benefit to the monk. After taking it, it will improve a realm.

But this chance is only about five layers.

Another half of the possibility is that the impurities inside are turned into toxins and enter the meridians' meridians. In this way, the monks who take the drugs do not say that they have been promoted to the opportunity, and I am afraid that they will not fall into the realm of retreating.

The little princess knows the mysteriousness of it, and opens his mouth to bite. This mouth goes down, and the blessings are unpredictable. Fortunately, the cold man is really holding this daughter very tight. She found that she was gone, and immediately set out to find the result. I saw the girl who wanted to bite the peach that had been contaminated with impurities.

Guanghan was shocked and was busy taking this thing.

Then the Qingqiu lord also rushed here, and his medicine garden was smashed in. The nine-tailed fox did not like it, but after all, it was only a little girl, and it was the baby who loves the cold and real life. A lot of blame, the peach has been invaded by impurities, she has no use, and simply pushed the boat and sent it to the cold. The latest chapter of the church

Guanghan real person is naturally apologizing apologize, specific, it is not easy to say, holding the peach is a little bit sorrowful, this thing is invaded by impurities, in the nine-tailed fox, it is already a chicken rib, then take it yourself Not the same.

However, no matter what, this is always the fault of her daughter. Knowing that she is suffering, he can't say anything. In addition, he took out a few treasures and changed the ribbed peach to his hand.

However, chicken ribs are also relatively speaking.

Guanghan is a real person. The Qingqiu lord is already the top figure in the spiritual world. It is only one step away from the legendary realm. The ribs in their eyes are still valuable in the eyes of other monks, for example. This is a peach that is contaminated with impurities.

Although there is a general chance of falling after taking it, there is a general chance that it will be directly promoted.

How can you cultivate a fairy, how can you not take a risk?

Of course, it is not rare for Guanghan to be a real person. Naturally, it will not be taken to his own baby daughter. Later, this thing happened to coincide, and I did not know how to reveal it to a predecessor of the Xianxian Palace.

The ancestor, for various reasons, did not take the risk of taking this spirit, but used it as a treasure of inheritance, passed down from generation to generation.

"It turned out to be."

Lin Xuan raised his head and read the description at the bottom of the jade box. Lin Xuan finally knew the ins and outs of this peach, and there was no longer a doubt in his heart.

Lin Xuan played with the spirit in his hand, his face showing a few indulgent colors.

"It’s really a flawless place to break through the iron shoes. It doesn’t take much time.”

After a few moments of effort, Lin Xuan’s face disappeared and replaced with a happy color. His luck was really good.

Half chance of success, the general probability of falling.

If you change a cultivator, you may have to pay more for it if you don't take it. After all, it is different from the fall of the real world after serious injury. This situation is that the impurities in the heaven and earth aura are mixed into the meridians, and they are not expelled. It is hard to get to the point where you want to improve your training.

Once you are out of luck, you may be promoted to hopelessness for life.

At this risk, few monks are willing to take it.

However, Lin Xuan is different.


That's what it counts.

It's fine to use the blue star sea directly.

Originally a good peach, the effect of today, but the difference with the eclipse of the magic peach seems to be the same, the latter, when he was in the demon island, the chance coincidence, once served one, repaired as expected from the early Yuan Ying, Advance to the medium term.

Nowadays, the same opportunity is placed in front of you. This time, whether you can advance to the next level, let the main Yuan Ying reach the middle of distraction.

Hey... wait, maybe it’s not just the promotion of the main Yuan Ying, if it’s good luck, the second yuan baby and the demon, you can also go to the same level.

Thinking of this, even with Lin Xuan's city, the face can not help but reveal a hint of excitement, if it is like his own guess, then this opportunity, it is really big.

Of course, is it true that it is necessary to take it, but it is probably possible to try to understand Lin Xuan’s knowledge.

So Lin Xuan was not busy counting the treasures, but began to think about it. Do you want to purify this spirit now, and then take a try to advance?

The aura here is still acceptable, and it is too remote. There should be no monks happening here, bothering yourself.

And if it is a successful promotion, return to the Snow Fox family, and refine the chaos of the Taiyin Princess, it will be a little more grasp.

The most important point is that taking the peach to advance, the time spent is not much, the length is half a load, the short is a few months, it should be able to see the difference.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan no longer hesitated, just broke through the promotion here.

In the mind, Lin Xuan began to prepare, and the sleeves were glanced. He first put the treasures in front of his eyes and put them into the storage pockets of the waist.

After all, things are prioritized, and the rest of the treasures can be cleaned up after the promotion is successful.

Ps: Ask for a ticket, thank you.



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