Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2320: The benefits of engulfing the flame

Two months later, Lin Xuan finally came out from the practice room, and his face was difficult to cover the tiredness, but his expression was more exciting.

When I thought of the magical fire that was refining myself, Lin Xuan couldn’t help but smile.

This is really a windfall!

Originally, Lin Xuan also noticed the mystery of this magical inflammation, but the degree of difficulty in real refining is much larger than he imagined.

It took him two months to stay in bed.

But the relative, the resurgence of this magical inflammation on the magical skyfire is far beyond expectations.

Originally, the illusion of Tianhuo has evolved and has four attributes, namely cold, poisonous, corrosive, and engulfing.

Nowadays, the refinement of the Bailing Magic Fire has increased its attributes and gained the effect of “puncture”.

The so-called puncture, as the name suggests, refers to the face of defense, whether it is a treasure like a shield, or a protective film constructed by the five elements of the secret surgery, can be like a needle, the destructive power is concentrated at a point to achieve penetration. effect.

In other words, in the future, facing the opponent's defense, the effect of the illusion of the fire will be a huge increase in geometry.

And the benefits are not just that.

Refining and purifying the magical fire, the magical spirit of the fire is not only an additional attribute, its own power, on the basis of the original also jumped 20%.

That's right, it's 20%!

This is the place that makes Lin Xuan most pleasant.

Originally, with the growth of cultivation, the magical power of the magical spirits is gradually increasing. There is no surprise that the power of each spell will increase as the strength of the master grows.

However, this is certainly true, but the mysterious part of the magical fire can be compared with ordinary magic. Therefore, compared with the ordinary five-line magical power, because of the improvement of Lin Xuan’s realm, the magical spirit The magnitude is also much smaller than other magical powers.

This is also the loss of Lin Xuan has been anxious.

Although he has many treasures, the magical skyfire is definitely the secret of the bottom of the pressure box. As one of the killers, Lin Xuan certainly hopes that its power can increase rapidly, but unfortunately has not found a suitable way.

This time, Lin Xuan suddenly opened up, by engulfing other people's magic, it seems to make the illusion become a fire

Lin Xuan’s face is thoughtful, but now it is not a good time to put this idea into action.

There are priorities and it is impossible to eat yourself as a fat man in one breath.

Things need to be done one by one. For them, the most urgent task is to first improve the mana and then try to advance to the distraction period.

After all, although the secret technique is also very important, it seems to the cultivation of the immortal that the mana and the realm are always fundamental. With Lin Xuan’s character, of course, I will not give up the stupidity of the primary and secondary reversal.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned around, and suddenly the look of the wood started his head and his sleeves glanced. The outside ban broke open a gap and a black fire dragon flew from there.

It’s not too long.

Slightly hovering, fell in the palm of Lin Xuan.

It is a note!

Lin Xuan couldn't help but frown. He said clearly. If there is nothing important, don't bother yourself. Is it only two months before they forget their instructions, or what trouble does Xianyun have encountered?

The former should be impossible.

If it is the latter reason, let Lin Xuan be a headache.

He pretended to be an ancient demon and became the elder of the school, just to find a suitable place to practice, and not really want to worry about the faction.

Xianyunzong met the trouble so quickly, how can he cultivate in the future?

Lin Xuan is not stupid. If that is the case, I am afraid I will reconsider the pros and cons of joining Yunyun Zong!

Lin Xuan brows slightly wrinkled, but did not make a choice immediately, because the above is only their own guess side, or look at the situation and then make a decision.

The right hand was lifted up, and a law smashed out from the palm of his hand. Lin Xuan will stop around the valley and temporarily stop.

Soon, the footsteps were heard in the ears, but there were three ancient devils.

Middle-aged, fat, and the palace woman named Magic Ling, one does not fall.

"See Uncle Shi!"

The three men squatted together and bowed their knees.

"Get up!"

Lin Xuan squatted in the middle of the position to sit on the position, set the foot of the spectrum, for several districts of the clutch period ancient demon, naturally no good polite.

"Lin did not say it. If there is nothing to do, don't bother me. What do you mean? Lin has only been retiring for two months. Isn't it what I said, isn't it all right? Are you all in the air?"

"No, Shi Shu Qian Su don't misunderstand. We are here today, not to disturb you." Seeing Lin Xuan's tone is not good, the middle-aged man's face changed greatly, and he quickly explained.

"Oh, why is that?"

Lin Xuan did not speak quietly.

"The three of the younger generations came here to give the uncle a year to offer."

“This year’s offering?” Lin Xuan’s hand, the white expression on his face was really unexpected.

"Yes, if it wasn't for the uncle's shot, my immortal Yunzong would not exist anymore. The disciples, in order to express their gratitude, collected some magic stone treasures and dedicated them to the uncle. I hope you don't dislike them." The voice of the middle-aged people Into the ear.

"It turns out that you have a heart."

Lin Xuan's tone is still flat and extreme, except that there is no indication.

The three devils looked at each other. The middle-aged man’s face was full of embarrassment. He dared not talk nonsense again. He took out a storage bag directly, and the bag mouth turned downwards. The black mans flashed, a whole lot. Treasures appeared in the face.

The most is the magic stone, almost half of the room, and all the top grades, in addition to other rare materials unique to the realm.

Lin Xuan’s eyes swept, even if he was a good person, he could have made a small fortune.

With the strength of Xianyunzong, I want to take out these treasures, and I must have spent a lot of twists and turns. It seems that they have spared no effort to please themselves.

Lin Xuan’s face could not help but slow down. It turned out to be no trouble.

"Well, your filial piety, Lin knows, and all retreat, and the future offerings are not sent every year. Lin will temporarily close his life. If there are no special events, don't bother me." Lin Xuan His eyes swept over the three demons and slowly opened his mouth.


The three demons naturally did not dare to argue about anything. They looked at each other and then retired after a ceremony like Lin Xuan.

Silence all the way, out of the valley, only to re-speech.

"Master, how do you look?"

"There will be no mistakes. The other party is so keen on cultivation, it must be a penance."

"Yes, this is very beneficial to us. This Lin Shishu should not interfere with Zongmen things. I am only worried about one..." The fat man said thoughtfully.

Ps: Thank you for your support. The rain is also known. The recent update is not fast. It has hardly broken out. Recently, the family has been constantly changing. The father-in-law is still in hospital these days.

Please support your friends, but the Magic Rain will try to maintain a stable and updated situation. Please understand.

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