Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2544: Feng Lingzhu

The second two hundred and forty-four chapters of the seal column

In order to cultivate the vast world of the immortal world, it is true that there are countless strangers and strangers. It seems that if you travel on your own, you should not be too careless and be as careful as possible. ("")

Lin Xuan thought so in this way, but he saw that the real body of the virtual body flashed, and he flew over here, so he was busy lowering his head and just showing the shocking color. After all, his identity is only a district. Everyone has witnessed such a terrible battle. It is normal to have this expression.

"Senior brother, what is going on?"

The Confucian monk and the palace girl were greeted.

"Nothing, it's just a coincidence. I met a few ancient devils that came across the border."

The faint voice of the imaginary real person was introduced into the ear, obviously not wanting to say more, the latter two glimpsed, but the interest was no longer asked.

"Why, this kid is the Heavenly Warrior that Wang Shidi has found?"

Then he turned his head and put his eyes on Lin Xuan's face: "Not bad, it is really good quality, just to meet the needs of our trip, little guy, what is your name?"

When talking to Lin Xuan, the elder of the Xianxian Palace seemed quite kind, and with his sacred bones, it was almost like the legendary god.

However, Lin Xuan seems to be trembled: "Qi Yan Xian Shi, the villain is named Tian, ​​the name is Xiao Jian. The Church"

"Tian Xiaojian, um, this name is good. This time, the celestial master takes a treasure. You need a few mortals to cooperate well. Don't worry, you will not be able to benefit from it. Although there is no Lingen, you can't let you go to Xiantu, but It’s just that we’ve doubled Shouyuan, and there’s nothing wrong with the panacea that this real person has given.”

The voice of the real person is introduced into the ear, and the tone is sincere and convincing.

"Thank you, Master, the villain must go through the fire."

Lin Xuan’s face was overjoyed: “This leaf fairy has promised, but the fairy teacher has commanded that the villain must work hard.”

The other two mortal warriors, the expression is similar to Lin Xuan.

"Good, good."

The real person touched the beard, and the expression on his face was extremely satisfied: "As long as you work hard, this real person will never speak out, and you will have to work together and know each other."


Lin Xuan also respectfully performed a ceremony, and he was obedient to obedience. Then he turned his head and looked at the other two warriors in front of him.

A man and a woman are all in their early twenties.

The beauty of a woman is like a flower, the handsome and handsome man, and the dragon and the phoenix are not too much. If you look closely, there are some similarities between the two. If you are not mistaken, the two should be brothers and sisters, and the age is Almost, it is likely that twins are still coming. The latest chapter of the church

"Little brother Tian Xiaojian, I have seen two heroes." Lin Xuan arched his hand and looked very modest.

Despite his strength, he does not put two mortals at all, but since it is a play, it must be done.

"It turned out to be Tian Da Ge, Xiaomei Su Yunxiu. This is my big brother Su Yunfeng. We are Xiaguang Island people. I don't know Tian Da Ge. Where did you ever make a name for yourself in the martial arts?"

The crisp and pleasant voice was introduced into the ear, and the Su Shi brothers and sisters held the boxing ceremony, especially the woman named Su Yunxiu. The beauty was even more colorful. She never dreamed that there were men in the world who were so handsome. For a time, my heart was like a deer. Colliding, white jade-like cheeks, also flying two red clouds.

"Oh, Lin is a stranger in the countryside, born in a remote island, and I have not heard of it."

Lin Xuan also handed a gift, obviously not willing to reveal the origin of the identity, several monks did not care, after all, only a few mortals.

What's more, the real story of Ling Xu is like this. In fact, there is no intention to leave them to spend time. The ancient demon who has crossed the border has been killed by him, but his heart is inexplicably more uneasy.

He doesn't know why, in the end, he has a long night dream, or he has to find a way to get the treasure, so he can feel at ease.


The voice did not fall, he first turned into a shocking rainbow, flying like a front.

The girl in the palace is not arrogant, and then follows, so the vast open space, only the Confucian monk and three mortals.

There was a bitter smile on his face, but he didn't say much. He was covered in a group of purple awns, and then the wind raged, and the three mortals were rolled up and flew like a front.

The direction is toward the center of the island. How quickly the dawn of the distracted monk is, and it is not too far to say that it is a thousand miles away, so it quickly reaches its destination.

What caught the eye was a small lake, surrounded by mountains and lakes, and the scenery was very good, but there was nothing wrong with it.

The aura here is usually in the extreme, looking at it, and there is no possibility of a monk hiding, so no matter what you look at, it is just an ordinary scenery. Unfortunately, you can't mobilize the gods of the wind, otherwise you may see some clues.

Lin Xuan secretly sighed, but did not care how much, he only needs to look at it in a lively, it will not take long, the answer will naturally be revealed.

"Master, why didn't I see what was wrong?"

The voice of the girl in the palace was introduced into the ear. At this time, her eyes were also wrapped in a layer of spirits. Obviously, this woman is also practicing spiritual eyes.

"Yeah, the brothers are not saying that this is covered by a ban, but what I think is just an ordinary scene." The voice of the Confucian monk was also curious.

"Hey, this spiritual column is a creative ancestor who spent a lot of effort to lay the ground. You can't see what is wrong, and what is so strange."

Feng Lingzhu?

Lin Xuan was shocked. This is the legendary thing, that is, he is only a description of a scale and a half claw in the classics. It is hard to say clearly what happened.

Legend has it that Feng Lingzhu is also known as the Town Magic Tower. It is used to seal some powerful demons and ghosts, preventing it from changing and escaping treasures.

It is said that during the Battle of the Three Realms, a true ancestor of the devil was once trapped in a trap, and then temporarily trapped with Feng Lingzhu. As a result, the army led by him was headless, and was led by the spirits of the Terran and the Yaozu. The army was killed and killed.

Even the true ancestor of the true devil can be temporarily trapped. From this point, you can see how mysterious the Feng Lingzhu is.

And its magical use is not limited to this, this thing has the effect of cutting off the space.

What is the cut space?

This concept sounds a bit abstract, but it is not difficult to explain.

For example, different planes, in general, will not have an intersection, just like, the spiritual world and the human world, the spiritual world and the ancient demon world are completely parallel.

As a general matter, the two sides will not connect to each other, but there will always be exceptions.

Ps: There is something today, just a chapter, and tomorrow will compensate you.


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