Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2434: The duel of Xingyue City

The 2,434th chapter of the duel of the Star City

"Sister, you don't have to worry, there is room for recovery." "网.com"

Unlike the two elders' faces, Zongmen faces such a crisis. Lin Xuan still seems to be calm, or he has a well-thought-out, so he is not anxious at all.

"The room for recovery, Lin Shidi, what do you mean?"

The young surname of the dragon returned to his head, and his face was full of incomprehensible colors. In his view, the future of this door was gray.

"Teacher, you are going to say, as long as you can let me keep the inheritance, no matter how difficult or dangerous, I won't wrinkle my brow."

The face of the Jubilee girl is full of surprises. At this moment, she is in a hurry to go to the doctor. It is like a drowning person. Even if it is a straw, it should be tightly grasped.

To put it simply, it is a mess.

Seeing the two look at themselves, Lin Xuan certainly will not sell off.

"As the saying goes, killing a thousand, self-destruction of eight hundred, the strength of the door, although far better than me, but we are not paper paste after all, if it is really urgent, give them a fish to die, this The monks of Zongmen will also fall a lot. This is the reason, I think the old blame is also known that day."

"Yes, but what about it?" The surname of the dragon surnamed was puzzled, and the silver-haired girl did not understand what Lin Xuan was saying. (""网.com)

"Even so, the other party can't let us go. Is there a way to resolve this hatred?"

"Of course it is impossible to resolve, but if there is a good thing in front of you, you can achieve the purpose of revenge, and you can avoid the loss of this door. You said, it will be mad at that day, will you be tempted?" Lin Xuan’s face exposed A strange color, a little mysterious opening.

"Teacher, you mean..."

The silver-haired girl’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and the faint understanding came over: “Starstown’s duel?”

"Not bad." Lin Xuan smiled and nodded: "Sister is really smart, a little through."

"What, younger brother, how can you think of such an idea, who can defeat the old monster, and to do so, it is to find death."

The young man named Long is like a earthy face. This is too outrageous. Isn’t it obvious to find death?

The duel of Xingyue City can be said to have a long history in the dragon kingdom, which has been in existence since ancient times.

There are many kinds of hatred in the cultivation of the fairyland. It is inevitable that there will be various kinds of hatred. If it is related to the Zongmen family, unless the power of the two sides is contrasted, it is really disparity. Otherwise, Lin Xuan may have said that In that case, killing one thousand, self-damaged eight hundred. 《》网.com

However, there is some hatred, but it is impossible to resolve it. So I don’t know when it started, there is a way to fight.

To put it simply, there are two families of hateful ancestral families who first negotiated the conditions and then sent the strongest masters to win the battle.

The winner can make any request for the losing party in accordance with the conditions agreed in advance.

Even if the agreement is made, the losing party must be fully disarmed and cannot repent.

At least for many years, there have been no exceptions.

Of course, the reason is that Xingyue City will provide absolute guarantee for the execution of the rules.

We must know that although the city does not belong to any Zongmen family, it is the super power of the dragon kingdom. It is said that there are more than three old monsters in the robbery period, as the guest of the city.

Looking at this world, I am afraid that only the dragon who saw the dragon will not see the end of the dragon, dare not put Xingyue City in the eye, other forces, regardless of the scattered or the Zongmen family, are awe-inspiring, in the new moon In the duel of the city, as long as the rules are fixed in advance, it is certain that no one will dare to violate the land afterwards.

Legend has it that 100,000 years ago, there was a sect of the sect. The conditions agreed at that time were all the cultivators of the sect. All of them were disarmed. As a result, they did not want to return to the land, so they ate their words and disbanded the sects. road.

The sect went up to the elders of the elders, down to the agile disciples, there are tens of thousands, according to their ideas, how can also run a small part.

As a result, this delusion was obviously too naive. The sect of the sect of the house did not need to win. Xingyuecheng sent a large number of law enforcement monks. As a result, the sect of the sect of the sect did not run out, and all of them were smashed and smashed. The solution is much worse.

In the millions of years, there have been more than one breach of contract, but every time, the defaulters have not finished well. Over time, no one dares to do that. The name of Xingyuecheng, not to mention the immortals, is a lot. The mortal is also like a slap in the face.

The silver maiden girl also sighed, and thought that Lin Xuan really had the ability to turn the tide, but I know, but I made up my mind, but there is no blame on her face. After all, the disaster is self-defeating, what is the face to blame others? What?

"Teacher, the method you said is theoretically good, but the old devil is too strong. If you really want to do this, you will only be self-defeating."

"Yes, the other party will definitely raise the conditions, let us have a full-scale military solution. Instead of doing this, it is better to fight with the other side to break the net, or to disband the sect. Now, we can always keep some fires. But just doing so, I am sorry that I have been sorry for generations. The founder of the ancestors." Long surnamed juvenile look bleak.

"Sister brother and sister, you are too long to be motivated by others, to destroy your own prestige, how old is strange, and the younger brother is not talented, but he is confident to drop him down."


The two face each other, for a moment, did not know what to say, after a dozen times of interest, the silver 瞳 girl opened: "Lin Shidi, you are courageous, I also know that the younger brother is not an ordinary cultivator, Otherwise, when the middle of the hole was in the middle of the year, it would not be able to drop the sky."

"Yes, my younger brother, you can advance to the distraction period for a short period of more than 100 years. It is indeed a genius. However, the oldest blame is called the first person during the robbery period. It is even more difficult to understand. This matter is related to this. All the cultivators of the door must not care." The surname of the dragon is also interfaced.

Lin Xuan sighed and said nothing, of course, he also understood the doubts of the two, and he changed his position, and he would also worry about it.

"Sister brother and sister, since you are not at ease, it is better for us to learn from each other. If you look at Lin’s strength, it’s not too late to make a decision.”

"it is good!"

Lin Xuan said this step, the two naturally did not refuse the reason, not to mention the dead horse as a living horse doctor, their hearts, but also really curious, Lin Xuan where the confidence.

Of course, the more important point is that although they feel impossible, they are also looking forward to the miracle.

So the three people left Dongfu and went to a more skillful place outside. They started to learn from each other. Lin Xuan has the heart to show his strength. Of course, he will not hide his politeness and propose to use an enemy two to let the two together. Hands-on.

Ps: Today, my wife and my sister are married, and we have to drink wine for a while, so I will get up early in the morning to write a book, which will not affect the update. Look at the efforts of the rain and seek advice!

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