Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2414: Strong enemy of soaring strength

The 2nd, 4,414th chapter of the powerful enemy

Despite the ambiguity, you can see the scene that emerged in front of you. Lin Xuan couldn’t help but take a sip of cold air and his face was ugly.

The power of his own supernatural powers, Lin Xuan has a number of hearts, the nine palaces must be combined with the spirited sword, the power is incomparable, but at this moment, the ancient demon is intact in front of the suspension.

That's right, it's just intact, as if it's just a shock from your own, but it's just a breeze.

Since Lin Xuan has embarked on the road of cultivation, he has experienced countless fighting methods, and he has also encountered dangerous situations. However, at this moment, his heart is somewhat chilly.

The other party is not allowed!

He has already lifted the body's ban, and his strength has clearly risen to a level on the basis of just now, which is not comparable to what he is today.

Thirty-six counts, go for the count!

Lin Xuan has made a choice in his heart. Since he can't beat it, it is obviously the most correct choice.

As for where to escape, Lin Xuan does not know it now, but he can't take a step to step. Tian Xiaojian should still be in the inner valley. He wants to face a strong enemy by himself. He is hiding behind him and it is cheap. The idea is not bad. But will Lin Xuanzhen let him do it?

Escape first, then pull the kid down and say it.

Lin Xuan has already made a decision.

The gown was glanced, the flash of light flashed, and his palms were over, and hundreds of symbols appeared again.

When I was paying for my family, Lin Xuan had a hard time and had already scoured thousands of magical symbols. Now it is good, and it runs out twice.

This way of shooting, can be called luxury, but now it is the most important to save a small life, consume some charm, and what is worth.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand, pointing like a point in front, the strength of the sky, swarming here, and then, "噗嗤" a voice into the ear, that hundreds of magic symbols, all without wind and spontaneous combustion.

The scene was spectacular to the extreme, and then the ice and the thunder, the wind and the blade stabbed, and emerged, such as thunderstorms, pouring toward the opponent.

The power released by each symbol is equivalent to the blow of the ancient mysterious man of the cave, and hundreds of sheets are stacked together. Lin Xuan does not believe that the other party does not evade, and knows that the ant can kill the elephant. .

"Hey, little guy, your sign is really much, but the same trick, use the second time in front of the deity, what do you think will be useful?"

The black robe boy’s face flashed a sneer, and he raised his hand and pointed it out.


The magical turmoil, a huge grimace appeared in the air, opened the mouth of the blood basin, spewing a gust of wind, the gray wind is a gray color, in the blink of an eye, it collided with the ice.

Then there was an incredible scene, just as the water met the fire, and the ice was thunderous, the wind blade was stabbed, and it was too late to erupt, and it was destroyed.

Lin Xuan was so stunned that he wanted to use these symbols to cover up and slip away. Now, this plan is obviously nowhere to be used.

A terrible ancient demon, after the other party lifted the ban, it is more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Lin Xuan's face is ugly to the extreme.

The thoughts in my mind have turned sharply. What should I do next?

I haven't figured out a result yet. The other party has already raised a fist and hit it like this.

not good!

Lin Xuan shook his shoulders, like a step on the left side, hard connection is not the right choice, he wants to use nine days of microsteps, the intention is not wrong, but the surrounding air, but suddenly stagnate.

"This is... the law of space!"

Lin Xuan was shocked and dismissed. Can he use the power of space?

This thought flashed in my mind, but Lin Xuan didn't have time to think more, because the other punched the punch like a sea tide.

Hiding to luxury, it is only a hard way.

Lin Xuan screamed and screamed at the ear, and Lin Xuan made a fist in one hand, and made a fist in one hand, only seeing the fists and shadows flying, claws and chaos.

This is to defend and defend, and put two layers of protection in front of himself, but it has no effect. Next, whether it is boxing or claws, it is broken and destroyed.

The power of the other side’s punch is staggering.

The blood in Lin Xuan’s mouth is thin, but people are still locked in the same place. The air that lags behind is comparable to the wall of the copper wall. This is the law of space. Generally speaking, only the period of the robbery can be realized, but the three-eyed ancestors are themselves. The prepared body, talented, can now drive some.

"Lin Xiaozi, how come, now I realize that it is terrible to fall, rest assured, I will not let you die soon, the embodiment of the deity is wiped out by you, can't treat you how the deity can dissolve the heart." ?"

The black robe boy raised his head, and the white teeth seemed to have a flash of light, but the words he said made people feel cold.

In his eyes, Lin Xuan is now a cage bird, the fish in the net, pinching and rounding as he likes.

The ancient magic book is a must report to the land.

However, how could Lin Xuan wait and see, although the situation today is not good for him, but he has also encountered more dangerous situations, and now he is not living well.

Just that punch, he really played him badly, but Lin Xuan’s body, after all, wears the true spirit of the nine-day **** Luo Xiang, plus his body’s toughness, comparable to the same level of heaven and earth. The family, so the wolf is awkward, but this injury is far from fatal.

Lin Xuan took a deep breath and went down the blood pressure of the chest.

Then the left hand was lifted up, and the palm of the hand was so gently turned over. Suddenly, a quaint Chang Ge appeared in the palm of his hand.

Lin Xuan injected the mana, and then the long-go Rotary danced, the sound of the thorns was transmitted to the ears, and the silver mans made a big, and a pale silver blade appeared.

Such a dance around Lin Xuan, as if something was cut, Lin Xuan's imprisonment suddenly disappeared, the bell must also be a bell, the same reason, space magic, it is necessary to use space treasures to be able to break .

Afterwards, Lin Xuan’s figure flashed, and this time, the nine-day microsteps were successfully launched, and the people were already thousands of feet away.

The black robe couldn’t help but stay. He didn’t expect Lin Xuan to break free of his bondage. This guy is much more difficult than he imagined.

But it doesn't matter, where is the gap in strength, he can't escape his palm.

Lin Xuan did not know that he faced a great crisis, a gown of robes, and the tower of the soul had swept away.

Then the screaming sound was done, and the treasure slowly opened, and a group of glaring white light came into view. Then the white light turned into a whirlpool, and the humming sound made a big, a **** red worm cloud flew out from inside.

Blood fire ants!

However, the face of the black robe is full of disdain: "Lin Xiaozi, are you using the same tricks, thinking that these devils can also be useful to the deity?"

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