Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2330: Yang fat bird

And the light arc has no effect at all, and continues to silently shoot toward himself.


Lin Xuan’s pupils are miniature, and the result is something he never expected. Although he also sees that the arc of light is different, the sword that he has released is easy. It is reasonable to say how it should be. Can block a resistance.

Could it be that",…

The corner of the eye flashed, Lin Xuan faintly saw the faint clue, but at this moment, there is time to think more, Lin Xuan left foot, take a step forward.

Space fluctuations together, suddenly disappeared.

The arc of light was silently slashed in the place where he had just stood, and there was no sound. But then there was a loud rumbling sound coming into the ear. A mountain behind Lin Xuan was cut off for two halves. .

Although it is not a problem to use the strength of the immortal, it is not a problem to move the mountains to the sea. However, a mountain with a height of one foot wants to divide it into two. The momentum of the shot is called a different kind of small, which is like this light arc, no sound, no destructive power. It’s amazing, but it’s amazing...

This is by no means an ordinary five-line spell, but there is a crack in the space of the image!

However, space cracks can actually attack like yourself. Is this possible?

The thoughts in my mind turned, and the bright light arc appeared again.

This time, behind him, Lin Xuan suddenly returned to his head. He did not sacrifice the sword, but a pair of sleeves, flying a beautiful magic fire from his finger.

Illusion Skyfire!

Is it a space crack, this time, there should be a conclusion.

After the flame left the hand, it quickly became bigger, like a wheel, in front of the silver light arc.

The next moment, the smashing of the two! From now on, it is still silent, but the dazzling aura is a big deal, swallowing fusion, but the final victory is Lin Xuan's magic tip.

Sure enough, it is a space crack!

After this fight, Lin Xuan has a lot of thoughts, but his face is more and more ugly.

The other party is actually able to drive the space crack, it is naturally good at space magic.

Big enemy!

If you want to win, I am afraid it is not easy.

However, no matter what the mind thinks, on the surface, Lin Xuan still did not reveal the fear, the two eyes silvered up, looked forward to the front.

God search has no effect, but it does not mean that Tianfeng is also useless.

Sure enough, a vaguely fascinating shadow came into view, although it was not very clear, but in any case, it was always captured.

"Do you still want to hide?" Lin Xuan's sneer voice came to his ear: "Would you like, let Lin pull you out?"

The voice did not fall, Lin Xuan raised his right hand, and a stunned shot from his fingertips.

That Limang only has a thick thumb, but both speed and strength are remarkable, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary five-line spells.

As soon as the "嘭" sound came into the ear, the space fluctuated, as if something was hit, and then a thing appeared in sight.


Lin Xuan was surprised to see the guy in the eye, where is the old monster of distraction, but a World of Warcraft, correctly said to be the magic bird of the birds.

His body is long, his claws are sharp, and his body is covered with black feathers.

In terms of appearance, it is very similar to Phoenix.

"This is...yang fat bird?"

Lin Xuan was shocked and shocked. He immediately remembered a classic book that had been seen before. The Yang Fat Bird was a descendant of the Phoenix and inherited a lot of Tianfeng blood.

It is no wonder that it can drive the gap in space. After all, what Phoenix is ​​best at is the secret of space, and the Yangzhi bird that inherits a lot of Phoenix blood has such a means. It is not surprising.

Fortunately, the male fat bird in front of you, the grade is not very high, it is only a hole in the period, however, for yourself, it is still the enemy.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts have not been turned, and the Yangzhi bird has already started. It only saw that its claws sneaked a dance, and a clawed man swept away.

However, Lin Xuan saw very clearly, this is where the claws are, it is simply a space crack, Lin Xuan naturally will not be silly and hard, slightly sideways over the body, hiding in the past.

What about the descendants of the phoenix, anyway, at this moment, it is just a form of Warcraft, which is easy to handle.

Summon a small ball!

Let's fight, see if your space is amazing, or the field of small hairballs is even better.

When I thought of it, Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and I saw that the spirits had been done. The Wanshen Tower had been sacrificed by him. Then there was a whirlpool, and the small hairball was transmitted from the tower.


However, the little guy slept well, even if he was summoned from the shelter, apparently did not disturb its dreams. Lin Xuan was speechless and had seen the sleepy guy, but he had never seen anyone who could sleep so to the point. .

A **** read, but found completely useless, the little guy is like being in hibernation, and his relationship with his own **** is also automatically cut.


Lin Xuan stunned, and then his face showed a sense of fun, how rich his experience, obviously the little guy is not like ordinary snooze, it is more like hibernation before the promotion.

This is my own care. I didn't find the exception of the little guy. In fact, this is of course a good thing. If the little guy can really advance, the help for himself will be even greater. However, at this moment, it is really bad. I originally wanted to let the small hair ball deal with the male fat bird, and now it is obviously a luxury.

In the end, I have to face the strong enemy by myself, and the Yangzhi bird will not give Lin Xuan a gasp, and with a sharp tweet, he has already attacked.

I saw the flash of the aura, and its shape suddenly rose up. The original body was too long, but it was more than ten times at the moment.

"Great surgery!"

Then the two wings are one fan, and the wind blade is violently shot out. These are not space cracks, but the power is not the same, it is not an ordinary wind blade.

Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and the iron feather flying knives emerged. Thousands of sharp blades, as thin as a flap, were also shot in front of the front, colliding with the wind blade, slamming The sound came into the ear, and it was as dense as rain.

However, the Yangzhi bird did not stop here. The whole body had already rushed up. Lin Xuan’s figure flashed, and the nine-day microsteps were again displayed and retreated.


Where he had just stood, he was hit by a huge bird's claw. Giant petrochemical was a powder, and a large pit appeared in sight.


This magical bird is not only good at all kinds of supernatural powers, but also the meat body seems to be tyrannical. The power of this grasp can definitely be compared with the magic weapon of the Dong Xuan period.

However, Lin Xuan is not a good place to provoke the ground, a big drink, five fingers clenched fists, hit the other side.

When the space fluctuated suddenly, a cyclone with a diameter of more than ten feet appeared in the line of sight, completely enveloping the huge body of the male fat bird.

Ps: Continue to work hard to find a ticket, very much needed, and ask for a ticket! (To be continued)

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