Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2591: 梼杌 陨 陨 陨

The 2,509th chapter of the chapter is divided into fallen

The voice did not fall, Lin Xuan did not delay, hand up the treasure, the right hand holding the long Ge, has been swaying toward the other side. (the church)


As if the cloth was torn, the bright moon of the glass emerged, and the bright moon emerged. The space was broken, and the speed of the jaw was flying toward the front.

Lin Xuan this time, just a blow, the mana contained in it, there is no way to compare with just now, but because the realm falls, it is no longer a difficult period of robbery, this change, Lin Xuan is in an absolute advantage.

Although the blood shadow is not bad, in the face of the treasures containing the high-order space law, it is restrained to death.

In the shadow of the blood, the cockroach disappeared without traces, but after a moment of effort, it was just a few tens of feet away, and it stumbled out, and the crescent-shaped light blade was slightly distorted, and it disappeared the same. It appeared in front of you.


The earth-shattering roar came into the ear, and the face was full of unwillingness.

A group of black gas emerged from its eyebrows, and there was an inch of mini-sized dragonfly.

Although it is only a avatar, it still has a complete soul.

Lin Xuan naturally wouldn't let it go, the gowns glimpse, a glorious glow from his sleeves, a little flashing, turned into a giant hand of a size, grabbed toward the front. Church

The devil still wants to hide, but there are still some broken space rules. He has no way to use teleportation. As for the speed of escape, where can he compare with the bare hands?

The result was caught in one hand.

Lin Xuan’s face was full of enthusiasm: “How do you not want to refine Lin’s soul, what do you say now?”

"Hey, what's so good."

Although it has fallen into the hands of the other party, the devil still does not show any fear: "The deity is seriously injured, your kid is just a cheaper."

"so what?"

Lin Xuan stunned, did not expect things to come, the other party is still so hard to the point.

"How, it is just luck. The next time the deity goes to the spiritual world, it will definitely return the hatred of today to you."

The devil's soul was so strong that he burst into the magic light and burst into tears.

However, it is a soul, the power of the explosion is nothing, Lin Xuan has no injuries, but his face is full of haze.

The embarrassing body descends on the spiritual world?

how is this possible?

He is the existence of the true spirit level, and the ontology comes to the spiritual world. It does not cause great disputes. Is there any secret in the middle?

Lin Xuan does not think that he is threatening himself, but the devil has already blew himself up. Otherwise, he may get some clues through the practice of soul search. The latest chapter of the church

Lin Xuan thought with regret, then raised his head, his eyes swept like a front.

The cockroach has fallen, but his body is still suspended in the air.

Lin Xuan’s eyes suddenly became hot.

Although this is not the embarrassing body, the value is also indescribable. Don't look at his final state of falling, but that is because the injury is too heavy, the value of the fur skeleton is still a period of robbery.

Moreover, although it is the devil's thing, it is the true spirit of the real thing. From this point of view, it should be able to purify the extremely pure blood of the true spirit.

And for yourself, it will be a big help.

The evils are reliant on the blessings. This time, facing the embarrassment, although the danger is extremely extreme, the harvest is also very small.

Lin Xuan thinks like this, naturally, he will not be polite, and his sleeves will be smashed, and a Qingxia will fly out. The body of the cockroach will be rolled over and all of them will be in the storage bag.

Later, Lin Xuan did not leave here immediately, but closed his eyes and released the powerful spirit. Although he had experienced a battle between life and death, Lin Xuan would not forget what he was doing here.

The cockroach has fallen, and the mysterious ancestors of Xuan Bing have also lost their souls, and then the storage bags of the latter are everywhere.

Although the power of the explosion just now is not trivial, even reaching the point where Lin Xuan never encountered, the storage bag owned by the old blame is not bad. It is reasonable to say that it should not be destroyed.

Lin Xuan thought so in this way, let the gods fully release, in the vicinity of an inch-inch search, any subtle clues are not missed, because the radius is thousands of miles, there are still many space cracks are not closed, so search, not Quickly, the storage bag that does not exist during the transition period cannot be overstated by the value of the city. In any case, Lin Xuan will not give up.

Half an hour passed by.

Lin Xuan got nothing.

He sighed. Did he anticipate the mistake, and the storage bag had been destroyed in the big bang?

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan flashed a hint of haze, but he gave up, but he did not want to, Lin Xuan took a deep breath, and injected the mana into his eyes.

God has no effect, and now only hopes to look at the eyes of the wind, to see if there is any discovery.


Soon, it took another quarter of an hour.

Lin Xuan suddenly looked a move.

Then the shoulders trembled and turned into a shocking rainbow, flying like a front.

However, just flying thousands of feet away, Lin Xuan stopped.

A space crack appears in the line of sight.

It’s about a few feet long.

However, it is a very small crack. At first glance, it seems that there is no difference from ordinary space cracks. However, through the eyes of Tianfeng, Lin Xuan seems to have discovered something.

The right hand was lifted up, and the magical skyfire emerged in the palm of his hand. Then the whole palm was wrapped, and Lin Xuan actually reached out to the crack.


A flash of lightning bounced out, but with the strength of Lin Xuan's body, coupled with the protection of the magical skyfire, the impact on him did not seem to be large.

I saw Lin Xuan's five-finger micro-curve, pulling the crack, tearing and tearing, actually hard to make the sky as a piece of cloth, hard to tear open.

After all, Lin Xuan is also a distractor, and this magical power is still there.

Then his head leaned forward slightly, and the silver awns in the eyes became more and more eye-catching.

"Sure enough."

工具, I’m smiling, I’m smiling.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or something else. The storage bag of Xuanbing’s ancestors actually flew into a space crack, and it’s no wonder that the discovery of the gods has no result. If it’s not Tianfeng’s eyes, even the space barrier can be seen. I am afraid that I will really pass this treasure. commonly.

Lin Xuan was fortunate enough to think about it.

As for the removal of the storage bag from this crack, it may cost a lot of twists and turns for a cultivator in the early days of distraction, but for Lin Xuan, it is easy, but there is no difficulty at all.

Lin Xuan will sacrifice the Hai Ge in his hand.

After ten interest, Lin Xuan had one more thing in his hand, but it was not a storage bag at all, but an abnormal storage bracelet.

Ps: Ask for a ticket, thank you.



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