Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2456: Lion's big opening

The 2,456th chapter of the lion's mouth

"To tell the truth, too imaginary milk, handed over to the distracted monk is originally a violent thing, you do not need such high-level things to restore mana. The latest chapter of the church.com"

The eyes of Beihai Zhenjun are half-opened, but the gaze seems to pierce the secrets of the people: "Kid, let's talk, what are you going to want, exchange this too imaginary milk, you are welcome, the old man is doing things, always It’s a virginity that won’t make you a junior’s cheaper. You can afford it no matter what the price you want.”

The other party's tone is arrogant, but this is also normal. The existence of the robbery period is far better than the other immortals. In this way, when the meteorite meets the dragon, Lin Xuan already has Comprehension.

Since the other party said this, he did not make more benefits, but he seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable.

The lion's big opening is not his own intention, but the other party's own invitation, think of this, Lin Xuan's sleeves glance, a green and jade jade slips from the sleeves.

Lin Xuan stretched out his hand and lowered his head. It was obviously using God's knowledge to mark something inside. The face of Beihai Zhenjun could not help but reveal a bit of surprise, but soon, he returned to calm.

Soon, Lin Xuan re-raised his head and handed over the jade to him.

"Predecessors, what is engraved here is what the younger generation needs. I think it should be worth mentioning for you. ""网.com"

Lin Xuan’s last sentence is naturally a big shot of the other person’s flattering. Everyone loves to listen. This is the cultivation of the immortals, and it cannot be excused.

Sure enough, this made a smile on the face of Beihai Zhenjun, but it was a fleeting moment, and then the expression was indifferent. If there is a deep opening: "It needs to be engraved in the jade, it seems You are prepared to exchange a lot of things from the old man."

This is the case, but he just let the other party do not hesitate. At this time, it is not easy to say anything. The gods swept through the jade, and then closed his eyes.

The tone is a little bit dumbfounded, a little angry: "Little guy, you are really, actually the lion's big mouth, the things listed in this jade, all of them can not be met, but you want to extort the old man?"

"Predecessors have said a lot."

Lin Xuan pretends to be sincere and fearful, but the tone is quite firm: "Yes, these things are rare, but the predecessors have been the way to cultivate the immortals, how can they get together, and Lin believes that these The value of things is not higher than the imaginary milk, so why is it that the lion opens his mouth?"

"Hey, you will be very eloquent, but it is useless to say that your mouth is not useful. You tell me, how can you call a big lion?"

The other party's words are calm, but Lin Xuan can hear the crisis contained in it. If he can't give a satisfactory answer, although the fall is not enough, it is inevitable that it will be inevitable. The latest chapter of the church.com

And his own plan, it will be drained.

This is definitely what Lin Xuan does not want to see.

It is to be understood that the treasures listed in the jade are the most important raw materials for refining the other attributes of the Nine Palaces.

Although these things, he has listed one in the conditions of the duel, and the heavenly gated people will go to the ground and find ways to get him.

However, as the saying goes, do everything, listen to the fate.

Effort is one thing. If you can do it, it is another matter. Eggs cannot be placed in a basket.

Lin Xuan is the truth behind it.

In particular, the dozens of materials he just listed, unless the luck of the monks is really good, the chances of getting together are really embarrassing.

Lin Xuan could have placed his hopes on them.

The good opportunity in front of you can't be missed. After all, with his current strength, there is no chance to exchange the baby with the old guy at the level of the robbery.

Regarding the reason, Lin Xuan had long thought about it, so there was no flustered color on his face. The calm voice was slowly introduced into the ear: "The predecessors just said, too imaginary milk, even for you. Levels of immortals are not easy to obtain."

"Yes, how about it, is its value worthy of a big opening?"

"Of course it is worth it."

Lin Xuan definitely sent an abnormal voice to the ear: "And it is not expensive to say that the value of this baby is worth it. After all, the strength is up to the level of the predecessors, the mana is profound, and the treasures of the general mana are not available at all. Use, but too virtual milk can be, good steel is used in the blade, at some critical moments, this treasure can even be used to save lives, the younger generation said, no mistake!"

Beihai Zhenjun fell into silence, for a long time, haha ​​laughed: "Yes, yes, you little guy, have the courage to know, the old man can not talk with conscience, is not, what you said, it is reasonable, from this Angle, the value of this bottle is too unbeatable, well, this deal, the old man did."


The other party answered, it is reasonable to say that it is a perfect result, the other party promised, far more refreshing than imagined, but Lin Xuan did not show the color of overjoyed, but stunned.

He is in a daze for a reason.

Did he make a mistake, he agreed so easily, is it that the monks who are in the robbery period are richer than they think, so many treasures that can be met and not available, he has ready-made, which is too embarrassing.

As if to answer Lin Xuan’s doubts, the other party’s voice turned: “The trader is answering, but the things you listed are not available to the old man, but it doesn’t matter. Soon, the old man will go. A small trade fair, which can be attended by the cultivators, and the power of the realm of the Yaozu. You, at the exchange meeting, should be able to get together. At that time, the old man will send people You send it, can you see it?"

This time, the other party used a tone of negotiation. Lin Xuan was flattered: "Predecessors are too polite, and the younger generations will not trust you, but they still want to exchange a treasure, but don't know if it is inappropriate."

"Little guy, you are really greedy."

Beihai Zhenjun was speechless and laughed. This kid was really bold. Other monks saw himself, and all of them were trembled. They were afraid of saying the wrong words and angering themselves. They dared to play the snake with the stick on the forest.

But don't say, there is a bit of appetite for him, so there is no fire, and the smile is answered with such a sentence: "First talk about what your kid wants to change."

“Thank you for your predecessors.” Lin Xuan said: “In fact, I want some eternal milk in the next.”

"Wan Nian Ling Milk?"

There is a hint of unexpected color on the face of Beihai Zhenjun.


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