Tempered Immortal

Vol 6 Chapter 2160: Symbol

The 2,160th chapter of the chapter

Thinking about it in the heart, Lin Xuan looked up and drank the last few drops of Wan Nian Ling.


Mana, like a burning flame, ignited Dantian all at once, and then filled the limbs. Although Lin Xuan’s face was full of tiredness, it was restored to the best state regardless of fighting spirit or mana.

The sorcerer wants to kill himself here, but it is a waste of effort.

In my mind, the thoughts turned, Lin Xuan waved with both hands, and the light curtain in front of the road was hit, and suddenly, the Xuan Qingzi mother shield was brilliant, and it became bright again by the bleak.

This is not over yet.

Lin Xuan's sleeves glanced, the brilliance of Guanghua flashed, and the nine-day Mingyue ring also flew out.

Cold and radiant, the double ring just appeared in the void, it became a blue.

Then the dragon humming sound was introduced into the ear, and the figure of the ice dragon gradually became clear.

Three days ago, I used the mystery of the teeth of Bailong, but before it was formed, it was turned into a horrible fire pillar for nothingness.

However, Lin Xuan’s character, of course, will not let the bitterness of eating it repeat itself. This time, the time is sufficient. First, hundreds of ice dragons emerged, and then a little flashing, actually turned into thousands.

Flying in the air, the thrilling dragon humming out.

This move was originally a powerful attacking trick. At this moment, Lin Xuan used it for defense.

Qianlong hovered over Lin Xuan’s side, and he knew that the momentum would be different.

But this is not enough.

After these three days of killing, for the power of this day, Lin Xuan has a little spectrum, only two layers of defense, can not stop the final attack.

Therefore, he only saw his right hand extended, his wrists flipped, and the illusion of the sky emerged. The Taoist smashed out and repeated the scene three days ago. The illusion of the enchanting into a blue chill, into the nearby void, instantly Surrounded by a few feet in front of him, then the "stinging" sound was introduced into the ear, and a smooth blue mirrored ice wall appeared in the line of sight.

Lin Xuan sighed, then his left hand shook, and something slipped from his sleeve, and he was pinched in his palm.

It is a thick stack of symbols.

All are defensive attributes.

To know this kind of advanced symbol, each one is worth a lot of money, but at this moment, Lin Xuan still cares about this.

The catastrophe on the top of the head is too horrible, and the means that can be used will not hide.

Lin Xuan now has only one thought. First, I will try to save my life. As for the rest, it is nothing but a cloud.

The whole process is complicated, but Lin Xuan’s movements are very fast.

I saw the robbery clouds in the top of the head violently surging, and then numerous flames were formed in the sky, and the shapes were different.

Fireballs, fire swords, and other changes have become spears, bows and arrows, eighteen weapons, and some flame shapes, Lin Xuan simply can not argue, dense, full of the sky.

"so much!"

Although it is expected that this last wave of attacks will definitely be a small one, Lin Xuan still can't help but look at it.

But no matter how much more, at this time, there is no other way than hard.


A loud bang came into the ear, giving the impression that it was like a huge wave of rushing over the sea. Then the flames seemed to find a pour, falling from the sky, and very accurate, just the number of Lin Xuanfang The distance of Zhang is included.

From this point, it can be speculated that Lin Xuan’s attack is terrible.


Lin Xuan’s eyes suddenly rounded up. At the moment when the flame fell, he saw his left hand swinging. The two movements were almost synchronous. Then dozens of characters flickered, all of them had no wind and spontaneous combustion, and the five-color halo flowed. The shields are lit up.

There are dozens of them.

These are all the symbols collected by Lin Xuan, and the value is difficult to predict. However, at this moment, it is thrown out by him like throwing garbage.

The layers of the shields illuminate and dazzle, but in the next moment, the flames of various shapes collapsed.


The bursting sound is so loud that the defenses under the high-grade plaques are not trivial, but at this moment, it is as fragile as bubbles, and the layers are broken.

These can all be spar.

With the symbol to resist the robbery, Lin Xuan did not dare to say that it was the first one in the past, but there is absolutely no way to do so. It can no longer be described by waste. Even if it is richer, it will be bankrupt.

However, Lin Xuan's situation is different. These symbols are not specially prepared, but they are originally in the storage bag.

Of course, it will be distressed, but on the surface, I can't see it. Lin Xuan's expression has not changed. It is just a jump in the corner of his eye.

Seeing that the cover was broken, Lin Xuan extended his right hand and there were many symbols in his palm.

Lin Xuan raised them with their hands.

The glow is back on.

Just those shields were broken, but they were not without any use. The power and speed of the flames were weakened a lot. Otherwise, they would not have time to sacrifice the second wave.


