Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2199: Subject to change

Chapter 2,199 is subject to change

The two men reconciled, Lin Xuan’s face has not seen a slight contempt.

No wonder Scorpio Swordsman will be hailed as the first person below the distraction, and sure enough there are two brushes.

It is the effort of this hand to tear the space. Looking at the East China Sea cultivation, no matter whether it is the Three Monsters or the Six Sea Kings, no one can do the land.

Lin Xuan’s heart suddenly caught a warning, and of course, there was no fear.

Although the strength of the other party is good, if you can beat yourself, it is still a bit of a joke.

Just pay attention to him when he is right.

All the thoughts in my mind flashed, and Lin Xuan started.

A sash of gowns, a magical shape of a pointed cone flew out, this treasure is made of fire red, the surface is also wrapped around a circle of arc, faintly there is a rune of rice grain size.

The eyesight of Scorpio Sword is also very small, and when you look at the cheek, it suddenly tightens, and the pupil shrinks:

"This is... Thunderfire double property treasure?"

I took a sip of cold air, and then I slammed my sleeves, and a scorpion flew out. The sound of metal slammed into the ear, and his five swords flew back, and they were fan-shaped in front of them.

The light was swallowed, and then it turned into a red light curtain.

Thick and thick, it looks like a shield.

"Oh, is this treasure actually an offensive and defensive one?"

Lin Xuan was surprised, but the original intention was not changed. What about the shield? It depends on whether it can be prevented. The hands are like waving butterflies. The fingers are thrown out, and the stocks are pure and powerful. With his movements, he did not enter the ancient treasure.

Suddenly the thunder of the screaming sound, the halo of the surface of the thunder fire cone suddenly surged up, and the madness of the sensation permeated, the speed of this jewel increased, and it became a virtual shadow. Shoot and go.


The next moment, touching the shield, the thunder of the sky, as if the air is going to be burnt, the power of this collision is remarkable, although the Scorpio Sword respects that the thunderfire cone of the other party can be different, but still not I thought that it was such a point.

Terrible is the only description, concrete, and even difficult to describe in words.

It must be known that his five strong swords are both offensive and defensive, and the defenses laid far outweigh the ordinary shields. I did not expect that only one face will show signs of collapse.

Is this kid so terrible?

Scorpio Sword is a bit scalp numb.

Even though the practice he cultivated is also known as fierce and fierce, at this moment, feeling the speed of the mana, he did not dare to be here with Lin Xuan.

In the eyes, the color flashed, and he saw a slight tremor on his shoulder. His figure was blurred and his figure was already a few feet away.


Losing the support of the master's mana, the red light curtain was suddenly broken.

The five-handed sword fell back and returned.

This round, it seems that the Scorpio sword is invincible, but the other side gets rid of the attacking hand, playing is also very beautiful, the face is a little proud.

"Oh, at this time, I am happy, it is still too early."

Lin Xuan flashed a trace of disapproval, although he is much younger than the other side, but the experience of fighting the law, it is also very rich, how can it be easily led by the other side to take the nose?

The law must also master the rhythm, and Lin Xuan prefers to put this into his own hands.

Although the other party temporarily got rid of the attack of the Thunderfire Cone, however, Lin Xuan’s means of opposing the enemy will only stop there. I saw that his hands were lifted up, and a spell was quickly formed. At the same time, his lips were slightly opened and he spit out the mysterious curse.

If the opponent's strength is not weak, let him try his new practice of magic.

Lin Xuan’s spell was extremely short, and I saw the rolling magical spirits swarming out of his body. The sword of Tianzhu was so stunned, how the property of Lin Xuan’s mana suddenly changed.

Is Lin Xuan actually a double repair of the magic road, but the two exercises are completely different, how is this possible?

The thoughts in my mind flashed, and Scorpio Swords had no time to wait for confirmation. His face flashed a stern color, and both hands were combined, and then pushed forward.

The smashing sound of the air broke out, and hundreds of swords appeared out of thin air, rushing toward Lin Xuan.

The momentum is fierce, not inferior to the attack of the ordinary monk magic weapon.

Lin Xuan was discolored, and the magic phase behind it was also formed at this time.

Actually, it is a black tiger. Only two eyes are red and red. They are more than a few feet long. They are much more fierce than the worldly tigers. They are much more fierce. They raise their hair and scream, and the two front paws are shot. The sword gas greeted him.

Suddenly, it was like rain and hitting a banana, and the crackling sound of the cockroaches kept coming into the ears.

Just now those swords are actually taking advantage of the devil, Tianzhu Jianzun once again fell into horror, but for at least for their own time to get a move.

The five-handed swords gathered together, and they were combined into one, and a quirky treasure appeared in sight.

It still looks like a sword, but compared with the ordinary sword, it looks a bit strange, with both ends with a blade.

Scorpio Sword's shoulder shook slightly, and his figure was blurred again. However, this time, it was turned into five.

Five people, regardless of their appearance, have no difference at all. They hold the sword and they are astonished by Lin Xuan.

Want to confuse the illusion?

Lin Xuan smiled.

It’s really a good job.

In the eyes, the silver awns suddenly rise, and the right hand cloud swayed lightly toward the front.

Because the palm of the hand is in the sleeve, it is difficult to distinguish Lin Xuan's purpose for a while. However, behind the Scorpio sword, the hair is upside down, and a warning sign rises out of nowhere.

This kind of timidity is usually very efficacious. He naturally does not dare to neglect. The figure that he does not want to face is on the left side, and he moves over half a foot when he is in a thousand.

Then I only felt that the shoulders were hot. A black Limang had easily penetrated his body, and the blood was sprayed thinly, like a spring water.

so close!

Scorpio Sword is cold and sweaty. Although Limang only has thick thumb, no matter the speed or strength, it is remarkable. It is not comparable to the ordinary five-line spell. His body is like tofu, and it does not play at all. The effect of a delayed attack.

Lin Xuan sighed, this old guy is indeed amazing, in such a situation can also hide the Ling Ling drill, he thought this shot, can end the battlefield.

Eat so much bitterness, if you change someone, you may bow down and admit defeat, after all, in the end, the two are also the same skill, but the Scorpio sword can not afford to lose.

He has already gambled on all the prestige and reputation, and if he is convinced, he has what face to do the day.

It can even be said that Yun Yinzong can't be mixed.


Scorpio Sword respected deeply, even though he ignored the injury of his left shoulder, he rushed toward Lin Xuan.

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