Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2453: Beihai Zhenjun

Flying Astronomy Chapter 2,453, Beihai Zhenjun

After Lin Xuan finished saying this, he released the knowledge of the gods. The loft where the surname of the dragon surnamed lived was next to him. Although there were also prohibitions and guards, this kind of protection means that Lin Xuan really wants to put God into the knowledge, and what role does it have? What?

Soon, there will be results. There is no one in the attic. It seems that the dragon brother is going out. He said that he has to collect several kinds of material treasures. Although there will be an auction tomorrow, he can’t completely pin his hopes here. The monks poured into this place, and the private exchanges will be held in full swing. There will be many treasures there, and most of the dragon brothers will participate. (""网.com)

Thoughts turned around in my mind, and Lin Xuan took back his knowledge.

Then he reached out and took a shot at the waist. A phonogram flew out. Lin Xuan posted the object on his forehead. After a few words, the sleeves were smashed, and the melody became a fire dragon. , flying into the front of the light curtain.

"Well, Master, please lead the way."

"Amitabha, the donor is close to the old man."

Quietly hands clasped together, my heart also admire Lin Xuan's temperament, if it is easy to go, he has no such good qi martial arts.

This child is not only repaired, but also envied in the state of mind. Is it really the wave of the Yangtze River?

In the sacred sea, the tides rise and fall, Yun Yinzong gets this, and the top Zongmen in the dragon circle is almost just around the corner...

Of course, the Master of Statics is only thinking silently in his heart. On the surface, it is still unclear.

Then the two went to a buggy.

This beast car is very wide and unusual. The spirit of the cart is a three-headed, four-legged monster. The body is long and full of feet, and the surface of the body is still faint.

Specifically, what the spirit of Lin Xuan does not know, but the flight is very fast, and the city's ban on the prohibition of this animal car is also completely ineffective.

Lin Xuan noticed that there is a badge at the top of the carriage that exudes mysterious power.

Xingyue City is quite majestic in size, but the area is not large.

Soon, the buggy car flew out of the city and flew north.

Lin Xuan did not reveal any unexpected colors on his face. He would not live in the city if he wanted to come to the robbery period. (""网7*

This situation has long been expected.

Fortunately, it didn't fly for a long time.

After about two hours, the speed of the buggy car was obviously slow, and then stopped.


The voice of the old monk was introduced into the ear. On the previous trip, the two chatted about some anecdotes about the cultivation of the fairyland. They also exchanged ideas about cultivation. Although Lin Xuan’s magical power was outstanding, the other party was highly distracted and had tens of thousands of years. The stone of the mountain can be used to attack jade. Lin Xuan is also benefiting a lot. No matter what the two think, at least the superficial atmosphere is very harmonious.

At this time, listening to the other party, Lin Xuan is not only horrified or horrified, he does not have to go out, and he will master everything around him. Here, no matter from which angle, it is not like the retreat of the robbery.

Although there was doubt in his heart, Lin Xuan followed the other side and went out.

The two are suspended in the air.

It is a mountain that catches your eye.

However, the stretch is only a few miles away. It is not so majestic. Although it is also full of mountains and greens, it looks like lush green, but the concentration of aura is not satisfactory, and there is no eye-opening.

Lin Xuan could not help but doubt again, the ferry period is great, will it really live here?

Is it illusion?

Cover the original environment.

Lin Xuan’s mind turned around, thinking so much, but he did not display the **** of heaven and phoenix.

Not to mention that if it is really a ban on the old blame, the phoenix gods, most of them are in vain, will not see any effect, and even if they can see the clues, then it is obviously too rude.

Lin Xuan certainly won't be so stupid. God knows how the old monster's temper is. If it is because of such a small thing, he will be irritated, and he will not be able to eat it.

"Master, is this the residence of the predecessor?"

Lin Xuan turned his head and compared with his own silly speculation, it is better to ask the big monk next to him. (""网7*

Lin Xuan asked himself to make a very correct choice. However, the face of Jingkong Master is full of inscrutable: "Oh, Lin Shizhu does not have to figure out, follow the old monk, and naturally it will be true."

"Do you still have to sell the master?"

Lin Xuan shook his head, his face was slightly dissatisfied, but he did not say much.

The master of the static air flashed and flew to the front of the mountains. Lin Xuan naturally followed suit.

Soon it was, the monk came to an inconspicuous mountain, then swept his eyes and finally landed on a mountain cave at the mountainside.

The majority of the cave's mouth is covered by a vine-like plant, reflecting the surrounding green. If you are not careful, you can't see it.

The master of the static air flashed and flew into the cave. Lin Xuan’s brow was picked and he continued to follow him.

