Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2345: Progressive

"No, leave here!"

The Qingjia ancient demon raised his head, his eyes swept over the ball formed by the aura, suddenly discolored, his arms were light and comfortable, and he took the female demon next to him, and then his body shape flashed, already from the place. Disappear.

The strength is at his level, the teleport is definitely a drizzle, the difference is that the depth of this spell is only a little.

He had a distance of a hundred feet, and then the devil was still unsatisfied. His right hand was lifted up, and there was a flash of light between the palms. A fist-sized jewel flew out.

Qingmang picked up, a layer of pale blue light curtain suddenly emerged, and then spread quickly, wrapped him and the demons inside.

The whole process of the rabbit fell, almost in a flash.

The next moment, the light ball that the aura gathered together has fallen like a comet, and it collided with the ground.


A loud bang came into the ear, accompanied by a terrible spiritual pressure that made the nearby space begin to distort.

Everything in front of us, rocks, trees, and even land, under this terrible power, all began to melt, a mysterious glow suddenly emerged, the light is not so dazzling, but all the things it touches, all Turned into powder.

The halo was originally confined to the valley, but it spread toward the surrounding world at a heart-warming speed.

Just the blink of an eye, the position where the Scorpio double demon stood was also wrapped.

The ancient demon of the green armor was discolored, only to feel that the power was violent, and the defensive treasures that he had sacrificed seemed to be unable to withstand.

The creaking sound came into the ear, and the blue light curtain that seemed to condense hou was already crumbling.


His face was ugly, and of course he didn't sit back and ignore the truth.

A violent drink, the mana of the whole body came out, merged into a black torrent, and poured into the treasure of the top of the head.

When the time was over, the spirits were going to be done, and the light curtain that was about to collapse was re-stabilized.

However, the ancient armor is also not good, from his forehead, there is a grain of sweat.

Obviously, at this moment, even the middle-aged guy is struggling to the extreme.


A crisp sound was heard into the ear, and there was a crack in the surface of the pearl.

At first, there was only a touch of light, and then it quickly spread like a whole, and soon, it covered the surface of the entire orb.

Seeing this valuable treasure, it will be turned into a pile of broken copper and iron. The blue light curtain is fascinating, but it is just a return to light.

The two devils were shocked and angry, but they could not change anything.

The thorns are heard into the ears, the beads and the light curtains, and they are broken into nothingness.


That terrible halo, like the tide of the sea, the murder of the scorpion

The short amount of interest is as long as the millennium.

Finally, the halo retreats, and the terrible spiritual pressure disappears.

However, everything in front of us is completely different. It is beyond exaggeration to describe it. It is no exaggeration. The mountains are gone, and the valleys are naturally turned into nothingness. Even the entire surface has been cut off by the layers of the oldest. The place has turned into a big pit. The ground, turned into a melt, the magma rushed out, there has been no living creatures... No, no, in the center of the big pit, a young boy sits cross-legged, wearing Tsing Yi, the face is more ordinary.

The clothes he wore were already ragged, and the hair bun that was originally held was spread out, and the hair was scattered. It looked quite a bit lonely, just like the cockroaches on the street.

However, it was such a stupid teenager who was sitting in a large pit, with his body as the center of the distance, and the only one that was not eroded by magma.


Lin Xuan gently breathed, spit out a suffocating gas from his mouth, then slowly raised his head, the original closed eyes, and finally opened.

Fine shots!

His appearance is ordinary, but at the moment, the brilliance of the eyes is dazzling...

More than a hundred feet away, as the halo dissipated, the two figures also reappeared.

Scorpio Double Devil!

Although the power of the aura’s outbreak was incomparable, the disenchantment of the ancient demon was already the legendary power. How could the couple be so easy to fall, but it seems that there is a little bit of wolverine.

The couple also looked over.

The three eyes looked in the air and seemed to have sparks coming out.

However, compared with Lin Xuan, the Scorpio double demon clearly showed a bit of surprise.

Lin Xuan’s cultivation is far lower than they think.

The three sets of flags, although they were easily broken, the last set of five elements of the spiritual array fell into their hands, but in peace, the power of these sets of methods is not a small, otherwise it will not be light Easy to loose, it killed hundreds of ancient devils.

There is a cave in the period, there are one or two sets of okay, and there are four sets of such ranks of flags, which are more like the hands of the distracted monks.

Of course, this alone is not enough. After all, it is the same as the ancient demon, and everyone’s body is different.

In the unlikely event of a wealthy guy, it is not impossible to collect the four sets of flags at the same time.

However, the appearance of the silver-winged corpse king dispelled the doubts of the two demons. Although the corpse made them angry, they disguised the strength of Lin Xuan.

The corpse king is a distracted period, able to control this level of smelting, the strength of the master, of course, can not be low, at least should be distracted.

The couple speculated that this should be an ancient demon in the early days of distraction, and most of them were scattered, otherwise they would not choose to break through in the mixed place of dragons and snakes.

If you change the time and change the purpose, the couple will not necessarily provoke.

Although they have teamed up with each other, they will certainly be able to fight. However, in addition to cruelty and killing, there are also a characteristic of the Scorpio double devil, which is bullying and fearing evil.

The Mozu who died in the hands of the couple, described by thousands of people, is not an exaggeration. However, among them, the level of distraction is only a handful...

The couple are cautious.

They are not afraid of distraction, but it is inevitable that there will be a fight in the same level!

As the saying goes, often walking along the river, how can we not wet shoes, in case of bad luck someday, to provoke a particularly powerful guy, even if they do not dare to say that 100% win, if the fall, then it is not Not worth the loss?

Cruel bloodthirsty but cautious, it sounds very contradictory.

However, the Scorpio double devil is just such a guy.

They are not willing to provoke the same level of existence, but this time, the situation is different. First, this is the task assigned by the great ancestors. As long as you find Longyancao, you can get unimaginable benefits.

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