Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2377: The benefits of refining the blood of the true spirit

Bailian Chengxian 2377, Bailian Cheng Xianwen, the second two hundred and seventy-seventh chapter, the benefits of refining the blood of the true spirit

This is not Lin Xuan's qualifications, far better than other distracting period of cultivation, if the degree of toughness of the heart, Lin Xuan has always been proud of himself, but in terms of qualifications, but lack of merit.

Lin Xuan has always been a day, but there are some transports and opportunities. At the same time, the diligence can make up for it. If you pay ten times more than others, you will naturally gain something.

Linggen has different qualifications. Lin Xuan’s qualifications are not too bad, but they are not too general.

In the eyes of the nine days, the gods are hard and deep, and Lin Xuan can understand it without much effort. This is due to the magical power he has cultivated.

And nothing else, it is just the secret technique that makes Lin Xuan tangled.


Just now, Lin Xuan is still distressed, two secret techniques, there are repetitions between each other, although the nine-day **** Luo Xiang is certainly wonderful, but let himself give up the Xiao Luo Tianfa phase of perseverance for many years, still some disappointment, after all, who Unwilling, hundreds of years of hard work, it has been lost.

However, all the worries are all superfluous. There is a connection between the two supernatural powers, and it is very close.

At this time, Lin Xuan raised his head, and the surprise on his face has changed into a happy color.

It turns out that Ronaldinho’s law and the nine-day gods are in the same vein.

To put it simply, the two are basically the same kind of practice. The Xiaoluo Tianfa is the foundation, and the nine-day **** Luoxiang is the next high-level magical power.

In this case, of course, there is no waste of energy. If you want to cultivate the latter, you need to base the Xiaoluo method.

Lin Xuan with his hand, his face showed a bit of indulgent color.

At the beginning, Xiao Luo Tianfa was learned in Qin Xin.

Lin Xuan naturally knows the roots of the heart. He can conclude that his wife, who has no relationship with the Mo Yue people, is really doubtful about how the secret recipe of Xiao Luo’s law and practice fell into her hands.

Whether it is a coincidence or a sense of self-sufficiency in everything.

Lin Xuan did not know.

And at this moment, this question. There seems to be no need to think more.

The most urgent task is to cultivate the nine-day **** Luo Xiang and see how this mysterious practice can help you.

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan dropped his head again. I began to understand the cheats of the nine-day **** Luo Xiang.

There are not many words, and it’s fascinating, but it’s just a thousand words. Because of the same line, Lin Xuan understands that there is no point.

It can even be said that it is surprisingly simple and easy.

However, Lin Xuan did not do so, it was sloppy. This kind of thing is not a business trip. Otherwise, cultivation is unsuccessful or trivial. If it is not good, it may be ruined. In that case, it is really worth the loss.

To avoid this situation. In the early stage of enlightenment, we must try our best to make sure that all the doubtful things are as clear as possible. In this case, we will reduce mistakes.

Lin Xuan is doing this now. It is this kind of serious and responsible attitude that has led him to make many detours and twists and turns on the fairy road.

After three days and three nights of full effort, Lin Xuan raised his head again.


He sighed and his face was complex.

happy. Shu Chang, as well as to understand the mystery after the doubts in my heart.

No wonder……

For the ink moon, Wu Xuan, Lin Xuan has always had some doubts.

This mystery is specifically used to refine the blood of the true spirit.

However, the benefits of refining and chemical production are few and far between, because in the moon and the sorcerer, there is no specific application after refining the blood of the true spirit.

Therefore, the precious blood of the true spirit, after refining, has only played a role in strengthening the body.

This is simply a violent thing!

You must know that among the three realms, there are many elixir that can keep fit, and the difficulty that the blood of the true spirit wants to get, is simply not the same as these elixir.

Therefore, Lin Xuan has been puzzled. The ink of the jade should not be as superficial as the surface. After refining the blood of the real spirit, it should be useful.

And now, there is nothing wrong with proving his constant speculation.

The original Mo Yuetian Wu and the Luo Luo Tianfa are the same, they are the basis for the nine-day **** Luo Xiang.

In other words, the cultivation of the nine-day **** Luo Xiang, the two previous exercises are the premise.

First of all, Ronaldinho’s law must be cultivated to the point of proficiency, and then the blood of the true spirit is refining with the true spirit of Moyu. Among them, there is no requirement for the blood of the true spirit. In short, as long as it is the true spirit, .

Later, you can practice the nine-day **** Luo Xiang.

The biggest difference between the nine-day **** Luo Xiang and the former is that it can rely on the power of the true spirit, although it is only part of the power of the true spirit of refining the true blood, but it is still different.

And the power of the true spirit can be superimposed.

That is to say, on the basis of Ronaldinho's law, refining the blood of a true spirit, the power will be greatly enhanced.

The power of refining the blood of two true spirits must be far beyond the power of a true spiritual blood.

And so on...

The more blood of the true spirit of refining, the stronger the power of the nine-day god.

Of course, apart from this, the nine-day **** Luo Xiang and the monk's own realm of manpower are also directly proportional, which is obvious.

With the previous two exercises as the basis, there is nothing difficult in the cultivation of the nine-day **** Luo Xiang.

The most troublesome thing about this method is not cultivation, but the acquisition of the blood of the true spirit.

You must know that the true spirit is an extraordinary creature, even the weakest true spirit, the strength is enough to rival the power of the ferry.

Such a terrible creature, who has nothing to do, will eat enough to go to the tiger whisker, it is not a problem with the head, that is, the old birthday star hanging, want to find death.

And even if you are not afraid of death, or that the strength is strong to the extreme, it is not so easy to provoke the true spirit, because the true spirit has a special habitat, the real space.

If you want to appear in the Three Realms, you are willing to rely on these tyrannical creatures. Of course, the human cultivators, or the top figures in the devil and the sinister world, have the means to tear the gaps in space and reach the real space.

However, such a supernatural power, the existence of a general robbery period can not be done.

Looking at the Three Realms, there is such a power of magical power, not to mention a handful of them, but the calculations that are repeated and overturned are just a few. However, they will not practice the mystery of the nine-day **** Luo Xiang, and run for no reason. What does the spirit do?

Of course, it is not to say that if you can't find the true spirit, you can't go to the real spiritual space, you can't collect the blood of the true spirit.

There is no absolute thing in this world.

Although the true spirit does not eat human fireworks, it occasionally has some intersection with the Three Realms.

All kinds of coincidences, there will always be some blood flowing, for example, Lin Xuan's unicorn blood, gold-winged Dapeng bird blood, is obtained through this way.

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Bailian Chengxian 2377, Bailian Cheng Xianwen, the second two hundred and seventy-seventh chapter, the benefits of refining the blood of the real spirit is updated!

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