Tempered Immortal

Chapter 2270: Lord of the family

“The stalactites of more than 5,000 years?”

"Not bad."

This woman’s face showed a bit of awkwardness and silence.

"Why, is there a difficulty for the fairy?"

"If you don't want a friend, if you are an ordinary stone stalactite, you can be the master of the whole body. However, the output of more than 5,000 years is too low, and it is too late for me to pay for my own use, so..."

"Isn't it possible to be accommodating. Even if this thing is rare, there is always something to exchange. Lin is very sincere."


The face of the palace girl showed a dilemma. If the ordinary Mozu made such a request, she would definitely not want to, and she refused. But this guy, if it is expected, is a distraction. Level.

If you do it yourself, will the other party be angry and angry?

There is no half-benefit for yourself and for the family.

Thinking so in her heart, she already knows how to do this.

"If you want to be accommodating, you can't do it, but you can't do it. If you can't do it, you must be nodded by your ancestors."


Lin Xuan's pupils are shrinking, and the brows are also tightly wrinkled together. This thing is more difficult than what I originally imagined. I didn't expect it to involve the ancestors.

Regarding the strength of paying for the family, Lin Xuan has stayed in Baifu City for more than a year. Of course, he still knows a little bit about it. Others don’t mention it for a while, but he is a real distracted monk.

The existence of this level, Lin Xuan can not talk about more fear, but can not be involved, or try not to tie anything.

However, this time he did not retreat because it involved Wannian Lingru.

This is a treasure that can be defeated in battle and even saved.

After thinking a little, Lin Xuan reopened: "Is it necessary to pay for my ancestors to be the master? If you do, you don't know, when will Lin have the opportunity to meet this powerful existence?"

Lin Xuan said that he was still polite, but if he was a general cultivator, how can he be so domineering, he would like to see the distracted ancestors.

You must know that even if you have a hole in the home, there is no chance to meet the ancestors in the end of the year.

Lin Xuan is so gas-filled, so that the palace dressing woman will definitely affirm her own guess, and the expression will of course be more respectful: "This, you can't do it all, you can't do it, you can go back and ask for it. You can't leave it immediately. ?"

"Of course, the Wanfu Conference is not divided into two stages. The final auction has not yet been held."

"Well, after the auction is over, I will give it to the Taoist friends. I don't know if I can?"

"Of course there is no problem." This answer has already made Lin Xuan very satisfied.

Then the two chatted for a while, and the palace-female woman’s words were inevitably knocked side by side, inquiring about Lin Xuan’s origins.

However, Lin Xuan is such a well-thought-out figure. Although there are questions and answers, it seems to be around the circle. The other side is made in the fog, and there is no useful news at all.

The beautiful woman was frustrated, but she couldn't help it. They couldn't stay in the secret room for a while, and then they got up and said goodbye.

After parting ways, Lin Xuan did not continue to wander around the vast field, one thousand two hundred and fifties, in any case, enough to take medicine Wang Guzhi.

The money is not revealed, there is no need to continue to attract attention, so Lin Xuan returned to the rented attic.

Deep in the shallow, of course, it can be said to recharge your batteries.

The two days passed quickly, and the free trade was over. The morning, the monks flocked to the largest building on the east side of the park, and the auction would be held there.

This is also the highlight of the Wanfu Conference.

Although free trades occasionally have treasures to be born, but really good things will generally remain at the auction.

Since embarking on the road of cultivation, Lin Xuan has experienced countless scenes, naturally it is easy to get used to, as people flow away like the magnificent building.

The cloister twists and turns, after a bend and a turn, comes to a spacious hall.

Said spacious, it is correct. At this time, thousands of monks are accommodated and there is no crowd.

Lin Xuan swept his eyes, and then he just found a remote corner to sit down.

Waiting for about a scent of fragrant, people are basically coming together.

The entrance door was closed from the side of the venue, but an old man wearing a soap robe came out.

"Is it true that this auction was actually hosted by him?"

"Hey, look at the posture should be like this. It’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s not a waste of time. It seems that the treasures that will appear this time will be much more than before."

"Well, this time, the old man is really right."

A variety of arguments came into the ears, mostly with excitement.

Many of the Mozu people who have come here have already participated in the Wanfu Conference several times. It is also very familiar with the situation of paying for the family.

“Pay the family?”

Lin Xuan also flashed a trace of unexpected color, raised his head, and his eyes swept over the face of the old man in the soap robe. On this occasion, the other side naturally could not be repaired to hide, but it was the peak of a cave. The Mozu... No, it’s even deeper than the average peak Mozu mana. It’s no exaggeration to say that one foot is in distraction.

