Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2234: Ten years later

The opportunity of the second two hundred and thirty-four chapters ten years later

"Why, you are not willing to surrender a soul, is it just playing me?"

The cold voice came into the ear, and Lin Xuan’s slightly sullen face was re-cold, and his right hand was lifted up, and the humming sounds were loud. The red-hot swordsman seemed to be stabbing again.


The ghost was mad and angry, and finally chose to give in. Although he did not want to be a slave, the fallen ending was even more difficult: "The Taoist friends should not do it, and the old man will surrender the soul."

"Yeah." Listening to the other party, Lin Xuan stopped the action in his hand.

The ghosts of the heavens sighed and smothered the chickens. Although they were unwilling to do so, they were still unwilling. In the end, they were still a mouth, and a green-light group of thumb-sized glides from the inside.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, and a Qingxia swept away, wrapped the green light group, then flashed, and fell into the black wooden sign.

Lin Xuan's hands are connected with each other, and a French print is printed with a flash of the French seal.

Forbidden to the soul, Lin Xuan is familiar with the light and will soon be completed.

Then Lin Xuan grabbed the wooden sign and earned it at the waist.

This is different from the prohibition of the gods. Because of the surrender of the soul, even if it is a high-level cultivator, it is difficult to get rid of it.

And even if the other party is unwilling, it is difficult to make a betrayal, because once the master is degraded, his end will be equally tragic.

One day is a slave, and life is a slave. This may be a bit too much, but looking at the Three Realms, the monks who can break the prohibition of the spirits are only a handful.

The face of the ghost is ugly to the extreme. He never dreamed that he would not surrender in the face of the ancient demon ancestor. Today, he will get such a point. Is it really a make-up?

"Well, in the case of Yao Wanggu, can you talk about it, is there really a refining spirit in the gods?"

"Master Mingjian, although the old slave is dull, but there is no lie. The drug king valley has a myriad of treasures. Although it can't be used to refine the spirit of the gods, it is only a few of them. The opportunity was found." The ghost of the ghost turned his head, his face full of respectful color, after all, his life now, but in the hands of Lin Xuan, how dare to talk nonsense?


Lin Xuan listened, his face was eclipse, this is really a break from the iron shoes, it took no effort, originally thought that in the devil world to complete the task of distraction, it takes a lot of twists and turns, no Thinking of the wrong yin and yang, go to Baizhengfang to buy a treasure, but there is a big chance to come to the door.

However, the happiness is not over yet, but the voice of the ghost is passed on to the ear: "But I can't eat hot tofu, and the owner can't go to Yaowang."

"Why?" Lin Xuan was a bit puzzled.

"Because the grain king Valley has a strange terrain, it is covered by the Soul Eater all the year round, there is no way to enter." The ghosts in the minds of the people know what they think, but at this moment, they are very dedicated to Lin Xuan. The dog head military division is coming.

"The soul of the soul, what is that?"

Lin Xuan brows a wrinkle, he saw thousands of volumes of classics, inside the drug Wang Gu, only a general description, the soul of the soul of the fog, but the word has not been mentioned.

"What is the Soul of the Soul? The old slaves don't know."

"You don't know?" Lin Xuan couldn't help but see.

"Yes, the old slaves only know that this thing is shrouded in the surrounding area of ​​Yaowang. Usually no one dares to break in. Don't say ordinary cultivators, even the ancestors, it is said that there are also fallen inside..."

"What?" Lin Xuan was really scared this time. Although the repair of the ancient demon ancestor is also uneven, but can get this title, then there will be no weak, at least It is also time to go to the robbery period.

The robbery, that is, the last realm of Xiuxian, even if the practice of cultivation is the kind of power that is extremely weak and easy to advance, but it can be a genius in genius.

The realm is there, and the magical power is weaker, but it is relatively speaking.

There is no weaker in the robbery. This is the consensus of the Xiongxian world for thousands of years. But the other person actually said that there is an ancient demon ancestor who fell there: "Really?"

"Real and old slaves don't dare to rumor, but there are many such rumors. As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves. In the eyes of the old slaves, there should be some possibility. Even if the rumors are wrong, the horror of the Soul Eater is Absolutely full, even if the old slaves are in their heyday, they never dare to go inside."


Lin Xuan nodded: "This Lin really does not know, but the drug Wang Gu is covered by the Soul Eater, but there must be a way to enter, otherwise, it will not have such a big name."

"Oh, the owner is really smart, and it is a bit thorough. Your guess is correct. The Soul Eater is a terrible extreme, but it has a decay period. After every 50 years, it will completely fade away. After three months, it will be The comeback is coming, and during this time, the monks can go in and look for treasures.

"It turns out that it has been a long time since the last time the magic fog dissipated?"

"It has been more than forty years."

The voice of the ghost is introduced into the ear. Although he loses his body and uses the heavenly axe as a place to go, but like this kind of regular thing, if you want to calculate clearly, there is still no difficulty, so the answer is very Smooth.

"That is, there are still ten years of preparation time?" Lin Xuan listened, his face showed a thoughtful color.

"The owner said that it is good. This is actually quite beneficial for you. You must know that every time the Soul Eater is gone, the Mozus everywhere will be swarming into the valley. There are countless masters. There is no distraction. Mozu..."

"What, even at the level of distraction."

Lin Xuan brows, although he asks his strength is good, but in the face of the existence of distraction level, there is still no grasp, but fortunately, the next sentence of Heavenly Ghosts makes him feel at ease: "The owner does not have to worry too much, Yaowang Valley has special topography, and there are some unknown ancient prohibitions. In the first three days, only the cultivators below the distraction can enter. Even after three days have passed, the weird prohibition is weakened, and the existence of the middle and above of distraction, I can't get in."

"Can you even enter the holy ancestors?" Lin Xuan said with a little accident.

"The ancestors, this old slave can not know, but the existence of the same order is generally not interested in Yao Wang, the former ancestors who fell in the soul of the soul of the soul is nothing more than an exception. ”

"Yeah." Lin Xuan nodded, the old monster in the robbery period, how high the eye is, the general heaven and earth treasure, for them, it is really difficult to enter the eye.

According to the other side, the drug Wang Guzhi trip, you can still go, as long as you are careful, there is time to grasp the time, the first three days without the distraction of the old monster, you should be invincible, as long as the three days Find the spirit grass you need, and everything will be fine.

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