Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2229: Take over

The second two hundred and twenty-nine chapters are won

All of this, Lin Xuan did not know, bought the treasures of the pickpockets, he did not delay in the square market, directly returned to the inn.

The courtyard in front of the room was still wrapped in fog, and Lin Xuan’s sleeves were taken out, and the slap-sized array was taken out, gently raised, and a law was hit on it.

The halo flashed on the front, then the fog spread naturally, revealing a passage for one person to walk through, and Lin Xuan walked into it.

Pavilions and pavilions, rockery waterfalls, scenery and the same as when they came out, apparently no monks have come here, after all, Lin Xuan himself has a set of arrays to come, it is difficult for outsiders to have a chance to break into.

Lin Xuan did not rest and went straight to the practice room.

A little hesitant, and several bans were placed around.

Then he reached out and took a shot at the waist. Several treasures that had just been bought from Baichengfang were taken out.

The other three things are worth mentioning. Although they are not trivial, they can only be regarded as rare treasures.

Since Lin Xuan has stepped into the cultivation of the immortal world, there have been countless treasures that have been handed over, and there are certainly some eyes.

The short axe in front of you, even if it is in the secret market auction, can also be used as a treasure of the finale, how can it flow into the square market?

Even if it is a coincidence, the pearls are gone, and the hundred forgings are specializing in treasure business. How can the treasurer not know the goods?

Even more bizarre is that four treasures, the other party sold to themselves at such a low price.

Two and a half million magic stones... Hey, that's not much different from the white one.

Lin Xuan also noticed that the reason why the other party did this seems to be that they are afraid of not wanting these four treasures. Lin Xuan’s ability to observe the color is one-of-a-kind. He can be sure that the other three treasures are nothing but the foil. Really afraid that you don't want to be a god.

If it is a defective product, the other party is afraid of not selling it. It is still normal, but it is obviously a magic weapon that is invisible. The other party has this kind of mentality, which makes people suspicious.

Lin Xuan is not stupid, nothing to offer, no traitor, no thief!

If the other party does this, there must be a reason. Is it a disaster caused by the ghosts in front of us?

In my mind, the thought turned, and Lin Xuan’s hand that had stretched out was retracted.

Although he is confident in his own strength, he has not yet reached the point of self-respect. As the saying goes, there is no big mistake in caution.

The gods and axe, the other party once said that this is the treasure used by the ghosts of the demon world in tens of thousands of years ago. This news should not have a fake, so trace the source, first check the person who is the ghost on this day. It’s ok!

When I think of it, Lin Xuan’s sleeves are gleamed, the blue light is flashing, and a storage bag flies out. It seems to be bulging. Needless to say, there are all kinds of precious books from the 100-volume building.

There are more than a thousand volumes.

If you change to a mortal, even if you don't eat or drink, you will save your sleep. You don't want to read so many books for ten or eight years.

However, the cultivators are different. They read books and read them with God. The speed is no match for mortals. It is not a matter of time. The comparison should not be a level at all.

The immortal readers read, because there is a sense of help, don't say a single line, even if the hundred lines, thousands of lines have no difficulty, but also can be clearly seen.

Therefore, the number of thousands of volumes of books, the number is a bit stunned, but the ability of Lin Xuan, in fact, can not spend much effort.

Lin Xuan began to search and look for things related to Bai Guishang.

After a while, Lin Xuan felt that it was completely unnecessary to do so. Why should he look for it? Read through these books and not solve the problem.

Anyway, if you don't read it now, you will spend your time in the future. It is better to solve the problem once and read the books.

So in the next few days, Lin Xuan did nothing, and he kept sinking his knowledge into the jade, and desperately learned all kinds of knowledge related to the devil world.

This is a few days.

To be fair, it is boring, and there are thousands of volumes of classics. Of course, there will be aesthetic fatigue in the back.

However, Lin Xuan did not change his color. Compared with the meditation and retreat for a hundred years, his boring degree is not worth mentioning.


On this day, Lin Xuan, who had been sitting still, finally raised his head.


He took a long sigh of relief, and this piled up the hills of the classics, finally read.

Different from the explanation of the elders of the elders, Lin Xuan now has a general understanding of the devil world. Although it is better to read thousands of books, it is better to go to Wanli Road, but it is undeniable ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is the fastest.

"Heavenly ghosts, hey, it’s really a big name."

Lin Xuan turned his head and glanced at the short axe next to him, and voiced his voice into his ear.

In the thousands of books, more than one mention of this prestigious Mozu, at the time of his heyday, can be said to be vertical and horizontal, it is said that the disenchantment of the demon level, there are more than a dozen dead in his hands Later, somehow, he offended an ancient ancestors, and this was a curse.