If you must say it, it is like the difference between the Tianzhao swords and the statues of the year. The two guys are almost half a catty.

"Welcome all the friends to visit here, this time the guests are old customers, and some of them are dealing with me for the first time, so the rules, the little old man must first say the last one, so as not to have a dispute." ”

"Unlike the auction outside, this auction of the Wanfu Conference is based on the use of Magic Stone to bid, the price is higher, and some of the name refers to the need for some materials in exchange, of course, we will list the list, and then give After the material of the reserve price, the more materials that can be provided, the more the final symbol can be auctioned."

Fu Tianheng’s voice just fell, and the following monks had already blasted the pot.

With the magic stone bidding for the time being, the following way of providing materials is really not heard, but the demons have no objection, as long as it is fair.

"Well, since there is no objection from the Tao, the auction will begin."

Fu Tianheng’s gaze swept through the audience, his face showed a satisfactory color, and at the same time he reached for a shot and took out a magical symbol.

"The first item in this auction is the magic light of Tianzhu. The power of this symbol, some of the Taoist friends may have heard of it. It is equivalent to the full-strike shot in the middle of Dong Xuan..."

The endless voice of the other party was introduced into the ear, and Lin Xuan’s face was exposed. (The unexpected color of the silk, he did not think that the first item of the auction is the power of the power.

The owner of the family is obviously a tongue-in-cheek character. Under his introduction, this day, the magic light symbol is praised by him as being rare in the sky. There is no such thing on the ground. If Lin Xuan collected thousands of identical charms, almost all There is an impulse to bid for the magic stone.

Not to mention the rest of the Mozu, one by one was frustrated and feverish, and sure enough, the reserve price of 500,000 magic stones came out, and the demons immediately began to compete.

In just a little while, it was turned over to a million magic stones.

Finally, I was bought by a weird demon who was dark and had two heads.

After handing over the magic stone, he will go up and collect the treasure.

"It's an idiot, one hundred and two hundred thousand magic stones, you can buy a few powerful magic treasures."

Lin Xuan shook his head and his face was not conspicuous. This buddy was obviously frustrated.

Some of the steady ancient devils, the idea is obviously similar to Lin Xuan, the face shows a pity of color, waiting for him to be happy now, I am afraid that crying is too late.

But no matter what, this first auction has already mobilized the enthusiasm of the demons.

It’s really extraordinary to pay for the family’s personal experience!

Then he took a pair of sleeves and took out another one. Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over, and his face showed a strange color, because this is at least 80% similar to the one that was just auctioned out. The next introduction of the other party also proves that Lin Xuan’s judgment is correct.

"As you can see, this day, the magic shield, and the just the magical light of the celestial being, is from the hands of the same master. The relationship between the two is the same as the spear and the shield. The power of the character is equivalent to the one-shot shot in the middle of the hole, and the scorpio magic shield is just able to block such a powerful blow..."

The voice did not fall, the following Mozu's face showed no strange colors, looking to the double-headed Mozu who just bought the Scorpio Magic Light, this buddy lived up to the frustrated color of the crowd, there is this magic shield, I just The magic light symbol is not bought in white, so he joined the competition at the auction below.

However, this time, the opponent is much stronger than just now, which is no wonder, although the two symbols are the same from the grade, but the defensive attribute is inherently more valuable than the attack attribute.

When the reserve price of 700,000 yuan comes out, the price of the price is one after another.

"Eight hundred thousand.

"Nine hundred thousand."

"One hundred teeth."

In just a little while, this day, the magic shield, was carried to a terrible price, and is still climbing.

Finally, it was sold at the price of 1.8 million magic stones.

Even the face of Tian Heng’s face showed some unexpected colors. Although this magic stone is not a big deal for him, the area of ​​a magic shield is far beyond the original estimate.

Which is the big head?

The eyes swept, but found that the same magic bubble is the same guy.

This double-headed demon can be regarded as a broken boat. Finally, it will be called the two symbols of the relationship between the spear and the shield. All of them are handed, and the face is full of joy.

Lin Xuan shook his head secretly. This buddy was really stupid and cute. He spent three million magic stones and bought two symbols. He didn't know what to use.

If he is really worthy of his family, he can judge from the cultivation, these magic stones, I am afraid that it is all his net worth, so it is really silly to describe.

Ps: Sorry, the update is late, I have to go out tomorrow, and the rain is desperately to write tomorrow's update. Of course, I can only send it tomorrow, almost cumbersome, and ask for a ticket!

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