Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2436: North Down County

"Xingyue City duel, Yun Yinzong is really courageous, and dare to make such a request."

In the middle of the cold pool, the sky is absolutely sitting on the knees. From the outside, he is only in his early fifties. He has a wide face and a plain gown. His appearance is not outstanding. However, he has a generation of masters who are dispersed. Out.

"The teacher also feels strange. Although Yun Yinzong does not know how to be good, but it is also a long-standing sect. I don't know if you are a great teacher. If you ask such a request, it will be almost the same as finding a death. Will there be a conspiracy?" The respectful voice of the head is passed to the ear. If it is only seen from the outside, he obviously has to be older, but the age of the immortal can not be judged by his appearance.

"Conspiracy, can there be any conspiracy, the background of Xingyuecheng, you do not know, the district cloud sects, can you play tricks?" The old blame does not agree.

"It is really unreasonable for the other party to do this."

"Hey, I want to do so much, maybe the other person has lost heart, isn't you afraid that the devil will lose?"

"No, of course, it is impossible for the teacher to have this kind of psychology. The uncle is invincible, and the singer is the jumper of the cloud sect."

Seeing the eternal face of the old blame, the head is busy and flattering, saying that he is the uncle, but the moody master.

"Well, since the other party wants to fight with the old man, then they will meet their requirements. According to the rules of Xingyuecheng, the dueling parties must first set the conditions after the victory. What do they say?"

The old man swallowed a slap in the face, and respectfully handed over the jade that was green and green.

The gods and gods were swept away, and the face was full of playful colors. Then they sneered at the palm of their hand: "I am interested in actually making such a condition. It seems that those who are in the cloud, they really have some confidence in this duel. ""

"So the teachers are worried that the treasures they have asked for are all difficult to find. It is only one-fifth of the accumulation of this door. The rest. Want to be within two thousand years. Get together, don't say a little chance, but it's really tight. Just in case..."

"Okay." The sky is absolutely impatient with a wave of hand: "I am afraid of what, the conditions of the other party are harsh, and they must win. If there is an old man, you will put a hundred and twenty hearts." ”

Although the head still feels a little wrong, but the teacher's words have said this step, he naturally does not dare to persuade anything, even claimed.

Then he raised his head and smiled at his mouth: "Uncle Shi. Then we won, what conditions should we mention?"

"Hey, is this still asking?" The sky is full of strange robes, and there are fierce flashes in the eyes: "The whole cloud is invisible, to be erased from this world, the disciple does not fall, I want them all. The soul returns to the land."

"Yes, I respect the law, and the disciple will leave."

The head of the door, like the figure in the cold pool, took a ritual and retired silently.


Beiming County is located in the northernmost part of the Dragon River. It is not the first in the ninth and ninety-one counties, but it is also in the forefront.

However, compared with other counties, the area is sparsely populated and the climate is extremely harsh. All year round, except for the hottest days of summer, there is heavy snowfall throughout the year.

This kind of environment, not to mention that there are not many mortals, is to cultivate the immortals, but also not happy.

However, Xingyue City, which has the reputation of the first fairy city in the Dragon World, is located here.

This is simply amazing, and it is a mystery in this world.

Because of the reason of Xingyuecheng, the strength of the Northern Plains County to cultivate the immortal world cannot be said to be weak. Every year, there will be a large number of monks pouring in here.

In addition to the duel, Xingyue City is famous in this world. The other things that Xiancheng should have are the same. The city, the auction, and the county government in the nine hundred and eighty are one of the best.

However, the reason why a large number of monks came here is another reason.

It can be said that they came here.

Legend has it that the power behind Xingyue City is huge, and there are three old monsters in the robbery period as elders. Although this is only a legend, there has been no way to be confirmed, but one thing is definitely.

It is this city, where there is more than one avatar of the old monsters in the robbery period. This is no doubt, because at some major ceremonies, you can see the incarnation of these predecessors.

We must know that the period of robbery, as the last realm of cultivation, is in the eyes of most monks, it is beyond reach.

Although the dragon and the dragon are the top interfaces of the spiritual world, there is no shortage of such powers, especially the dragons and real people, looking at the three realms, it is also the number one.

However, these old guys who don’t know how many years have lived, in general, how can they appear in front of people?

No one knows where their Dongfu is.

However, different from Xingyue City, the incarnation of being able to see the existence of the robbery period is enough to excite those monks.

Legend has it that the lucky ones with excellent qualifications were taken by the incarnation of the predecessors of a catastrophe and accepted as disciples.

You know, this is a step in the sky.

There are also rumors that a beautiful woman repairs, chances of coincidence, was taken into the room by a predecessor, and gave the identity of the acolyte.

That is also to make countless women jealous.

We must know that although the status of the acolyte is far less than that of the Ming Dynasty. But it depends on who is the embarrassment of the people. The predecessors of the robbery period, the status of the acolyte, is also rising, even if they are distracted, they dare not dare. Easy to offend.

Not to mention, as a person on the pillow, you will definitely get a lot of benefits. The so-called listening to the monarch, winning the ten-year book, the old monsters at the robbery period can easily point a few words, can make the monks take a lot of detours, if you are favored, crystal Stone medicinal herbs are more demanding, and no longer have to worry about cultivation.

Just rushing to these two legends, every year to come to Xingyue City, the immortal, that is, the incomprehensible, of course, want to apprentice or do the robbery period old acolyte, after all, is a minority, everyone understands, such a chance, It is impossible to meet, most of the monks come here, either to the auction or to fight.

Needless to say, the duel of Xingyue City is absolutely first-class in the Dragons and Dragons. As for the auction, it is also one of the best.

Of course, although the auctions are always available, the most important auctions are held only once in nine years. At that time, the immortals who flocked to Xingyuecheng from all over the country will multiply.

This year is the case, not only ordinary monks, but also important figures of each sect. Many can't stand the loneliness and go out to Xingyuecheng.

There is still a month's work from the start of the auction, but Xingyue City has already become very lively.

Ps: Ask for a ticket, thank you. (To be continued)

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