Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2216: Lin Yujiao's strength

The second two hundred and sixteen chapters of Lin Yujiao's strength

It is still somewhere in the ice field, but unlike other places, there are no snowfall in this area.

There are dozens of cultivators nearby.

These monks have men and women, young and old, and dresses are different, or stand or sit there.

Most people are solitary, but there are very few, two or three, whispering.

These monks did not fight, and there seemed to be little hostility between them. However, the expressions of one by one were cold and extreme, but they were not only trivial, but also very neat, but they were all in the late Tang Xuan, and there was no shortage of peaks. The immortal, from the distraction, only the next step.

Of course, this step is actually a world apart.

Needless to say, these are the major forces that come to participate in the trial of the immortals.

Of course, the entire dragon and dragon world is far more than this person.

There are hundreds of space nodes discovered by the predecessors, but this is just one of them.

Suddenly, many monks felt like they felt something, raised their heads, and the sky in the distance, there was a blue and red, and they flew here.

The two shocking rainbows were extremely fast, and they were still in the horizon. Soon they came to the front, and the light converges, revealing a man and a woman and two cultivators.


The voice of surprise was introduced into the ear. It is reasonable to say that the existence of the cave is full of people who are very calm, but at this moment, they are not surprised.

It is necessary to know that it is very dangerous to distract the trials. It is not an exaggeration to say that the nine deaths are a lifetime. In order to be able to survive and send out more monks, the major forces are the most elite cultivators.

The space nodes are limited, and they can grab precious places, and how those forces will be weak. Naturally, there is no shortage of cultivators in the late Tang Xuan.

Therefore, although there is no written rule, the major factions are very tacit, and the ones sent are all in the late Tang Xuan.

For many years, there have been no exceptions.

What is the matter in front of you?

At the time, the eyes of the nearby monks almost hit the two of them.

"It’s the guy of Yun Yinzong."

Soon, some people recognized it. It must be known that the costumes of all the factions are marked. The familiar people want to recognize them. Naturally, there is not much difficulty.

"It won't be fake!"

"How did Yun Yinzong send a little guy in the early and middle stages, where did the old monsters go?"

"You ask me, I know where else, but this thing is strange enough."


A variety of arguments came into the ears, filled with strange colors.

These sounds, Lin Xuan can hear clearly, but with his city, naturally it is not the same.

Lin Xuan’s eyes were slightly stunned, but he looked at the past like a head.

At the height of the sky, there is a huge gray light.

It is a round thing, with a diameter of more than a dozen feet. At first glance, it is similar to a black hole. It is not at the bottom, but it is a gray cloud.

"This is the space node?"

Lin Xuan is also very knowledgeable, but the scene before me has never been seen.

"Little guy, are you two from Yun Yinzong?"

A cold voice came into the ear, which was obviously a bit suffocating, and the hostility was very obvious.

Lin Xuan returned to the head, is a monk, a tall and thin body, can not see how old, you said that he can be thirty, forty seems to be no mistake, fifty is similar.

"You are the corpse?"

Lin Xuan’s look is light.

He has a lot of dealings with the faction. He recognizes the monks in his door. Naturally, there is not much difficulty. Besides, there is a faint smell on the other side. It is the result of dealing with a large number of corpses all year round.

"The junior is rude, the deity is asking you, you don't answer, what do you say here?" The buff of the monk was wrinkled, and he shouted at the fierce light.

As for those who are cultivating the immortals next to them, they will be gloating, and no matter who is doing this, of course, no one will take care of them.

"Hey, let's say that this day's corpse, it's also unfortunate recently. A long-term elder is inexplicably degraded, and it has become a sting in the eyes of the demonizers. It is a bad time in the flesh."

"Isn't it, if there is still a demon in the faction, and it is hard to support the overall situation, maybe the corpse of the corpse has already disappeared."

"Hey, what is still happening now, the crisis of the faction is far from being lifted. Even if it can barely keep the Tao, it will surely fall into the second-class sect."

"This is still waiting for you. You didn't look at this distraction trial. There is only one place in the party. I heard that this one, or the old devil fights for the old life, it is hard to win, this has to be changed. Before I did it, how is it?"

"That is, to know that before the corpse, in the five factions of Tianshuang County, but one of the best, the last trial, they even won three places, which thinks that in just two hundred years, it will decline to such a degree."

"This is not the case of the demonizers, but I heard that Yun Yinzong has a bad relationship with him, and he has done a lot of work in the downstairs. It is no wonder that this is a grotesque, looking for their troubles."


