Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2276: Yanshan ancestors furious

It is worthy of being a plant treasure that the ancestors of the family paid for.

The only doubt now is how far this character can transmit.

Too close is definitely meaningless. After all, high-level cultivators like them, no matter humans or ancient devils, the role of God is very far away.

Fu Tianheng obviously knows that everyone is sure to care about this. Since you want to auction this thing, you must definitely introduce everything.

Therefore, the next moment, his voice was passed to the ear, with a color that was not slow: "This random transmission is the sacred work of the ancestors of the Red Leaf, so the distance transmitted is not the same, absolutely satisfying everyone's needs..."

"Pay the younger brother, you can tell how far you can pass, don't hang your appetite here." A dissatisfied voice came into the ear, and it seemed good to listen to the tone and pay the balance.

"It turned out to be the brother of the Liuyan River. Well, since the brothers opened their mouths and the younger brothers dare not, then they said directly, this random transmission can send people to a million miles in the blink of an eye."

"A million miles away?"

"Oh, really fake?"

"So far away, even if it is the **** of the ancestors, I am afraid that it can not be included. In other words, as long as you get a random transmission and are alert enough, then you will not be able to escape any danger."

"In theory, this is true. However, the actual operation is so easy. Are you sure you can get this random transmission to escape from the ancestors?"

The previous person was also in silence. After a moment, he sighed and said: "In any case, the value of this symbol is far above the perfect robbery."

"This is true, I don't know who the final winner is."

The ancient demon said, but also looked at Lin Xuan and Yanshan ancestors, apparently these two "distraction period, the old monster, is the most qualified contender.

Other ancient devils are similar. Of course, some have not given up yet, and they still have luck.

"Well, the introduction of Fu is almost the same. The next step is the auction. The auction of this character is different from the previous two. It is the combination of materials and magic stones. I will provide a list of the price materials. Which way? Friends can come up with the qualification to participate in the auction, and then the more magic stones out of the people, the natural charm."

Fu Tianheng's surface is like saying that the thoughts in my heart are actually quite different. Take out the treasures of the towns, and the magic stone will be a little less, and they will care.

The key lies in the price of the material, and Fujia is refining a powerful treasure. However, there is a shortage of materials for World of Warcraft. They are looking for it, they have no gains, and they have no choice but to make the best decision. However, they can’t do it too much. Grasping, just listening to the fate of human beings.

However, this idea, the bottom of the Mozu know where, is still a look of hope.

I saw a glimpse of Fu Tianheng's sleeves, a black scroll flew out, the magic light fluttered, and one big character caught in the eye.

"Is there a mistake, the fur bones of the rhinoceros dragon, but also the level of distraction."

"This is too much."

The devil burst into the ear, in fact, strictly speaking, this time the required price of the material is not much, at least compared to the perfect robbery, but it is a lot less.

However, although the quantity is small and the quality is high, this time the price of the material required is a whole rhinoceros, the skin skeleton of the sacrifice body, and even the flesh and blood nucleus, all can not be less.

This can be a bit embarrassing.

To know that the rhinoceros dragon is a Warcraft that inherits the blood of the dragon, the number is extremely rare, very difficult to find.

And even if it is a coincidence, it is really encountered, and it is difficult to kill. It is far better than the same level.

Wouldn't it be a joke to hunt down the distracted dragon rhinoceros?

Although the ancient demon has been noisy for a while, but this time no one has blamed it. After all, the benefits of the random transmission are also placed, and it is not outrageous for the other party to make such a list of materials.

Unfortunately, although it is acceptable, how many people can own it?

At least at this moment, the list of reserve prices has come out, and the effort of a cup of tea has passed. There is still no one bidding. Is it going to be taken?

Fu Tianheng sighed, his face flashed a faint color, but at this moment, a cold voice was heard into the ear: "The rhinoceros dragon, the old man had a coincidence, but he hunted a head, and it was just a distraction level. The material is still in my storage bag. I don't know if this time, the owner can be willing to exchange it for me?"


Fu Tianheng suddenly raised his head, and the frustration on his face turned to the color of joy. He arched his hand toward the front: "Yanshan predecessors laughed, you can afford the price, there will be unwillingness to exchange in the squat, the predecessors can The ability to hunt down the distracted rhinoceros in one person's strength, I really admire the strength."

"Well, cough, the old man is also a coincidence."

Yanshan’s old face was red, and his face flashed a bit of a sly color. When he met this Warcraft, it was the worst time to throw the wound. Otherwise, the ten people who fled the wild are themselves. Of course, all this, he does not It will be said that it is very good to be misunderstood by others. The fool will only clarify what.

