Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2241: Rhinoceros

The second two hundred and forty-one chapter of the rhinoceros

A few days later, somewhere in the Magic Flame Mountain Range, a team of more than a dozen of demons who were invariably flying in the air slowly flew around and looked around, seemingly searching for something.

These Mozus, though different in appearance, are mostly in the clutch level, but the two headed are much higher than the rest.

In the middle of a hole in Xuan Xuan, the other one is actually a guy in the late stage of Dong Xuan.

"Lower brother, is the rhinoceros really in the vicinity? We have been guarding for a long time. The search has been going on for a few days. How can we find out that there is no information? Will a black-faced man turn his head and face? There is a bit of impatience.

"Hey, Gu Daoyou said so, but don't believe me?"

The hoarse voice is heard in the ear, but the old man who is gloomy is a man who is the most ruthless. This person is the highest one in this group of demons. However, unlike the man, the old man is different from the waist. It became the tail of the scorpion, and the eyes were grayish white, and the strange luster flashed from time to time.

"Don't be angry, the younger brother is just asking this question." The black-faced man quickly explained.

"Let's ask, okay, the old man will be like you. In fact, why don't you worry about Gudaoyou? The old man has full confidence. The direction we are looking for is absolutely correct." The old man listened to the other person and said that his look was finally slow.

"Why, where is the brother of the building?" The black-faced man is a bit strange.

"Hey, you don't want to think about it, the rhinoceros dragon, what kind of creature it is, legend, it has the magical charm of the former sacred ancestors of the past, and the blood of the dragon, although the blood of the inheritance is not much, but It is already a small feat, enough to make ordinary Warcraft bow down, in addition to the rhinoceros, there is Warcraft, can have such a large territory, and we have not met other Warcraft in this area for many days, this can not prove Is there anything wrong with our search for directions?" The old man’s brow wrinkled and was very sure of the opening.

"The brother of the building is too right. This, I didn't think of it?" The black-faced man clap his hands, his face full of excitement, and the joy is overwhelming.

However, he was only happy for a moment, and soon revealed the color of worry: "But brother, according to the younger brother, this rhinoceros can be far more powerful than the average Warcraft, we are enough, not hunters Instead, it became a prey..."

"Hey, when Gu Daoyou became so timid, you can rest assured that the old man’s intelligence is absolutely not wrong. The rhinoceros is the most in the early days of the tunnel. You and I joined forces, and these younger generations are assisted. Not a small creature in the early days of Dong Xuan?"


"Ground rhinoceros?"

The two did not know that just behind them more than ten miles away, Lin Xuan hid in a humble cloud and followed them slowly.

On the surface, the speed of the cloud is very slow, and it is not the same as the ordinary cloud. However, it is just the blind eye of Lin Xuan's display. In fact, it will not be dropped by several demons.

What is the rhinoceros dragon, Lin Xuan does not know, but from the dialogue between the two guys, it is possible to outline a rough outline.

Do not say anything else, just from the point of containing the dragon's blood, Lin Xuan can play his own imagination.

What is Xiaolong, Lin Xuan is in the heart.

As the spiritual spoiler of the former Mozu, in the true spirit, I am afraid that it can also be ranked in the forefront. Since it is a creature containing its blood, even if there is not much inheritance, it can be described as a treasure.

If you don't know such a good thing, since you met, of course, there is no reason to miss, Lin Xuan quietly followed behind them.

Time passed slowly, and the sun had risen above the head, but there was no gain. However, Lin Xuan was not in a hurry. He felt that the analysis of the old man was right, and he could not eat hot tofu. Warcraft is a bag of things, this patience is still there.

Suddenly, in the sky ahead, a bright light appeared in the line of sight.

"this is……"

Lin Xuan’s pupils were miniature, and then the whole eyelids, silver mansions, and Tianfeng’s purpose blessings, Lin Xuan naturally saw clearly, it was a blood-red light column, and there was a circle of black arcs on the surface. Falling from the sky.

At the same time, all the magical spirits between the heavens and the earth, all swarming in that direction.

Just now, the sun is still hung above the overhead sky. At this moment, the sky is suddenly dimmed, and the black clouds are pressed against the sky, covering the sky, especially around the light column. It is dark as ink. Because of the distance, the Tianfeng **** Can't see it clearly.

This vision is amazing to the extreme, Lin Xuan found, and the dozen or so demons flying in front of him, not a blind man, one or two, also stopped the dawn, his face full of surprise colors.

"Lower brother..."

The black-faced man was stunned, and he couldn’t even say anything.

The old man of Shanwei also lost his calmness. The scene in front of him was too surprising. After a moment of silence, he muttered to himself: "No, is there such a coincidence in the world that the rhinoceros is crossing? Robbery?"

"Law brother said yes, Gu also thinks this way. The vision in front of him is so magnificent. What else might it be besides the promotion of the robbery, hey, this time it is really help, our luck is coming." The black-faced man was full of excitement, and his tongue licked his lips.

"Hey, Gu Xiandi, I am afraid that you are too happy."

The old man of Shanwei is not only the highest one in this group of ancient devils, but also obviously to be calm.

“Happy too early?”

"Yes, you don't look at the scale of this day's robbery. The magic of the square miles is attracted here. If the old man is right, I am afraid that our intelligence has gone bad. The rhinoceros is not a hole. The early scorpion, but the same level as the old man, is preparing to advance to the distraction period." The voice of the old man was introduced into his ear.


The black-faced big man listened, and his face suddenly fell to the extreme: "Would you be sure?"

"Ten ten out of ten did not dare to say, but more than 90% of the may be like this." Shanwei old man said, while looking up at the sky, the expression is more and more dignified.

"Then what should we do, with a few of us, we can't deal with the rhinoceros of the late Dong Xuan, let alone if it is successful, then we can deal with a few of them, and we can use the chopped vegetables to describe the dishes." The face is nervous and said that he does not want to steal the chickens and not eclipse the rice. Finally, he will also give himself in: "Or, let us leave here?"

Ps: Continue to ask for a referral, hey, how many tickets are recommended!

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