Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2551: Extraterrestrial

The second thousand five hundred and fifty-one chapters outside the field

Based on this, Lin Xuan would not dare to ignore it. ("")

After all, the existence of the robbery period is scrupulous in the legendary devil of the sky, it is not enough to send a few incarnations. Xingyuecheng is always a year, but there is a body of the ferry period.

Later, after Lin Xuan went back, he also checked some of the classics on and off.

I also found some unclear descriptions from some isolated books that were passed down from ancient times.

However, what is the devil of the heavens is still stupid and not completely clear.

However, what is certain is that the devil of the heavens is not an ancient demon. Of course, it is not the existence of the spiritual world or the sinister world. It can even be said that it is completely from another plane, which is completely different from the habits of the three realms.

Lin Xuan once saw speculation in a book.

The place where the devil's head lives is different from the three worlds, but these devils are all powerful, and most of them have no fixed form and body.

Some even have a magical thought.

Even with the eccentricity of the Xiuxian world, such existence is also ridiculous.

However, there is no body to return to the body, but the power of the devil is unquestionable. Even the legend, the most powerful existence of the family, is called the extraterrestrial demon, and the strength can even be comparable to the true fairy after the robbery. ("")

Fortunately, although the devil in the sky is terrible, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to have an intersection with the spiritual world. It is said that there are only two situations, and it is possible to cross the border to come here.

First, the cultivators who distracted from the Dacheng period broke through the bottleneck. When they advanced to the robbery period, they might attract the demon. There is also a kind of cultivator who was able to break through the bottleneck and prepare to lift the sky. Of course, the demon that was brought at that time was even more terrible.

In fact, the ordinary cultivators will encounter similar situations when they are meditation, but what they will meet is only the invasion of the heart, and the last two stages of the cultivation, the strength of the cultivator, has risen a lot. The dangers and difficulties that can be met are also greatly increased.

The demon becomes a demon, enchanting the monk, only the superior strength, and the firm-minded cultivator can survive the crisis. If it is a little worse, or if there is a loophole and embarrassment, even if it is a trace, it will be Use, from then on.

And the demon here is talking about the devil.

But there is no monk trying to break through the bottleneck of the robbery period. How can there be a demon going to this place?

In addition to curiosity, Lin Xuan is curious, and of course more vigilant.

Although his understanding of the devil's head is still vague, but it is powerful, it is a scruples. Church

Fortunately, it is not the one who bears the brunt of it. The three of the celestial palaces are obviously also aware of the terribleness of the devil of the heavens. Under the face of great changes, naturally they will not sit still!

Lingzhen real people collect treasures, while the other two have already started.

In the palace, the woman repaired the jade hand, and a handle of the willow blade flew out of the sleeve.

A flash, but weird disappeared, and then appeared in the faint magical spirits, such as lightning, rainbow, and fallen.

The Confucian monk, the movement is also not slow, he did not sacrifice the treasure, but with a hand quickly lightning in the air to draw a character.

No... No, not a character, but a word, but that word, simple, looks like a rune.

Lin Xuan couldn't recognize it. I saw that the strokes were cut like a knife and axe. Then the purple air around his body, such as the long whales, rushed in. The quaint and unusual text immediately lit up. Turned into the size of the skull, such as the fall of the comet, toward the purple gas.

Actually, it is no slower than a flying knife.

Lin Xuan's pupils are miniature, as the saying goes, under the prestigious name, there is no vain, and the celestial palace is the first force in the world. If it is famous, it is not a lucky one.

Whether it is a palace girl or a Confucian monk, the strength is obviously better than the same-level monk.

The two shots are extraordinary, but unfortunately the devil is a soft persimmon.

I saw that the faint little magic turned a little bit, and all the attacks immediately fell into the air.

Then there was a laughter and a voice coming into the ear: "Do you want to live, you can live, you can't live, you three, and you have prepared such a good body for the deity, then I am welcome."

The voice did not fall, he actually passed like the Su brother and sister.

The Su Shi brothers and sisters were shocked, and the three monks were also extremely stunned.

Obviously, unlike the general distraction period, they have a certain understanding of the devil of the sky, and obviously they are also preventing the other side from winning, but they never dreamed that the other party would target the mortal.

Although the Su Shi brothers and sisters are heavenly warriors, in the eyes of the monks, they are similar to the ants. In the face of the outer devil, how can they hide, the speed of the other side, such as the lightning, the slamming, has not been entered by Su Yunfeng’s forehead. .

"Big brother!"

Su Yunxiu was shocked. The brothers and sisters were dependent on each other. The feelings were still very deep. They wanted to pounce on them, but they were pulled. Lin Xuan took her back a few steps. Obviously, this day, the devil, I do not know why, even selected a mortal Take the lead.

If Su Yunxiu goes up at this time, he will die. Lin Xuan does this and does not want her to die in vain.

The three people in the Zhuxian Palace are not so kind, they will live in the life of a mortal, as if they were in the heart, but if the devil is successful, it will be extremely difficult to cope, so after three people, Immediately turned the attack and turned to Su Yunfeng.

The female repair is still a jade hand, like a slow and anxious forward point, the direction of the dark green flying knife changed, immediately rushed toward this side.

The man in the Confucian robe screamed, and the purple gas in his body suddenly searched, and then the coagulation shape, a purple long gun emerged and projected toward this side.

A little further away, the real person of Lingxu has collected the treasures, and when the dust does not know when, it appears in the palm of his hand, and a glimpse of it, suddenly a lot of silver light, lasing toward the other side.

The silver light is too long, but it is also condensed and solid. It looks very similar to a flying needle magic weapon...

Lin Xuan sighed gently, pulling Su Yunxiu to retreat to a hundred feet away, such an attack, it is that they do not dare to despise, and look at the heavenly devil after the defeat, how to deal with.

After all, Lin Xuan is the first time to deal with this kind of existence. Naturally, he does not dare to ignore it. He knows himself and has more benefits. At the same time, he must also seize the opportunity to seize the treasures of the real person.

Nowadays, there is a great crisis, but if it is used well, it may be able to fish in troubled waters. Of course, there are disadvantages in all things. If it is not used well, it may be caught in the pool.

The advantage of Lin Xuan today is that his identity has not been exposed, and the attention of both sides has not noticed that he is coming.


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