Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2356: Jade Bees

Lin Xuan’s mana was filled up for a long time.

In fact, it is not surprising that Lin Xuan only insisted on a few bites of effort, because he had consumed too much mana in the previous battles against the couple.

Otherwise, the main Yuan Ying, the second Yuan Ying, the demon Dan together, and want to let Lin Xuan oil to dry up, it is a very difficult task.

The ancient armor is a bit awkward.

Is the final result, but I am trapped here?


The roar of the earth shook from his throat, the scorpion smoldering and the speed of the bone spurs suddenly doubled.

As a result, the illusion of the sky is too late to repair.

Although Lin Xuan has a million years of spiritual milk, but in the same time, limited to the realm of the realm, the ability to output is limited, than the other side.

Lin Xuan brows, but fortunately he still has a back hand.

Reaching out, taking a shot at the waist, a tattered pagoda flies out from the waist.

Then this Bao Lingguang made a big effort, the first layer opened, a small, small insect cloud came into view.

Nature is not a blood fire ant.

The enemies in front of us are too horrible, and the blood fire ants are hard to play the role of defeating the enemy. However, the jade bee is different from each other. Lin Xuan’s first killing of the distracted level of the immortal, relying on this magic insect.

The reason why I didn't take it out just now is that I am afraid that the ancient demon is too embarrassed, and the jade bee is also not allowed, and there is danger of being killed.

After all, raising this worm is too difficult. If there is no absolute certainty, Lin Xuan does not want to take risks.

However, now it is different, the other party has been trapped by the magical fire, although the ice is temporary, but the jade bee can be empty and wide.

In fact, in addition to this worm, Lin Xuan is also very difficult to use other tricks, his mana is used to maintain the magical skyfire, there is no way to be distracted.

Unlike the jade bee, the insect repellent does not need to consume mana. Of course, it takes up a huge amount of knowledge, but that doesn't matter.

When he was still a monk in the cave, the jade bee had killed the ancient demon of the corpse, and played a powerful role in turning the tide.

What will happen this time?

Ping Xuan does not know Lin Xuan, try it first.

In short, he is still looking forward to it.

Compared with the last time, the size of the jade bee was actually a little smaller, but it became more ferocious, not only the head, but also the whole body, and it was wrapped in pale silver.

Not for those things that can't be called silver dots, but connected together, become a pattern and look more mysterious and beautiful.

At this time, the humming sound was loud, and the pale silver insect cloud flew toward the other side.

The ancient armor of the green armor wrinkled, although he did not know the jade bee, but the ancient demon of the distraction period, lived for nearly 100,000 years of existence, which is called a different kind, can also be seen by the momentum and shape. Not good at all.


The roaring sound kept coming out of his mouth. He wanted to get rid of the bond as soon as possible. The speed of ice armor recovery could not keep up with the break. Unfortunately, it was still a step later.

The distance between the two is only a thousand feet, and the jade is now in the blink of an eye.

The old magic brow wrinkled, Zhang opened, a gray-white magical spurt out of the magical gas, and immediately mixed with the nearby Tiandiyuan gas, turned into a giant hand of a hundred feet.

Take a drop.

The whole insect cloud was caught in the palm of his hand.

Let's go. . . ...

Subsequently, the terrible magical ignited, the jade bee was completely wrapped, and the cracking sound of the scorpion was introduced into the ear, and the magical inflammation was also a small one. The ancient scorpion was full of thoughts, and the worm could be turned into nothingness, but he was miscalculated. It is.

There is no effect at all.

The jade bee has not fallen into this kind of magic insect, although it is not invulnerable, the fire does not invade, but it is not the spell that can be used in this storage room.


The sound of the insects seemed so harsh, and it broke through the shackles of the claws.

At this time, the ice armor was damaged a lot, but the ancient armor still could not leave the place, how to hide, nearly 100 jade bees have already covered the surface of his body.

The pig-like roar is deafening!

Lin Xuan’s face showed ecstasy.

He was still a bit embarrassed.

The jade bee has once killed and killed the gods, but the ancient green demon in front of you is stronger than the ancient demon of the corpse, and the jade bee may not be useful.

Fortunately, worry is superfluous.

Of course, this is also because I have a good grasp of the timing. Otherwise, the poison of the time of the jade bee is no longer good. If it is not the other party, it is also useless.

At this time, the old monster was covered with magic insects. Although the expression could not be seen, the horror in the heart was difficult to describe in words.

The Shouyuan in his body is flying fast.

Is it... it is the poison of the legendary time!


His screams became more and more fierce. In a blink of an eye, the past half a sip of tea, the jade bee also lost hundreds of them, although this worm is not the same, but the characteristics, but the same as the worldly bees Once you have married someone, you will die.

The breath of the other party is already weak, and it is impossible to make a fake.

Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and the remaining jade bees spread out, revealing the face of the ancient armor.

Different from the prestige of the prestige, at this moment, the ancient demon of the green armor is very weak, the bone spur on the surface of the body has disappeared, and it seems to be weak, and from the foot to the chest, about 80% of the area has been Frozen.

Originally, I wanted to exhaust Lin Xuan’s mana and make it a fish on the chopping board. I didn’t expect to be clever and clever, but in the end I was able to move my own feet.

At this time, the ancient armor of the ancient armor, the mana is almost left, the light in the eyes is dim and extreme, and the secret technique of "extracting the seedlings and promoting the growth" is exerted. At this time, the side effects have begun to appear.

What he lost is not only mana, but the realm is also falling rapidly.

Originally he was a strong man in the middle of distraction, but at this time it fell all the way...

In the early days of distraction, the late Tang Xuan, the middle of Dong Xuan...

In just a few short breaks, this guy turned into an ancient demon in the middle of the clutch.

This result made Lin Xuan also very shocked. He thought that he was wrong, released his knowledge and scanned it back and forth, but found that there was no mistake, and the other side's realm really fell to the clutch period.

"It’s really self-restraint!"

Lin Xuan first was a little shocked, but after thinking about it, I knew what was going on. The strength of this ancient armor, there was nothing great, and I was able to play it myself, but I just got myself. Forced to such awkward position.

The secret technique he used is naturally very different. Hey, the side effects brought about by the original are so terrible, it will fall into two big realms...

"Want to kill me, it is up to you to go to the Yin Cao government." Lin Xuan said coldly. (to be continued

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