Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2462: Incarnation and body avatar

The 2,046th chapter of the body and the incarnation of the body

It sounds a bit sinister, and I want to kill two birds with one stone. As the saying goes, fish and bear's paw can't have both. There are always some trade-offs in this world's good things. How can you let you alone and take advantage of it? ""

On the surface, this is true. However, all the things in the world of immortality can be tried by common sense. Not to mention, Lin Xuan, after some thoughts, was really given out by him to find out the two ways.

It is also simple to say. Although the main Yuan Ying and the second Yuan Ying have the distinction between the main and the auxiliary, they are all separate individuals. If they can get a body for the second child, let him have the flesh, then You can practice in the cave house yourself.

In this way, the second Yuan Ying can continue to advance, Lin Xuan's body, want to do anything, can also make a lot of effort, not because the second element of the baby needs to practice retreat, and become the body of the embarrassment.

Isn't this two things?

In doing so, it is a bit cumbersome to say. In fact, there are still many benefits. The second element of the baby has a body, which is equivalent to the cultivation of an incarnation.

And this incarnation is definitely the most advanced kind, which is quite different from the second incarnation of ordinary monks.

After all, the ordinary incarnation, the manipulating it is the **** of the gods. Simply put, it is almost the same as the one that sends and receives the heart, the most advanced one. If the body falls, then the incarnation will disappear.

However, Lin Xuan’s practice is different.

That control avatar is not a smashing soul, or a low-level thing like the second god, but a separate Yuan Ying, except for the weaker strength, different martial arts attributes, the second yuan baby and the main Yuan Ying in memory The emotional aspects are exactly the same.

In other words, even if Lin Xuan’s body encounters any major disaster, if he accidentally falls, he will not die, but after a process, he will slowly change into the existence of the primary Yuan Ying.

In this case, Lin Xuan is equivalent to two lives.

Being able to practice alone, but also to make their own life, put on double insurance, such a good thing, Lin Xuan will naturally let go, not to mention the strength to his level, the practice of incarnation, is also very normal. The latest chapter of the church

Then Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, and a green jade smashed out of the jade, and if he remembered it correctly, there is a detailed description of the avatar of cultivation.

Lin Xuan lowered his head and sank his mind.

Soon, I found it, and Lin Xuan’s eyebrows moved, then calmed down and began to study it.

This look is a matter of time.

When Lin Xuan began to look at it at the beginning, it was still in the morning. When I read the description of this part of the jade, the sun had already fallen on the hillside.

The reason why I spend such a long time is because the things described in it are really profound and profound. Lin Xuan certainly does not look at it, but it takes time to calm down and understand.

Not to mention, Xiu Xian Bai Yi is not a word to describe, in fact, not to mention so many art, even if it is any kind in the middle, it is also accumulated by the wisdom of the predecessors, complex and extreme.

Don't say anything else, like the avatar, you can divide it into several kinds.

The gods control, the soul control, and the second child control.

The most advanced of these is of course controlled by Yuan Ying.

The incarnation of Yuan Ying’s manipulation can be divided into several types according to the difference in the body to be taken.

The most common, the most common, the simplest, and the most commonly used one is to find a monk who is similar to the second element of the baby, and to kill him. Of course, it means destroying his Yuan Ying and the soul. As for What is the body, oh, of course, it is used for the second-yuan baby.

He then assimilated him with Yuan Ying, and then erased the imprint left by the original master. After some years of tempering, this incarnation was cultivated.

Note that what you cultivate with this body is just an incarnation of the body.

The incarnation of the body, although the monk has two lives, and the incarnation and the body can practice or do other things, can not affect each other.

It sounds wonderful to the extreme, but this secret technique actually has its own weakness. The latest chapter of the church

As is known to all, if the second element of the baby is not separated, but it has always existed in the body of Dantian, then although it is not beneficial to the realm, under the same realm, it can greatly enhance the mana of the monk.

Thus far better than the immortal of the same realm.

However, once the incarnation of the body is cultivated, the second Yuan Ying has his own body and is separated from the body. As a result, the effect of the mana added by him is dissipated. In other words, the strength of the body will be Weaken, although the incarnation of the body can join the battle, with two dozens, besieging the enemy, sometimes it will be stronger, but sometimes it will be broken by each.

And this is the weakness of practicing the incarnation of the body.

Is there a way to make up for the whole cockroach?

It sounds very difficult. However, there are countless times in the ancient times. Among the three realms, there are many clever and intelligent people. After countless years of trials, they have really come up with ways.

Or, that is an improvement and upgrade of the avatar.

