Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2291: Willow

On the other side, Lin Xuan’s face was ugly to the extreme, and I didn’t expect even the jade bee to have no effect.

At this moment, I am really magical, and there are no redundant backhands.

After all, Wulong Yulin Xuan did not dare to use.

Although he is sure that this treasure will definitely kill the enemy, it will be equivalent to drinking and quenching thirst. The immediate crisis is lifting, but it will bring you to a more dangerous situation.

Hail ancestors!

This woman’s threat Lin Xuan never once or forgot, but she ruined her incarnation. If she hides in the spiritual world, hail also takes her own. After all, this female identity is too sensitive, it is impossible to cross The world is looking for trouble, otherwise it will definitely cause a war between the two worlds.

So in the spirit world, you must be safe!

However, at this moment, he is in the ancient devil world. If you use the five dragons, it is hard to say that the ice sorcerer will not get news about himself.

At that time, she didn't even have to do it herself, just send one or two hands and die.

"Awful, hard to get the charm from the home, will it be used now?"

Lin Xuan flashed a trace of frustration on his face. Although he had already done his best, he had not reached the point where he was running out of water. At least he had a random transmission in his hand. He could definitely escape with this object.

Only... Fuxi can only be used once, and here, Lin Xuan is really a bit sad, so the expression on his face is quite embarrassing, this determination is really not good.

However, at this moment, a low-pitched voice was introduced into the ear, and Lin Xuan’s **** was moving, but the silver-winged corpse king was reminding him.

The second gods control this corpse, there is time limit, and now there are very few left.

Lin Xuan sighed and finally made up his mind to fight again. The chances of winning by himself were really tight, and the more they dragged, the more unfavorable.

Then, let go and say, one day, I will definitely find Yanshan ancestors again to report today’s hatred.

Lin Xuan thought so in the heart, reaching out, is going to 掏 箓 箓, but Yanshan ancestors' movements are faster than him.

The experience of this old guy is also very rich. After judging that Lin Xuan has no other means, I am afraid I want to apply oil on the sole.

"Want to go, daydreaming."

Yanshan ancestors face a sneer sè, a sleeve gown, black light like ink, a palm-sized charm flies out.

Unlike the general charm, the above runes are actually swimming, like a living thing.

Forbidden character!

This thing is the Yanshan ancestors paid a great price to get from the home.

In order to prevent Lin Xuan from escaping.

At this time, it is the moment when it is prosperous. The old devil naturally does not hesitate. He raises his hand and fights with a law. The surface of the symbol is black and light, and there is no wind and spontaneous combustion. Then a faint black sè halo radiates from its surface. Come out and cover all the sights.

"what is this?"

Lin Xuan is a glimpse, the pupils are miniature, and the scene in front of them is quite similar to the field of small hairballs.

However, Lin Xuan certainly knows that this is not a field.

And no matter how much, Lin Xuan has taken out the random transmission, and does not hesitate to inject the mana.

However, there was no effect, and the symbol was not activated.

"How could this be?"

Lin Xuan was shocked by sè, is it true that the pups that I bought at a big price are fake?

Lin Xuan shook his head. Although he was hand-delivered with one hand, he clearly checked it carefully. It is necessary to know that although Fu is difficult to refine, it is quite easy to identify the authenticity.

The cultivation of the immortal world is different from the secular, whether it is a symbol or a magic weapon. Although it may be expensive, it is all virginity. It is very difficult to make a fake. It is even more difficult to pay for a family that has been famous for millions of years. If you make fakes, you will not be able to pay for it.

I personally checked that this random transmission is clearly available. Why is there no way to start it at this moment?

Is it because of the character that the other party has just sacrificed?

Lin Xuan quickly guessed the truth.

However, guessing how it is, understanding is one thing, and trying to crack is another matter.

"Little guy, there is a prohibition for the old man. The symbols you get from paying for the family are nothing more than furnishings. You don't have to work hard." Yanshan ancestors smiled.

"Forbidden sign?" Lin Xuan frowned, not heard of it at all, but from the name can also guess what its role.

“Will the fuji won’t be completely invalid?”

Lin Xuan whispered to himself, and he was skeptical about this. God knows if the other party is bluffing.

A pair of sleeves and gowns, that is, two symbols fluttering out, all attacks are xing, Lin Xuan does not expect the two-hole magical character to win the enemy, but to verify the authenticity of the other party.

Needless to say, the two charms have no effect and can't start anything at all.

Lin Xuan's face is more and more ugly.

It is also futile to sacrifice a defensive symbol.

It may be coincidental once, twice and three times it would never happen.

Damn, there are still such a symbol, is it also refining the home, is it not the family and the Yanshan ancestors, is it in the dark?

However, at this moment, it is meaningless to pursue this again. The jade bee is trapped, and the time of the silver-winged corpse is coming soon. The three major charms that were originally relied on have no effect. They are really forced to the point of being poor. .

Do you really want to use Wulong?

Lin Xuan shook his head and decided to hold on to support.

However, the eyes swept, but I was surprised to find that after Yanshan’s ancestors had a short period of happiness, the brows were actually wrinkled.

It’s too strange for the other person’s expression. What is the intention?

Lin Xuan’s heart is suspicious, is it installed?

But that look, it doesn't seem like much.

The Yanshan ancestors were really only happy.

After offering the ban, he found that the mana in his body was rushing out.

"Damn, how did Fu Yaozhou not say that supporting this ban, it is necessary to consume so many mana, to know the speed of the rush, but it is remarkable, it is his distraction, and some can not hold it, **** it. Actually, I dare to count me, and I will never give up with Fu Jiashan." Yanshan ancestors groaned.

The shackles he encountered, Lin Xuan soon discovered, it is really a mountain of water and no doubt, Liu Yuhuaming another village, the other side is self-restraint.

The moment before, Lin Xuan was still thinking about how to escape, but at this moment, he only had to deal with it carefully, procrastinating for a while, ten, and can turn around again.

Unfortunately, there is no Wannianling ru, otherwise I will win.

Thinking of this in my heart, Lin Xuan’s confidence has been restored, and the sleeves are smashed. The nine hundred and eighty-one handles of the nine palaces must be re-emerged. Every nine handles are gathered together, and nine beautiful lotus flowers bloom in front of them. . Ro! .

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