Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2210: Kirin blood

The second two hundred and twenty-one chapter Kirin true blood

After an hour, Lin Xuan returned to his own Dongfu.

Think about the attitude of the various monks on their own, Lin Xuan shook his head, after this scene, even if you want to low-key in the future is not possible.

Fortunately, this result, Lin Xuan is expected to be in the moment before the Scorpio Swordsman, so it is not very concerned.

As the saying goes, fish and bear's paw can't have both. Since it is necessary to fight for the purple heart, it is inevitable that reputation will be outside.

Fortunately, nothing.

After all, the feeling of awe is not bad. What's more, in the case of Lin Xuan, there is no need to worry about the big style of the tree. After all, his strength is there, and whoever wants to be a tiger must first measure himself.

And this time, I have gained great benefits. Although those who were so embarrassed, they were embarrassed to come and kiss themselves, but they all sent their hearts and gave them a gift.

There are countless treasures of various geniuses, and no one who cultivates immortals will not be abandoning resources. This will be of great help to his future fairy path.

Back to Dongfu, Lin Xuan did not rest, but he came to the practice room.

These three days are like two distractors who have learned the cultivation experience. It is really a lot of benefits. In the past, many problems that have plagued them have been solved.

Listening to Jun’s words, winning a decade of books, the ancient sages said that it is true.

Due to the tight time, when Lin Xuan asked questions, many of them were rumored to be swallowed. At this moment, it is natural to prove them one by one.

Wen Xin knows the new, so that Lin Xuan has a lot of minds, he will never slack off when he works hard.

Lin Xuan has already told the practitioners of this vein to deal with the things under the door. If there are no special things, they should not be disturbed before.

For the command of the Lord, those monks are not surprised. If Lin Xuan is not a ascetic, how can he degrade the Scorpio Sword?

People like him will often retreat and it is normal.


Lin Xuan spent nearly ten years of hard work, and finally finally confirmed the three days of questions, which sounded a bit outrageous. However, compared with the benefits he got, the hard work of this decade is not worth mentioning. .

Of course, Lin Xuan did not advance, after all, he is already a hole in the period, if it can break through the bottleneck in a few decades, then it is too easy to become a fairy road.

However, compared with the time when the retreat was closed, Lin Xuan, who solved many problems, has grown a lot.

At this time, Lin Xuan still has no intention of leaving the customs, he still has a lot of things to do.

I saw Lin Xuan reaching out and gently taking a shot at the waist, a flash of light, a treasure appeared in front of him.

It is a bright and beautiful orb. On the surface, it seems that there is nothing strange. However, this is Lin Xuan risking a lot, what will it be in the purple heart fire?

I haven’t had time to study this thing, so I finally have time, Lin Xuan is ready to explore its secrets.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and took the treasure with his index finger and thumb.

Very smooth, there is a heat of ignition, from the touch, can not tell what the treasure of this texture.

Lin Xuan lowered his head and released his knowledge.

However, soon, he frowned and had no effect. This thing had a shielding effect, and he could not explore the powerful gods of the distracted monks.


Lin Xuan sighed softly, but there was not much disappointment on his face. I must know that this thing is from the purple heart. If it is so easy to figure out, it is a bit strange.

The world has no gains, and the more difficult it is, the more it proves that this treasure is no small feat.

Big deal can be a lot of effort, Lin Xuan does not believe that he will not know.

God has no effect, what about the secret eye?

In my mind, the thought turned, and Lin Xuan’s eyes were already silver.

The silver mans began to be okay, and later became more and more glaring. This is to guide the mana of the whole body like a pair of eyes, and to display the effect of the heavenly phoenix to the extreme.

Can be useless!

At the moment, I was able to see the dozens of feet of the mountain wall, but at this moment, I met with twists and turns, and there was chaos in front of me. I still couldn’t see clearly.

Lin Xuan’s face is a bit ugly.

Of course, he will not give up because of this small twist, just rest, and continue to try.

Time passed slowly, and it was a few days.

Lin Xuan sat in the hole in the hole, and he didn’t have any treasures. Didn’t he always be stupid?

The secret technique used, the method used, Lin Xuan has tried, even if there is a little progress is good, but the actual result is nothing.

Of course, it is not to say that Lin Xuan is a poor man, and there is still a trick he has no use.

It is to break this orb and see what is hidden inside.

However, it is too risky to do so. Lin Xuan is not willing to do so.

Otherwise, if the secret is the bead itself, it is not a pity to destroy it.

Would you like to study this later?

Lin Xuan has such a choice, but then God knows how long it will take.

Lin Xuan thought for a moment, and finally his eyes became firm.

Why do you think so much, just let God choose, Lin Xuan has a palm, and has a copper coin in his palm, but this is not a secular thing, but a loot that he obtained after killing an enemy. The treasure of divination.

Divination is also one of the cultivating arts, but it is only the kind of the door.

There are not many people to practice, Lin Xuan will not, but it is only a matter of throwing away copper coins.

Lin Xuan closed his eyes and threw the object high, and soon slammed into the ear, Lin Xuan opened his eyes, front!

This is God's choice for himself, Lin Xuan no longer hesitates, Yang is a sword to stab from the beads.

The thorns are heard into the ears, but they have no effect at all. This thing is harder than imagined.

Ordinary swords have no effect, then try your own new treasures.

The thoughts in my mind turned, and there was a stream of light swimming out of the sleeves.

Soon the halo circulated, spreading toward the sides, and a flaming red sword came into view.

Such as a fall of water, the blade is very thin, light as nothing.

Lin Xuan raised his right hand and saw that the red mans flashed, and the fairy sword had been silently directed toward the front.


As if the cloth was torn, the sound was soft, but in the middle of the orb, there was a sword mark.

Then split into two halves, separate, and then a little purple things come into view.

Lin Xuan can clearly see that the pupil is suddenly locked, it is actually a drop of blood floating in the air.

Yes, it is blood, but it is purple, and it has a powerful spiritual power that radiates from it.

If you suddenly get this treasure, Lin Xuan will probably have a lot of trouble for this blood, but imagine the stone carving in the house, its identity is already coming.

Ps: third, there is still at night, today 9000 will break out, ask for ***!

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