The old monster is very chest-high, and the expression on his face is arrogant. He also looked at Lin Xuan with a provocative look. This time, do you still have the ability to do the right thing with the old man?

Then Yanshan's ancestor's sleeves glanced, and another storage bag flew out. Fu Tianheng quickly took over and released the knowledge. After a fragrant time, he raised his head and his face was full of joy. color.

"Yes, this is really a distracting rhinoceros, the material is correct, then this random transmission..."

He is satisfied with the price of the reserve price. As for the magic stone bidding just mentioned, it is just a joke. It is about to announce the ownership of the last one, and the familiar voice has come: "wait a minute."


Yanshan ancestors jumped in their hearts and suddenly returned to their heads. Their eyes were as sharp as a knife. They looked at Lin Xuan in the past. Is this kid, at a crucial moment, to break his hand and destroy his good deeds: "How do you want?"

Again and again, the provocation of this old monster has been polished. At this time, regardless of the words or the face, there are some threats.

However, Lin Xuan seems to be innocent, anyway, to rob this tactic, to offend Yanshan ancestors is certain, since it is destined to tear the skin, what is the meaning of the virtual and the snake, Lin Xuan regards him as the air, the other party's threat is ignored.

"Pay the owner, and slow, Lin also has a rhinoceros, you should look at it first."

Then Lin Xuan did not say much, just throwing a storage bag out.

Seeing Lin Xuan’s action, the face of Yanshan’s ancestors is full of grievances, but this time, he will not give in, even if the materials are the same, there will be a magic stone bidding behind, the old monster decides, even if it is a bankruptcy, Take this random transfer symbol.

Of course, such a statement is exaggerated, but it can be seen that the determination of the old monster is really different. After all, Lin Xuan’s mouth has taken food, and he has taken away two treasures from his hand. The face of Yanshan’s ancestors But some can't be hanged.

With so many people watching and spreading out, there is no benefit to your reputation.

However, he was really amazed in his heart. Is this Lin Biao and Zi, really a god-level existence? Otherwise, how can he hunt down the rhinoceros dragon?

The heart is complicated, but at this moment, he can only wait for the result first.

Feel like a year.

He noticed staring at Fu Tianheng's face.

However, I can't see anything. Although the strength of the family is better than him, it is also the character of the old tycoon.

There is a faint feeling in his heart.

Finally, Fu Tianheng looked up and made a long one. Qi: "This random transmission is owned by Lin Xuanlin."


When this words came out, it was a piece of Yanshan ancestors, and it was even more shocking and angry. A terrible momentum came out of him. ‘Pay a friend, what do you mean? ”

It is no wonder that the old monster is furious, even if Lin Xuan also took out the rhinoceros, according to the rules of prior consultation, it should also carry out the magic stone auction, but the other party directly let himself out, and return the random transmission to Lin Xuan.

What is this, contempt for yourself?

It is tolerable, unbearable, Yanshan ancestors, as a distracting old monster, is completely irritated at this moment, if Fu Tianheng does not give him a reasonable statement, even if he is to avenge his family, he will never give up.

‘6 ancestors don’t want to be angry, not paying for a ruin, but like’

"But what?" Yanshan ancestors pressed the anger.

"I don't care for my ancestors. I paid for the treasure of the town. I really want to refine the treasures. I really need the fur bones of the rhinoceros. What Lin Daoyou provided is not the same as the requirements, but it is The rhinoceros is distracted, and it is still a variation."

"What, mutated rhinoceros?"

In the field, the sorcerers were stunned, and even Yanshan’s ancestors were dumb. There is nothing to say, the rhinoceros has changed, and the value of the fur skeleton has increased. It’s not a little bit, and it’s not a magic stone. It is definitely a matter of choosing Lin Xuan directly.

However, this is the rationale. For a moment, he cannot accept this result.

"Shou Mou, how can this kid come up with a variant of the rhinoceros, this kind of Warcraft, with the dragon's blood, even if it is ordinary things, it is not easy to deal with, after the mutation, even if it is the mid-discipline, can you Take it, it’s also two."

"Is this kid, actually a saint in the middle of distraction?" The knowledge of Yanshan's ancestors swept through Lin Xuan, but this possibility was no longer, so close distance, the other's temperament is magical, and also It is impossible to deceive yourself. It must be a coincidence. After all, anything in the cultivation of the world can happen.

Affirmed this, the rest is anger, this Lin Xiao dare to humiliate himself again and again, and must not let him live away from this place.

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