In this way, the first wave of fire attack, Lin Xuan hard to use the shackles to save the mana, of course, this process, the consumption of spar is difficult to count, if you change a hole Xuan period cultivator, will certainly vomit blood Lin Xuan does not care, it will be used, it is definitely worthwhile.

However, this is only the first wave. It is still far away to want to rob the last day.


The robbery clouds in the sky continue to rush, and then a lot of flames are sprayed from the inside. This time, the various animals, flies, tigers, leopards, dragons, and many other Warcrafts that have never been seen before. And so on.

The number is also very large, blocking the sky, Lin Xuan with a rough estimate of the gods, thousands of should be no problem.

Lin Xuan's face is a bit ugly.

Although the robbery has not yet landed, it is known from the momentum that it is far from the wave that can be compared.

The interval between the two attacks was also extremely short. Lin Xuan’s thoughts had just turned, and the fire at the top of the head rushed to the ground.

This time it is the animal after the transformation.

Lin Xuan will sacrifice the last few remaining scorpions in his hand, but it has no effect. If the arm is in the car, it will be broken by a simple blow.

These fire beasts, though they have no intellectual things, will attack themselves, and they will see a tiger-like flame monster with a pair of claws, and suddenly, the dense claws will emerge.

A bat-like fire beast opens its wings, and it has a long stretch of mouth, and a mouth is moving, which is the sound wave visible to the naked eye.

The attack is of course far more than these two.

Lin Xuan’s face has changed completely, which is too embarrassing.

Busy right hand lifted up, point to the front point.

Suddenly the dragon screamed loudly, and thousands of hail screaming and clawing, rushing toward the other side.

That scene is difficult to describe in words.

Just in the blink of an eye, the ice dragon meets the monsters that have become flames.

Cold, fierce fire, in addition to the attributes of the two sides, but also desperately struggle with the teeth and claws.

I saw the ice dragon on the left side of the sky, and the ice dragon was bitten by the wild boar. Of course, it is not a wild boar. The volume is not the same as the ice dragon with a length of ten feet. The two fangs are sharp and sharp. The piercing of the ice dragon's neck, so that it can not break freely.

On the other side, it was a dragon's tail that flew off a tiger-like flame monster.

From the scene, the two sides are not winning.

The battlefield is glued, and the number of monsters or ice dragons that are robbed by fire is rapidly consumed.

Lin Xuan’s face was not shocked, but the fire clouds above his head were still tumbling, and new monsters appeared in sight.

“Is it consumed again?”

Lin Xuan sighed and slammed a few mouthfuls of spirits into his mouth, then waved his hands, and a mysterious French print emerged.


Lin Xuan's face was very dignified. One point pointed to the front, and hundreds of hailstones once again appeared in the void, and then turned into seven.

Bailong's tooth!

Since Lin Xuan learned this secret technique, it was the first time to use it continuously in a very short period of time. The consumption of mana did not say that it was a small burden for the body. However, at this moment, Lin Xuan simply refused to I can only do this after I have been robbed.

Thousands of ice dragons are flying all over the sky, just as the first wave of ice dragons is about to annihilate into nothingness, this is a timely supplement.

The same is true of those flame monsters.


In this way, Lin Xuan played five times before and after the Bailong teeth, the body's mana consumed a half, and finally finally surpassed this wave of attacks.


The robbery cloud has shrunk a lot, but it is obviously not over. Lin Xuan has felt a little scared. Can he really support it?

This thought was just a flash, and Lin Xuan was left behind. At this moment, how can confidence be shaken?

He took a deep breath, while drinking the spirits, while grasping the best spar with both hands, although the heart is also clear, this gap, the mana that can be restored is extremely limited.

However, at this time, it is a point to recover. For every additional mana, one more point is to hope that the day will be robbery.

The robbery clouds above the head are still surging.


Suddenly, the clearing sounds were heard into the ears, and then those robbery clouds began to flicker and flicker. The runes of the fighting methods were sprayed from the inside, and more and more, obscuring the half of the sky.

With the increase of runes, the robbery cloud is decreasing, and finally disappears completely.


Lin Xuan was stunned. He also read a lot about the description of the catastrophe. However, this form has never been heard.

Whether it is ignorance or ignorance, or the horror that is faced with it is far from reasonable.

Lin Xuan's face is very ugly.

However, there is also a hint of happiness, because one thing is confirmed.

It is this attack that will be the last wave. If you can survive safely, you will not only have a small life, but you will also get great benefits.

Life and death are here in one fell swoop, and success or failure will be this time.

Lin Xuan’s eyes are so glamorous that he will not admit defeat anyway.

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