Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2574: True spirits and ferry

The 2,565th chapter of the true spirits and the robbery period

There is only one table and one chair. ("")

There are three jade boxes on the table, which are striking to the extreme.

Lin Xuan’s mood could not help but be a little excited.

What is contained in these three jade boxes should be the most important treasures of the floating fairy palace. What are there?

That legend, can be compared with the ancient times in the period of the robbery, will it be...

Thinking of this, even with his city, deep inside, can not help but give birth to a little expectation and longing.

Lin Xuan stretched his hand to the first jade box, which was affixed with a forbidden symbol. This symbol is golden, but it is not a small one at first glance, but naturally it can't stop Lin Xuan, and when it is gently pulled, the symbol will be ignitless. It is.

Then Lin Xuan flexed his fingertips and slammed the lid open, and the things inside it came into view.

"this is……"

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature, and the ones inside are actually a slap-sized symbol. The surface of this symbol is wrapped in a layer of green halo, and a mysterious anomalous breath is diffused from above.

As for the material for making this symbol, it is obviously the fur of some kind of monster, but what kind of monster is, Lin Xuan is also difficult to identify clearly.

"Fu Bao!"

Lin Xuan swallowed a spit, of course, can recognize this thing, but this is not a clutch or a treasure made by the monk of the cave, from which the spiritual fluctuations can be inferred that the owner is definitely a robbery. The power of the level. The latest chapter of the church

This eyesight is still there.

Later, Lin Xuan discovered that one side of the jade box, there are still some small heads, although it is much smaller than the rice grain, but the eyesight of the immortal is not the same, Lin Xuan wants to see clearly no difficulty.

"The ethereal life is engraved!"

Several ancient essays came into view.


Lin Xuan shook his head. No one in the high-ranking monks used this name. Needless to say, it must have been left by the predecessors.

Don't look at the floating fairy palace is still the first force in the ice and sea world. However, compared with the ancient times, it has actually declined. In the hundreds of thousands of years ago, the school still had a place of embezzlement.

Will it be that a certain power at that time left behind?

Lin Xuan was not clear, and continued to pay attention to the eye, like the words engraved on the jade box.


After about a sip of tea, Lin Xuan raised his head.

He sighed, and his own expectations, it really makes sense.

The owner of this Fubao is a lively man, an ancient power of millions of years ago.

It is also one of the two founding fathers of Zhu Xiangong.

This is a monk in the middle of the robbery, but unfortunately it has provoked even more terrible enemies. The latest chapter of the church

Although he barely returned to the martial art with secret techniques, he was seriously injured. Before he sat down, he used his own magic weapon to refine several pieces of Fubao and stay with his descendants.

Later, the monks of the Xianxian Palace, relying on the ancestor's legacy, really used this treasure to kill a lot of strong enemies. Unfortunately, things are easy to move, millions of years have passed, and the only ones left by the ethereal real people are left. Zhang only.

Lin Xuan picked up the thing and saw that it was painted with a gourd, lifelike.

I want to come to this thing, it is the magic weapon of the real person.

Lin Xuan's face showed great interest, because the power of this strange magic weapon, in general, is not the same.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to try.

Lin Xuan put Fu Bao back into the jade box and re-collected it.

Then he moved his gaze to the second jade box, which was still stuck with the prohibition.

Lin Xuan repeated the previous action, and the others who cooked the door will open the other.

A little Snapdragon came into view.

Lin Xuan was a glimpse, and then recognized the origin and use of this object, it is obvious, hehe!

It’s the legend of the faction that can be compared with the ancient times that existed during the robbery period.

Lin Xuan first took a bit of doubts, and then found that in addition to this thing in the box, there is a small jade slip.

Lin Xuan's eyebrows moved, he copied the jade in his hand, lowered his head, and sank into the gods.

After a short while, Lin Xuan looked up and looked at the mini dragon in his hand, sighed, and his face was half-happy and half-happy.

This jade has a detailed description of this embarrassment. It is another founding ancestor of the Xianxian Palace. It is poor in its mind and is made up of countless anti-sky materials.

Name the true spirit.

As the name suggests, there is a high hope for this, and I hope to be able to match the true spirit.

However, the idea is good, but it is not so easy to achieve it.

Although this changeable person is a super genius, the final result is still a failure... In fact, it cannot be said that failure, but it has not achieved the intended purpose, and it is too difficult to compare the true spirit. However, this is not the same thing. The strength can still be compared with the mighty cultivator in the early days of the robbery.

From this perspective, this is already the most extreme.

However, there is a weakness, which is that he has no way to overcome it anyway.

傀儡 is a living thing, and if you want it to play, you need something to provide him with mana.


Although Lin Xuan is not good at sputum, but for these basic things, my heart is still clear.

However, trouble or problem will come.

This really spiritual strength is so embarrassing, the general spar, how can provide him with mana and support, even if it is the best spar, I am afraid it will not use a few rounds, the aura inside, it will be consumed.

In this way, what is the use of 傀儡 傀儡 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It’s no wonder that the fairy palace has this thing, but never shows it.

Even the best spar is not enough to provide mana, then what treasures are needed to support its actions?

Lin Xuan has some curiosity in his heart, but it is also clear in the jade.


Xian Shi, Lin Xuan is the first time I heard about this name.

As the name implies, it is a higher-grade thing than spar, but its effect is the same as that of the real fairy.

However, the area of ​​the spiritual world is extensive, and in some places where the aura is particularly abundant, chances are coincident, and some Xianshi veins will also be born.

However, these veins are relatively inferior. The number of Xianshi in it is not only a small number, but most of them are waste rocks. Simply put, it contains too many impurities, the truth and the refining of the medicinal herbs. It is the same.

Even if it takes a lot of work, mining is useless.

To what extent is the fairyland in the spiritual world barren?

A vein can excavate one or two low-order sacred stones, which are considered to be good luck. They are often excavated for a long time. The sacred stones inside are all waste.

That is depressed, but there is no way.

Xianshi Xianshi, this is the real fairyland, the spiritual world can have some, it is already the creation of the world, the quality is of course somewhat low.

However, Lin Xuan saw this, but there was a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.


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