The cave is dark, but with Lin Xuan’s eyesight, it can still be seen clearly. It’s about a few feet, and it can accommodate several people. However, the mountain wall is not closed, and there is no inlaid night pearl or moonstone. To illuminate what.

It seems that it is not like having a cultivator.

However, this will have a better hidden effect.

Even if there is a cultivator who passes by, who will pay attention to this rare mountain, let alone the hidden cave?

There is no forbidden cover, which is just the best cover. Otherwise, if you get a blind eye, cover the cave entrance and meet the high-level cultivator, you may be self-defeating.

In the middle of this reason, Lin Xuan knows a lot, so he said nothing, just follow the big monk.

After a sip of tea, the road has come to an end, a stone room, caught in the eye.

The two went in, the stone room was not big, but there were few things in the square, but there was no other thing in the middle.

That's right, it's a transmission array, and it's quite complicated. Lin Xuan has experienced countless transmissions. At first glance, I can see that this method is not the same, and the distance of transmission is probably very far.

At this point, Lin Xuan naturally understood what was going on. The predecessor did not live here, but he could borrow a transmission array to cross the distance from where he lived.

Quietly reaching out, shot at the waist, the brilliance of the brilliance, more than a dozen spar flying out, all of them are the best things like jujube nucleus, with ample abnormal aura radiating out.

The best spar!

After a long sleeve of static air, these spar were set in the groove of the transmission array, and then a round jade symbol was taken out from the arms.

This jade symbol is a white color.

There are several ancient texts on the surface, and Lin Xuan looks at it and doesn't know it.

Silently, the hand swayed, a beam of light flew from the jade, and did not enter a spar in the middle of the law. Then the sound of the cymbal was transmitted to the ear, and the entire transmission array was activated.

Lin Xuan brows a pick, this array of methods he has not seen, to the jade can start, it is like a key, it can open the lock, so that even if the chance coincides, there are monks come here , you can not use this transmission position.

However, Lin Xuan still feels that this method is safe and sound, but there is a little more to do. A strange transmission array does not know where to go. I believe that as long as the normal monks are not used, they will not use it to transmit the land.

Otherwise, if there is a place of great danger in the other end, wouldn’t you put your own life into it?

Lin Xuan’s heart was abdomen, and of course he wouldn’t say anything on the surface. Together with the Master of Statics, he stood in the middle of the formation, and soon, dazzling halo, wrapped the bodies of the two.

Then the humming sound became louder and louder, and the light and shadow were blurred, and the figures of the two had disappeared.


A feeling of dizziness came, but Lin Xuan said that the mana, the feeling of discomfort disappeared.

Then he raised his head and began to look at where he was afraid. This can't help but stunned.

Actually it is on a desert island.

Yes, it’s really an island, and all sides are blue waters. Looking around, there’s no end to it, and God’s knowledge is not going to end.

Lin Xuan could not help but be full of mistakes, some speechless, and he never dreamed that the power exists to live on the island.

"Lin Daoyou, go, and soon arrive at the destination."

The quiet monk greeted him. It seems that he is not here for the first time and he is very familiar with the road.


Lin Xuan nodded. As the saying goes, there is no turning back to the bow, and all of them have reached this point. Can you say no?

It will be very soon.

At the junction of the sea and the sky, a huge island is in sight, and the nearby aura is more abundant and difficult to describe in words. Even if measured by the standards of the spiritual world, it has a super-classic spirit.

"Lin Shizhu, here is the retreat of Beihai Zhenjun."

"Beihai Zhenjun?"

Lin Xuan stunned, his face showed an unexpected color: "Master does not say that the name of this predecessor can not be said, how..."

"You can't say when you are in Xingyue City. Now that you have settled in the predecessors, it is naturally no problem."


Lin Xuan nodded, accepted this statement, a lot of robbery period, temper is eccentric.

Soon the two of them had approached the island, but there was a pair of monks who had been armed with the squad. These sorcerers were wearing armor, holding quaint long gems in their hands, and repairing them as different, the worst is clutching, leading. It is also the level of the hole.

The Master of the Air has greeted him.

Not much to say, directly reveal a block.

The monks were originally imposing, and when they saw the command, the expression quickly eased down. They performed a ceremony and let them go.

"Lin Daoyou, go!"

Quietly greeted, the two suddenly fell like a small island.

The island is large and shaped like a round of crescent moon. The aura on the island is more and more small. The pavilions and pavilions are beautiful to the extreme. At first glance, they are similar to the fairyland on earth.

Followed a path, twisted through the corridor, and then came to the front of a loft.

The attic is suspended in the air.

"Let's go, the North Sea predecessors should be waiting for us here."

Quietly speaking, I flew over.

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