The avatar outside is not the best, because there are cockroaches that may be broken by each, but incarnation in the body, it is perfect, no weakness can be used by the other side.

What is the body avatar?

It sounds a bit esoteric. In fact, I still have to make a fuss about the body of the second yuan.

This time, the body used by this supernatural power is no longer the body of a monk or a demon, but a vegetation.

What is the vegetation?

Simply put, it is a variety of elixir, or the grass between heaven and earth.

As everyone knows, everything can be cultivated, it is a small grass on the side of the road. If it is a coincidence, after many years of baptism, it is possible to slowly evolve the wisdom.

Then there are some coincidences, this original ordinary grass may be on the road to cultivation.

It sounds a bit sinister, but the things in the cultivation of the world are like this. Many things sound incredible, but it is an objective place.

Since it is possible for Caomu Linghua to embark on Xiantu, can it be used as an incarnation of the body?

The ancient canon began to think about it. Of course, if you think about it, you must have one.

Need practice!

Soon, there are also great abilities to do this. At first, of course, all failed, but it doesn't matter. There is no such thing as saying that failure is the mother of success.

After all, this is only an idea of ​​the great monks, and of course it is impossible to get off the ground.

However, as time went by, this idea became a reality, and it took the spirit of the grass to be the body of the incarnation.

But why should you call it an incarnation?

This is because there is a benefit to doing this.

If the grass is good, the flower is worthy, and the body of the monk, it will not be rejected. In other words, in the face of a strong enemy, there is no need to hit two, or to prevent being broken, not only the second. Yuan Ying, even the body of this grass, can be collected into his own Dantian gas sea.

In this way, the strength of the ontology will not only be weakened, but will also have a certain degree of enhancement.

瑕疵 has become a benefit.

Of course, if there is a need, you can also release the body avatar, let him join hands with the body, and besieged the strong enemy. In short, compared with the body avatar, the avatar in the body is obviously more mysterious, and can be sent and received by the heart, and the weakness is eliminated. Only the benefits are left.

However, the heavenly cycle, the growth of everything, the law of its own, the incarnation of the ancient body created by the ancients and the poor, can not be excused, there will be some constraints.

This is not the reason why it is practiced, but the difficulty of cultivation.

First of all, the avatar in the body can only be manipulated by Yuan Ying, and the Yuanshen or the soul is divided.

In this way, he will cultivate his scope, and it will be reduced a lot at once. Although in the spiritual world, the second element of the baby is not particularly remarkable, it requires a secretive method, and a higher-order cultivator, as long as he wishes, And if you have a heart, you can find the method of cultivation.

However, no matter how many can be found, there are not many monks who are willing to do so.

It is true that after practicing the second element of the infant, it has the effect of adding to the mana. It can outweigh the same-order monks in the fighting, and the benefits are obviously extreme. However, the disadvantage is actually the same.

Training the second yuan baby, although the main Yuan Ying as long as the promotion is successful, the second yuan infant cultivation, will not encounter the bottleneck, but note, just do not meet the bottleneck, want to upgrade, still need to meditation, spend time and Energetic.

The general cultivation of immortals is to fight against the heavens, to compete with the land, to compete with others, to cultivate the immortals, and to become more and more difficult.

The worst part is that when the time is not enough, it will usher in the robbery, can't resist it, and it will be destroyed. It is said that it is the most important point of cultivation. It is to catch up with the robbery or the longevity of Shouyuan. Advance.

The cultivation of the second element of the baby, it takes a lot of time and energy, apparently contrary to this original intention, as for the benefits of strengthening the mana, in the eyes of the general monk, it becomes a chicken rib.

The strength is far better than the same level of cultivation, it sounds like pulling the wind, but what is the actual use, there is time and energy, it is better to cultivate the main Yuan Ying, if it is repaired to further, the previous same level The cultivator will become a younger generation, and the gap with his own strength will be more.

Therefore, from this perspective, the cultivation of the second element of the baby is not worth the candle.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, Lin Xuan, he has a blue star sea, take precious Ling Dan as a sugar pill, so cultivated, naturally very fast, the second yuan baby consumption of that time, nothing.

After all, before the distraction period, the second element of the baby can not cultivate the incarnation, and it is impossible to cultivate and save time.

Of course, there are countless geniuses in the Three Realms. Although there are not many, there are still some, and it is still not the most difficult to cultivate the incarnation.

It is the spirit grass used for the house, or the strange flower, it is rare, the number is rare, to the point of amazing.

Ps: The disease is much better. I will resume normal updates today. Thank you.


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