Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2218: Strange girl

The second thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters strange girl

"He is so heavy!"

Lin Xuan took a deep breath, spit out a vomiting gas in her chest, and calmed down the feeling of nausea and vomiting.

There is a lot of experience in transmitting him from a long distance, but the broken void is different, not to mention the fact that this time it also relies on the power of some arrays, but it relies mainly on space nodes.

The danger is that you don't have to mention it. Fortunately, it is safe to arrive here.

After all, Lin Xuan is a hole in the period, the strength of the body is farther than that of ordinary monks. Soon, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

Lin Xuan released his knowledge and looked at where he was.

This is a vast expanse of wilderness, a thousand miles, all without traces, the air, filled with a touch of magic, if you exclude this, light from the scenery, it is difficult to imagine that you have reached the legendary demon world.

As one of the upper interfaces with the spiritual world, the ancient demon world is full of mystery. Lin Xuan has read a large number of classics, and all of them describe the ancient devil world as terrible.

The ancient demon is a very aggressive and cruel creature. Among the devils, it is full of turmoil and rain, as if this is the legendary nine-story hell.

However, this is not the case. At least Lin Xuan heard from the Yinzi fairy mouth that the ancient devil is not fighting, but the human immortal is not necessarily the case!

In the end, it is still in pursuit of a longevity.

The resources of Xiu Xianjie are limited.

Whether it is the human world or the spiritual world, it is still the ancient devil world. Everyone’s struggle is just to grab more medicinal herbs and resources.

The ancient devil is not a madman, and will not do the stupid things that harm others.

But the devil and the spiritual world are indeed different.

In the spiritual world, although there are some other creatures, it is mainly dominated by the Terran.

From the distribution of the masters, it can be seen that the Terran has three big scattered immortals, and the Yaozu has three big demon kings, all of whom are the survivors of the late robbery, second only to the existence of the true fairy.

However, the ancient devils are different. Their classification is called a complicated one, and the types can not be overemphasized.

Since the ancient times, the dispute between the spiritual world and the demon world has been several times. However, there are still many unidentified monks in the spiritual world.

The exact amount is not known, but hundreds of them are certainly not less.

These ancient devils can be divided into the original creatures of the demon world, as well as the immortals who have risen from the lower bounds.

To know that there are many magical exercises, which were originally created by imitating the upper realm.

When you practice the clutch, you will have two choices, either to spend the day, to break the void, to fly into the spiritual world, or to fly to the devil without flying.

However, there is no free lunch in the world, and the people who fly directly to the devil world will experience magical gas filling. If they succeed, they will be transformed into a member of the ancient demon. If they fail, the end will be miserable and directly explode.

And this part of the ancient demon, from the appearance, and the ordinary Terran, there is no difference, but the breath that comes out can also be distinguished.

People in the spiritual world want to have a lot of difficulty.

Of course, it is not that there is no way.

It has been nearly a million years since the trial of distraction, and the predecessors have naturally pretended to be the method of pretending to be an ancient demon.

Lin Xuan reached for a shot, a jade bottle flew out from the waist.

Unplugging the cork, the spicy gas rushed in, Lin Xuan poured out a red-hot elixir from inside, and then swallowed it into the mouth.

With this imitation of the magic Dan, within 30 years, others can not see that they are human cultivators, and this medicinal medicine is very rare. Before leaving, the silver scorpion fairy gave him only seven.

Of course, although the imitation of the magic Dan is magical, it does not mean that there is no risk exposure at all. If you encounter an ancient demon that is far higher than your own, or if you have any special secrets, you may be seen through identity.

And this is not the most dangerous.

The imitation of the magic Dan is only a breath, but it is possible to be seen by the ancient demon in the practice of cultivation.

Unless you are a cultivator, you may be exposed as soon as you start.

This is particularly unfavorable for Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and the demon-keeping, but there is not much relationship in Lin Xuan.

What he has learned is very extensive. Although the Magic Road is a weaker one, it is relatively speaking. As long as you don’t meet a strong enemy, there is no problem with the magical self-protection. If you really meet something, you can’t. You need to do your own magical powers. Oh, it’s a big deal to kill people.

The thoughts in my mind have turned, and the possibility of self-exposure is still not too big.

Then Lin Xuan turned into a shocking rainbow, just look at one direction and flew forward.

When I first arrived in the Devil World, Lin Xuan did not think about it. I found the treasures I needed when I was three or five. I want to know that although the environment is more suitable for growing the grasses, it is also relatively speaking. .

The things that advanced distraction need are extremely rare in the devil world. They can also be called treasures of the anti-day level. Want to find, how easy is it?

