Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2308: Magic bug

The gods were equally undetectable, and Lin Xuan took a sigh of relief and walked slowly.

Reaching out, slowly pushing the door open, a narrow passage appeared in front of you.

If you come here, then you can't give up, and Lin Xuan walks inside the passage.

It took another scent of fragrant incense to come to an end.

However, the scene that appeared in front of him made Lin Xuan very surprised.

This is actually a separate small space.

Looking around, there are piles of gravel everywhere, surrounded by rich magic, about a few dozen wide.

Lin Xuan maintains the color of his alert, but it is too late to use the knowledge of God to explore the whole space. There is a sharp insect sound coming into the ear.

The black insect cloud, which stretches for a few acres, has swept toward him.

Scorpio spider!

The scale of this insect cloud is not the same as that of the small, but compared with the blood fire ants that Lin Xuan raised, it has become a small witch.

Lin Xuan’s sleeves glimpse, and the Wanshen Tower flies out from the inside.

Then the thorns made a big noise, the white light dazzled, a vortex of diameter appeared, and the blood fire ants swarmed out from inside.

Attack with poison!

The first time he was attacked by the tarantula, Lin Xuan had shown a bit of awkwardness. However, it was due to change of storage. Once he reacted, he was prepared, and the magic insects in this area were counted.

Two kinds of sharp insects are heard into the ears. If you change a low-level cultivator here, I am afraid I have to listen to my spirits. However, Lin Xuan does not change his color.

Soon, black and red, the two insects smashed together, and the humming sound became sharper and sharper. As two streams converge, the tarantula and the blood fire ants bite each other.

At the same time, it is known that the sound of Sosso is transmitted to the ear, but there is a constant drop of the magic insect from the sky. For a moment, it is difficult to distinguish the results of the two kinds of magic insects, who will fall more.

As time went on, the area of ​​contact with the insect cloud increased and the battle became more intense.

Lin Xuan’s calmness was suspended in the air and there was no intention to intervene.

In this way, after a few dozens of interest, a sharp voice came, and those tarantulas suddenly changed direction and retreated.

These devils are not wild things, but they are manipulated.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned around and he was about to direct the blood fire ants to chase, but found that the tarantula only retreated more than a hundred feet away, and then stopped, and then the white mans between the two, a large piece of spider silk If it is fired by a strong bow, it will be sprayed from the group of tarantulas. Soon, the front of the blood fire ant will be netted.

Those spider ribbons have a lot of stickiness, and often one can bind several blood fire ants together.

The ant colony was caught off guard and suddenly the chaos suddenly began.

Such a good opportunity, the tarantula willing to give up, the screaming black dorms divided into several strands, launched a crazy impact on the mess of blood fire ants.

This time, the contact has just changed, and the tarantula group has achieved an overwhelming advantage almost at the moment of collision.

The situation is very unfavorable to the blood fire ants. However, Lin Xuan’s expression is still calm, and there is nothing in the panic. Just sticking out his right hand and sipping it to the front: “Broken!”

The voice has not fallen, the roaring sound has been introduced into the ear, no, the correct saying is that the explosion sounds one after another, the tarantula will spit silk, does the blood fire ant have no tricks of its own?

The answer to the case is certainly not fixed, but compared with the tarantula, the blood fire ants' tricks are too tragic.

But more useful.

It is not necessary to say that the power of self-destruction is that the blood fire ants so selected are all stuck by the spider silk. The tarantula is just rushing to the vicinity, and it is turned into a emptiness in the light, and the latter Blood fire ants are not only not involved, but because they absorb the aftermath of the explosion, they become more powerful.

Injury immunity!

An unpleasant voice came into the ear, Lin Xuan raised his head and found that it was just the woman in the two demons, but at this moment, she was not only attacked by Sirius, but if she did not read it wrong, she changed her mind. Become the manipulator of these monsters.

How did that happen?

"These blood fire ants have damage immunity."

The woman's lips were slightly open, but the voice was very weird, hoarse and ugly, not like the woman's voice, and her face showed a layer of youthfulness, and her expression was sluggish.

Lin Xuan saw how wide and broad, seeing this scene, the heart immediately had a guess side.

The woman was controlled, or was rejected, but it was not accurate. The other party did not devour her soul's intentions. She only used a mysterious technique similar to hypnosis to temporarily control the female mind.

Needless to say, what will be done is definitely the demon who is sealed here.

Interestingly, what he did, what purpose, and the release of the tarantula at the moment, does not seem to be just to defeat himself.

Lin Xuan’s thoughts turned sharply, but for a moment, he couldn’t think of a reason.

However, at this moment, there was a tumultuous sound coming into the ear.

Lin Xuan is a glimpse. It is clearly located in the depths of the earth. How can it be thunder?

Then he suddenly raised his head, although in this place, the gods are still suppressed, but Lin Xuan is far from being comparable to ordinary monks. He feels that the nearby magic is gathering in one direction. Correctly speaking, it is The magic of this area around you, and other places, are gathering there.

The magic here has not changed, obviously it is not want to alarm yourself.

Well, there must be something wrong there.

Seeing Lin Xuan turned his head, the witch seemed a little anxious: "Little guy, look elsewhere, worry about worrying about yourself, have a chance to leave here.

The voice did not fall, the female god's dignified hands waved, and with her movements, several sacred bags began to vacate and floated in midair.

Then she slammed the law and opened her mouth.

The innumerable tarantula swarmed from inside, and for a time, overwhelming, the adjective, there was no exaggeration, and the entire space, the number of squares, was filled with the tarantula.

"Little guy, how are you in the late existence of Dong Xuan, have you dealt with so many magic insects?" said the woman proudly.

"Is it?"

There are so many devils that are really eye-catching, but it seems that they are not qualified enough to intimidate themselves.

Lin Xuan made a slap in the air, and the soul of the eternal tower was made, and the area of ​​the vortex suddenly expanded. Then, countless blood fire ants, such as rivers and dykes, swarmed out from inside.


The woman was shocked. She is good at deworming. Of course, it is clear that even if it is a fertile insect, it is not easy to cultivate so much.

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