Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2511: field

What, the field?

Lin Xuan confirmed that he did not hear the mistake!

In time, the surprise in my heart cannot be said, just like the stormy waves in the sea.

For the ordinary distracting period, the term field may be relatively unfamiliar. However, how can you not know about Lin Xuan’s extensive knowledge?

The domain originated from the rules!

As everyone knows, the purpose of the immortal is only a longevity.

However, it is so easy to live for a long time. While pursuing this goal, the cultivator has also gained the ability to turn the river.

Start with the simplest five-line spells and learn to drive the spirits and treasures step by step.

The eight realms of Xiu Xian, from the agility to the robbery, the promotion of each realm will bring a leap in strength and Shouyuan.

Slowly, it will also sense the strength and rules of the world.

For those who are distracted by Lin Xuan, they have a certain understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. They know how to adapt to the rules. Therefore, they face too many cultivators who are lower than their own realm.

Therefore, there is a distraction period that is a watershed. With the strength of Lin Xuan and the treasures, in the early period of the hole, the ancient demon in the early days of the corpse is also vulnerable.

I had to make every effort to solve the problem, and I was ruined by Jiang Dong, so that tens of thousands of demonizers in Tianfeng City confronted the ancient devils, and then they came out and cheap.

Lin Xuan still remembers that the ancient demon at that time was already very weak. The silver-winged corpse king was abolished. He himself was seriously injured. The mana of his body was almost empty. Under such circumstances, Lin Xuan’s magical powers were exhausted. Still take him for nothing. If it wasn’t for the jade bee at the crucial moment, it would make the poison of time. Maybe that battle, the fall is his own.

The ancient devil, but a little bit of understanding, in today's Lin Xuan's eyes, he can only be used awkwardly, it is like the power, the field can be imagined.

After all, the realm is not to understand the rules, but to create.

Yes, it is creation!

There is a saying that my field is in the field of ownership, and all rules are formulated by the power of the unfolding field.

In the field, there is not even a five-line relationship, all rules, all attributes are changed by the will of great power.

If he wants, he can make the water and fire blend together. If he wants, he can make the light wind and become heavy.

Of course, it is not that the magic weapon and the five elements of the spell are of no use, but unless you are also a strong player in the field, you can only be in the enemy's field.

In the field, Lin Xuanyuan knows more than the average monk, and even witnessed it more than once.

Small hair **** can be displayed, although it is a flawed field, but it is also a kind of field.

In the face of the invisible demon, it can be said that the powerful to the point of no addition, Lin Xuan is deeply touched, so it is no wonder that he was shocked by listening to the other party's words.

In the field, is this actually a field?


Lin Xuan quickly shook his head and couldn't be scared by the other's words. The field is so easy to reach.

Still, Lin Xuan’s understanding of the field is far better than the same happy events because of the extraordinary circumstances.

The essence of the field is not the principle of comprehension. It is the destruction of the original laws of heaven and earth in its own field. According to the different situations, the creation of new rules is for its own use.

Compared with the principle of sensing comprehension, the difficulty is certainly not a little bit.

Who can reach the field?

According to the situation of the Three Realms for millions of years, the minimum standard is also the period of the robbery.

Note that the "Robbery" is only the minimum standard.

The following realm of the immortals, that is, do not think about it, even those who are talented and talented, and have gone into the dog's luck, the power of the robbery period, the field for them, is still beyond reach.

This analysis is by no means targeted, but has a sufficient theoretical basis.

Because of the small hairball, Lin Xuan can read a lot of books related to this, and the situation mentioned is more detailed.

The robbery is only a threshold for theoretical entry into the field, but in reality, it is almost impossible.

No matter whether it is the spiritual world, the ancient devil world, or the Yinshi world, there is no strong field in the early stage of the transitional robbery.

However, the progress of the robbery period is too slow, and there is almost no relationship with the effort. Fortunately, the life of the monk in this realm is long and dazzling, and the power of many robberies is even It has been there since ancient times.

Compared with the other immortals, the monks in the robbery period are rare, and the existence of this realm, more than 90% of the guys, are actually trapped in the early days.

In fact, don't say the beginning, let's say that there are so many rich and lucky, lucky to advanced to the middle of the old monster, did not hear who is the field strong.

I really have to calculate it seriously. The fields in the Three Realms are actually just a few.

Spiritual world, three big scattered fairy, three big demon king.

The devil world, the fallen general commander, of course, does not say, and then the nine true ancestors are also no exceptions in the field.

In the Yin division, King Ashura does not mention it, but it is more powerful than the true fairy, and the other five kings are also strong in the field.

Of course, there is more to this. Through the analysis of classics, we will not talk about the other two interfaces for the time being, because the information is relatively vague, and the light is in the spiritual world.

In addition to the scattered fairy and demon king, six real-world strongs, other areas of possession, there are very few old monsters in the late stage of the robbery.

Of course, it is not to say that in the latter part of the robbery, you will certainly have the domain, but the opportunity is indeed bigger.

For example, the dragon who is known as the first **** of the Three Realms, if he does not have a field, I am afraid that he has long fallen into the hands of the holy ancestors of the ice. Therefore, the dragon is definitely a strong field.

There are still some other existences in the late stage of the robbery.

The devil world, the situation of the Yin division is similar to the spiritual world. In addition to the true ancestor and the six kings of the Yin, there are some powerful players in the field.

All thoughts turned around in Lin Xuan’s mind. He was sure that the other party was talking nonsense and wanted to scare himself. Unfortunately, he was looking for the wrong person.

Looking at the Three Realms, in the early and middle stages of the robbery, there is no strong field. What is he, the incarnation of the district, even if it is the body of Xuan Bing's ancestors, and the field, it is also irrelevant, he has the domain, it is simply Laughing off the big teeth.

A joke, or bluff, no matter what, Lin Xuan does not care, but the situation in front of him is really strange.

Even Tianfeng’s eyes can’t see anything wrong, which proves that this is not an illusion, but where is the other party hiding, how can we defeat the strong enemy and win the battle?


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