Lin Xuan did not expect, he had the kind of luck, or honest, first familiarize the devil.

As the saying goes, the ears are imaginary, seeing is believing, about the devil world, although listening to the silver 瞳 fairy tells a lot, it can be better than seeing it.

Speaking of it, I have a good luck and the place is very ridiculous, but at this moment, Lin Xuan needs to find the place where the Mozu people live.

Lin Xuan did not fly quickly, and the repair also converges to the mid-Yang Ying.

As far as Lin Xuan’s character is concerned, low-key is his principle. Moreover, the more means he hides, the more critical moments he will have.

This is especially true in a strange place.

The area of ​​this wilderness is extremely broad. Lin Xuan’s effort for half a month has not come to an end, and his heart is faintly impatient.

I was thinking about whether or not to accelerate, and suddenly I felt like I was going back to my head.

Then Lin Xuan stopped the dawn.

After a while, a thrilling rainbow came into view from a distance, and the thrilling rainbow made the dark green color, and there were still a few grayish madness behind it.

"Hey, it’s the devil's world. It was the first time I met the ancient demon. Is this the scene of the pursuit?"

Lin Xuan handed the amount, muttered to himself, and then did not hesitate, the body shape fluttered past.

Although the distance is still far away, the appearance of both sides has clearly greeted the eye.


Lin Xuan suddenly had a narrow pupil, and his face was a bit strange.

The one who flies in the forefront is a young girl, but her appearance, how to say it... It is similar to the Terran, but it is slightly different, not only the sharp angle of half an inch on the forehead, but also the arm. , ankles, all have some black scales.

In fact, the appearance is not the focus, the ancient devils are strange, plus those who have risen from the immortals, even if the appearance is completely the same as the human race is also normal.

The key lies in the volatility and spiritual power of the girl. How to say it is slightly different from the ancient demon in the impression.

If other cultivators who participated in the trial of distraction may not be able to recognize it, however, Lin Xuan started from the human world and had a chance to deal with many ancient devils. How could it not be distinguished?

This woman is too strange.

It is said that it is an ancient demon. It seems that there are some people's breaths. It is human, and the magical fluctuations of the whole body are too strong. This is totally different from the general demon.

Lin Xuan’s face showed a strange color. He didn’t think that he had just arrived in the devil world and met such a strange thing.

The back of the group of gray gas, is the real ancient demon, three heads and six arms, looks very extreme.

It is a pity that it is not a fierce appearance, it means that the strength is not the same, these few ancient devils, but the late stage of the building, the woman in front of the escape, the realm is the same.

Lin Xuan’s heart was shocked and horrified, and he did not hesitate to greet him.


The terrible spiritual pressure fell from the sky, although he will be tempered to converge to the Yuan Ying period, but for a few base-level ancient demon, it is still very powerful.

The dawn of several people came to an abrupt end, and when they were caught off guard, they almost fell from the air, and the expression on their faces suddenly changed.

"To the seniors, we are the monks of Han Xueya. If the seniors have any instructions, the younger generation will do their best."

As for the strange girl, she said nothing, suddenly, her face flashed a fascinating color, her right hand raised, and patted towards the top of her head.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Xuan’s sleeves glanced, and a green mang flew out, seemingly slow and eager to cover the woman at an incredible speed. Her movements came to an abrupt end, but her face was full of sorrow and anger: “You these days Killing the ancient demon, is it not killing me?"

"What are the friends excited about?"

Lin Xuan said a faint sentence, although I don't know what the two sides' grievances are, but there is no difficulty in getting the trust of this woman.

The right hand was lifted up, and the fingers flicked in front of him, and he did not see his extra movements. He heard the sound of the smashing sound coming into the ear, and a black sword smashed out. When it flashed, it would be the few The three-headed and six-armed ancient konjac had two chances to escape, and even the gods had no chance to escape.

The girl was stunned, and the sound of eating came to her ear: "You...you helped me?"

"What is so strange to help you, the deity is more pleasing to the eye." Lin Xuan said with a big hand.

"Yes, but you and the guys are ancient devils, and I..." The girl swallowed.

"Well, you are really strange. It’s a man. It’s too strong. It’s a demon. It seems...” Lin Xuan’s eyes swept over the girl’s body and muttered to himself.

"Predecessors don't know me, are you just rising from the lower bounds." The girl glimpsed, then a little surprised.

"Yes, Lin is indeed a flying monk." When this happened, Lin Xuan had to follow the other side and say, fortunately, this woman is too weak to understand the difference between Yuan Ying and the clutch. She has no difficulty.

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