The arrogant and arrogant arguments are heard in the ears, and there is no shortage of provocations. The monk may not be unclear, but how can he tolerate this tone.

The situation of the corpse is really not very good now.

In addition to the demonizer's step by step, Yun Yinzong is obviously also a culprit.

As the saying goes, the enemy meets extraordinarily, if the Scorpio Sword is here, he only has to endure, the old guy, he can't beat.

However, these two little guys are in front of you...

Although I don't know, the emperor of Yun Yinzong is not clear about his head. He actually sent a mid-term and an early monk to participate in the trial of distraction.

But the good opportunity in front of you, you can miss it, it is a good time to avenge this door.

Generally speaking, see the cultivators who distracted the trials. They will not fight each other. In the first place, everyone’s strengths seem to be different. Second, there are more important things to do right away. Don’t say that injuries here are the consumption of mana. worth it.

However, the situation is special at this time. It is only an early and mid-term cultivator who kills himself and should not have much difficulty.

The monk thought that the monk was sinful, and his eyes were exposed to fierce light. However, Lin Xuan looked at his expression, but he was similar to watching an idiot.

I really don't know how to live and die, and I don't want to find him. This guy, actually, runs for himself.

"What are you counting?"

Lin Xuan's cold voice was introduced into the ear. For a dying person, what kind of politeness is there. Anyway, the monk of the corpse has already killed a lot of them. Then simply do it, and never forget it.

"you wanna die!"

The monk was furious, and the yellow mans in the eyes flashed. Then he reached for a shot at the waist. Two black air flew out from the inside, and the killing was like Lin Xuan.

The light laughter came into the ear, but it was the schadenfreude of the monks next to it, and they gathered around to watch the fun.

Lin Xuan brows a wrinkle, has not yet shot, but see the green mans flashed, a sword from the oblique spurs out, the two black gas interception, ping pong fight.

"Brother, this old guy is handed over to me, you will be on the sidelines." The crisp voice was heard in the ear, but Lin Yujiao rushed to shoot.

Lin Xuan brows, his face reveals a few unexpected colors, but the eyes are slightly flashed, and actually stand by.

Although Lin Yujiao is only a cultivator in the early days of Dong Xuan, she has a god-sister.

Lin Xuan did not know that, in her capacity, why did she come to participate in the trial, but it was not enough to eat enough to eat, and ran to death.

What silver treasure will give her some treasures?

Curiosity is there for everyone. Lin Xuan can't be excused from it. Let's take a look at it. Anyway, I have to take care of myself. I will not let this woman suffer.

Only a few rounds, the green mans can not support, the skills of the two sides, the difference is too far after all.

The sound of the rumble was heard in the ear, and the sword was shaken back and back. The aura was dimmed a lot, and the two blacks followed. The face of the monk flashed a stern color, and the right hand lifted forward. Go, go and say: "Broken!"

The voice did not fall, and the two black airs merged in the middle. A black-haired ghost knife appeared out, and the evil spirit fell down and looked at its momentum. It was intended to destroy the sword.

A good old guy, will you destroy someone else’s magic weapon when you meet?

The monk next to him did not mention it. Lin Xuan’s right hand has been slightly raised. He could not let this result happen. He now sees how Lin Yujiao can cope, and if necessary, he will shoot.

This life magic weapon is in crisis, Lin Yujiao is not in a hurry, the jade hand lifted up, gently flipped, a magic weapon appeared in the palm of his hand.

It is a slap-sized mirror. The back seems to be cast in bronze. There is also a plaque on it. It looks like a small mouth, not a thing.

A gray halo shot from the inside, and then came first, and covered the ghost knife.

The hair of the monk changed his face, and he actually lost contact with this treasure.

As for the result, Lin Yujiao seems to have been prepared, not flustered, and a **** read, the fairy sword flashed, turned into a green mangling like the other's head, only one must, between Attacked.

The hairdresser's brow wrinkled, planted in the waist without hesitation, and then swung down toward the front.

The sound of the rumble was introduced into the ear, but a few thunders were blown up, blocking the offensive of the sword, the smoke had not been dissipated, but the fog was already a big deal, and several smelting shadows appeared.

The appearances are different, but they are very fierce. Each has the magical power of the early stage of Dong Xuan.

“Hey, see how you can cope?”

The monk said, but the voice did not fall, the incredible scene appeared, the space fluctuations began, Lin Xuan appeared in front of him three feet, a punch hit him.

Ps: third, yesterday owed a thousand, today fills two thousand, the magic rain is enough, please also ask the friends to vote more referrals, ask for votes, please friends.

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