And the heavenly axe is the treasure of his former life!

I have learned about the life stories of Heavenly Ghosts. However, I still don’t have much help in solving the problems at hand. Lin Xuan still doesn’t know what is in the sky, what is the meaning of the shop, why Losing money is also anxious to get rid of it?

It’s a weird thing. If this thing is really ominous, he can’t just find a place to throw it away. Why, for this day’s ghost, it’s almost like a white one.

Lin Xuan has extensive knowledge, and people are also smart and alert to the extreme. However, this matter is really puzzling.

Do you want to go to the Baichengfang, grab the treasurer, and display the soul of the soul...

In doing so, of course, it is the most secure. If the other party has any intrigues, it will be clear at a glance. However, Lin Xuan thought about it, but he rejected this idea.

Not to mention that it is a big taboo in the city, and that the strength of the 100-forging square is not clear to you. However, some of the treasures sold from it must be different, and in the beginning, there is no absolute Before the grasp, Lin Xuan did not want to be born outside.

Even if you do that, you can clarify the problem at hand, but the new troubles may come one after another. In short, it is not worth the candle.

Weighing the pros and cons, Lin Xuan feels that it is a relatively straightforward way to solve the problem at hand. It doesn't make sense to be afraid of it. No matter what, this day is just a dead thing, even if his master is beautiful again, it is a matter of 10,000 years ago. Things are easy to move, and now it has already vanished.

Therefore, Lin Xuan has nothing to fear, and he is a tough person. No matter how many hesitations in front, once he has made up his mind, he will not be jealous at all. He directly reaches out like a ghost.

There was no accident at all. Lin Xuan took the treasure in the palm of his hand and watched it carefully. He saw the surface of the axe radiant, black air entangled, and the mana was slightly injected, and some of the rice-sized runes were looming. Out, at the handle, there is also a ghost face, eyes, ears, nose and mouth, all live, as if the real demon evil spirits.

As you can see in the store, Lin Xuan is trying to try again, but at this time, the change is prominent.

A loud bang came into the ear, and the popping sound made a big noise, like a sunny day, and then, from the surface of the ghost axe, the silky magical air flow, and then gathered into a black light shot.

The speed is extremely fast. It is reasonable to say that Lin Xuan has no time to escape from such a close distance. However, Lin Xuan’s face flashed a smile, and there was no horror.

Take the lead!

In this case, Lin Xuan had expected a few points.

A treasure in the district, can it really hurt people? The mortal may say the words of ghosts and gods, but Lin Xuan is a cultivator. If there is such a devil, Lin Xuan does not fight, and it is impossible to display the magical demon.

Heavenly axe is a dead object. If there is anything unpleasant, then there is only his original master. Although the records in those books are all said that he is fallen, he was killed by a certain ancestor.

However, there are countless different ways of doing things in the world. Who can guarantee that he will have no chance to escape from birth.

Although there are not many opportunities, they cannot be completely ruled out, so Lin Xuan made such a hypothesis.

The other person's remnant soul is won...

I didn't expect the cat to encounter a dead mouse, but he was really right.

Since Lin Xuan has prepared, how can he be recruited? Although the Wuguang is rapid, but unfortunately there is no effect of a surprise attack, Lin Xuan has long been ready to go, his body shape flashes, and the nine-day microsteps are unfolding. Lin Xuan has The trace disappeared from the place and retreated to the door.

Hey, that black light fell through and hit the roof, and it stopped.

Lin Xuan’s eyes narrowed and he looked in the direction.

An angry scream came into the ear.

Subsequently, Wuguang was scattered, and a large piece of magic fog swarmed out, slowly condensing into a grimace, saying that it was a grimace that might not be suitable, because the facial features were clearly the old man of a child’s face, but the eyebrows were a bit The fierce color can be seen that he was quite handsome when he was young.

"How can you escape my robbing, oh, you are not the Mozu of the Yuan Ying class, but the existence of the middle of the hole..."

The old man's gaze swept through Lin Xuan, and he immediately recognized his realm.

Lin Xuan was also shocked, although at this moment, he did not use the devil to transform the baby Dafa, but the general concealment technique is also quite mysterious.

Sure enough, there is no imaginary under the prestigious name, but the other party is only a broken **** of the district. It is such a skill. It can be imagined that the ghosts of the past were so great.

Fortunately, I guessed that it was correct, otherwise I was really taken over by him, and it was really troublesome.

In my mind, my thoughts turned, and Lin Xuan’s face flashed a hint of excitement: "Have you been a ghost, can we talk about it?"

Ps: Halo, the recommended ticket is too weak, the friends, everyone has, ask for a recommendation ticket!

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